Bride of Honor... Chapter 4

Heather figured the only way she can keep her composure in front of Marcy and the other employees was to act like Vivian was another client, or perhaps, just pretend not to know her at all!

Heather questioned nervously, "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Vivian had her arms folded and snarled, "Of course, you do!"

Heather bit her lip trying to think of how to get Vivian out of that lobby where everyone could see her. Heather was always commented on how professional she was, Vivian could embarrass her!

Heather said, "Oh, that's right. Mrs. Peterson, why don't you come step in my office and you can pick up those papers you needed."

Heather knew that sounded corny. How could she not recognize one of her own clients?

"Marcy probably saw right through that!" Heather angrily said to herself.

Heather and Vivian went inside her office.

"I don't know what game you were playing out there but why don't you cut out the nonsense and let's get down to business?" Vivian demanded.

"Of course I knew I was playing games out there, how dare you come barge into my work place here like that, Vivian!" Heather shouted, but not too loudly so Marcy didn't overhear.

"Vivian? What happened to Mrs. Neelan?" Vivian said in a mean tone.

"You don't deserve that title! From now on, you will be called Vivian. Or, how about Viv? Which do you prefer?" Heather frankly said.

"I am not here to get into a big altercation with you. Actually, I have a request. I know my husband doesn't remember who you are and I didn't tell him, but when he told me who was taking his account, I was in utter shock!" Vivian said.

"What is this about a request? What on earth are you talking about?" Heather said starting to panic.

"Kevin, even though what you did to him that night…"

Vivian was cut off by Heather's interruption.

"You know I had every right to break up with him that night. You have no idea what happened!" Heather exhaustedly said, not believing that in the last 24 hours, she's been talking about something that happened in the past more than what's happening in the present.

"Allow me to finish," Vivian requested, "Even though what you did to Kevin that night was horrible, he hasn't moved on. He still sees the good in you, that poor boy, and isn't able to move on to find another girl, he believes he has another chance."

"I don't really care what Kevin does or thinks, it's none of my concern!" Heather snarled.

"I can see that but I do know what you think life revolves around and that's why you will adhere to my request… or else!" Vivian warned.

Heather looked confused and didn't want to know what Vivian had to say further.

Heather managed to ask, "Is he in a depression about what happened? Is he a recluse?"

Vivian said, "No, of course not, he's a very sociable, handsome young man who has a job and likes what he does. He just won't forget and move on from what happened, like I said, he believes there's a second chance."

Heather replied, "I don't know what to tell you about your son. All I know is that we are through, you hear me? If he can't find someone else and has trouble moving on, maybe he should give Miss Cleo a call and see what's in store for him!"

Vivian replied sarcastically, "Very funny, but no."

Heather frowned and continued looking confused and yet very annoyed. She asked again, in a nastier tone, "Why the hell are you here, Vivian? Just tell me and get it over with!"

Vivian unfolded her arms and pointed her index finger straight at Heather and said, "You are the reason why Kevin is unable to move on. You caused this problem, you will also fix it. I will arrange a meeting between you two.."

Heather interrupted her. "Whoa, stop right there, arrange a meeting? There is no way I will be seeing Kevin again. All I want is your husband's account that's all. I really don't want trouble!"

Vivian made a face and said, "You really have a bad habit of interrupting people. I will again ask you to allow me to finish."

Heather in a nasty tone said, "Picture a big sign flashing: Whatever!"

Vivian couldn't help but laugh at that immature comment. "Let me say what I need to, I will arrange a meeting between you and Kevin. You will just happen to bump into one another and see where things take off. Once he sees you've moved on and not in his league, he will then realize that it's time for him also to move on. It's the only way. Nothing I say seeps into his head."

Heather turned around and faced her back to Vivian and asked her, "There are a couple of loose screws here. First of all, if him not being able to move on about me has been a major issue in your house, why are you coming to me 10 years later about it? Secondly, and more importantly, if this has been a major issue in your house, how can your husband NOT know about it? I mean, you can't tell me, you are the only one who knows about his depression, denial, whatever you want to call it. Third, what's in it for me if I do agree, not saying I will agree, to meet him again?"

Vivian was quick to reply, "I thought it would go away naturally but it hasn't. About Robert, Kevin has never been too comfortable talking to him about these issues, and you know how he's always away on business trips and such. Kevin and I just talk about it while Robert is away. And about what's in it for you, my husband's account, of course. What more could be in it for you? When I said I know what your world revolves around, I was talking about two things, money and power. I am almost certain that the reason you were so determined to land his account was for the money and respect that comes along with it."

Heather then asked, "Still though about what you said about Kevin and his Dad not talking about it, still doesn't seem right, they used to be close when Kevin was in high school, Kevin used to talk about, forget it, whatever." Heather then turned around to face Vivian, "What if I don't agree to meet Kevin?"

Vivian shrugged non-chalantly and added, "Then I will sabotage, ruin, demolish, abolish your working relationship with my husband and not only will I convince him to take his account elsewhere, and believe me, I do know some other really good agencies, but you will also lose out on your money and respect."

Heather angrily replied, "You couldn't do that! You can't punish me for wanting to make a living. Besides, I care for your husband's account, it's not about the money that comes along with it! I didn't even think about that yet!"

Vivian laughed and said, "You amuse me, Heather, you really do. So, what do you say? You meet with Kevin again, but I will arrange the meeting, that way he will see that you moved on and one can only hope that he will do the same. You are the only one that can do this! No Kevin? Then, no account. I will be sure of that!"

Heather couldn't believe her ears and as tears filled her eyes, she said, "Fine. I'll see Kevin again then, damn it! I only have to do this once?"

Vivian said, "Well, if he gets over you on the first day, but you will be seeing him until he is totally and completely over you and ready to move on. This time, he will be the one who calls it off, not you."

Heather screamed, "WHAT? I will not be seeing him on a continuing basis, no way, Vivian!"

Vivian said, "Okay, then I will go find Robert right now and his account will be out of your hands even sooner than it got into them!"

Vivian started walking towards the door but Heather told her to stop.

"Wait, don't go yet," Heather said, "I will see him but my boyfriend will always come first."

"That has to end, I'm sorry, you need to break up with whoever that guy is until Kevin has broken up with you. Even though it's not official, Kevin will be your boyfriend until he moves on," Vivian said.

Taking a deep breath, Heather said, "You are being very cruel. All this just because I'm a successful advertising agent and your son can't seem to get over a high school flame!"

Vivian chuckled, "That's right. So, what is it going to be? Do I go to my husband right now or do you agree to see Kevin and call it off with that boyfriend of yours until Kevin has finally moved on."

Heather said choking back tears, "I will… see Kevin… then"

Vivian smiled an evil smile and said, "Wonderful. Your meeting will be arranged tomorrow then. I think you should take care of those current boyfriend issues tonight."

Heather just shook her head in disgrace and asked, "How will this meeting be arranged? Will he know I will be there?"

Vivian was starting to answer when Robert walked in.

Robert roared, "Vivian, what the hell are you doing in Ms. Mills' office?"

Vivian just stared at her husband while Heather looked over to the wall away from Robert trying to hide her tear-filled eyes.

Chapter 5
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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