Bride of Honor... Chapter 6

When Heather got home that evening, her family was watching the television.

"How did the date go?" Lalie inquired.

"Ted and I broke up tonight," Heather confirmed.

Carole overheard and added, "Honey, I'm so sorry! Are you doing okay?"

"I'm doing fine considering I had to get a ride home from somebody who smoked the whole way here and didn't have the windows open. I'm going to go take a shower and get to bed. It has been a long day." Heather said as she took off her jacket and shoes and headed toward the stairs.

"If you need anything, let us know." Carole said in a comforting tone.

"I will," Heather said and went up the stairs.

"Lalie, do you know anything about what happened between Ted and Heather tonight?" Carole questioned her daughter.

"No, I don't," Lalie said. "She was waiting for him to pick her up earlier, that's all I know. She seemed happy then."

"Odd. Let's give Heather some time. Maybe tomorrow she will open up about what happened tonight." Carole hoped.

"I'd like to know myself," Lalie declared.

Upstairs, Heather was taking off her clothes and getting ready to get in the shower when the phone rang. Wondering if it was Ted, or Tracy, since she was supposed to call tonight, she picked up the phone.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Heather, you know who this is," a voice on the other end said.

"Vivian. What is it now?" Heather questioned.

"Did you break up with your boyfriend tonight?" Vivian demanded to know.

"Yes, I did, Vivian. I hated doing that to him in a public place like that!" Heather stated.

"You didn't have any trouble breaking up with Kevin in a public place, did you?" Vivian retorted.

"Let's... not get into that now. Why did you call?" Heather demanded to know again.

"Do you know where the First Savings Bank is on Bell Street?" Vivian asked.

"Yes... I do. I'm never in that area of the city though. It's out of my way." Heather replied.

"Well, that's where Kevin works. There is a little sub shop across the street from that bank where he goes for lunch everyday. That's where you'll meet." Vivian declared.

"How am I supposed to get there? I have work tomorrow, too! Unless our lunch hours are similar, I don't know…" Heather mused.

"You'll find a way to get there if you want to keep my husband's account. His lunch hour is from 12:15-1:15." Vivian snarled.

"Good, mine is from 12 till 1, I can always stay out a little later though. I don't have a busy day tomorrow," Heather said.

"Perfect then. Go to that sub shop across the street from the First Savings Bank and that's where you and Kevin will meet again. Don't try pulling anything, I am sure he'll tell me if he saw you or not." Vivian said.

Heather in an annoyed yet mischievous tone said, "Now, why would I play games? I'm getting off of the phone now. I need all the sleep I can get tonight."

Heather hung up the phone and took a quick shower. After she dried her hair, she got into her bed. She thought about what Vivian said Kevin does for a living.

"I wonder what his position is at the bank? That's strange how he's in the same field Lalie is," Heather thought as she closed her eyes and waited for the 6 AM alarm to go off.

Chapter 7
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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