Bride of Honor... Chapter 7

Early the next morning, Heather arrived to work. She informed Marcy that she'd probably be on a little longer lunch today but she had no appointments until 3 so it shouldn't be a problem.

Heather couldn't concentrate on her work in the morning. All she could think about was that lunch. She couldn't believe Vivian was actually making her do this, but she needed that Neelan account so it would be worth it in the end. Questions were running through her head such as "How far will it go?"

It was 11:15 and she finally got settled on her work when the phone rang. Heather picked it up on the second ring and said, "Hello?"

"Don't forget to meet Kevin at 12:15. If you leave your office at 12, you should get there by 12:15 since it's on the other side of town." Vivian reminded Heather.

"God, Vivian, I didn't forget. I told you I would go and I am. Just one more time to clarify, he doesn't know I am going to be there, right?" Heather asked in order to get confirmation.

"No, he doesn't expect a thing, so make sure you're in his vision or stand in front of him in line or something!" Vivian said.

"Yeah, I'll remember to do that," Heather sarcastically said and hung up the phone.

She rubbed her forehead and looked out her office window flashing back to the night before when she broke up with Ted. Even though she found him a tad annoying, she still felt bad about doing that to him.

Seeing it was almost time to leave for lunch, she put away her portfolio and papers and grabbed her purse and pocketbook and left the office. Reminding Marcy one more time that she may be a little late, she took the elevator to the lobby and drove to the sub shop. She arrived there at 12:09.

"At least I have a few more minutes before I have to do this," she groaned.

Since this was a business district, she watched all the people going into the sub shop for their lunch.

"Should I wait until I see Kevin go in and then go in or get in there now?" she asked herself.

She answered herself, and decided to just go in. She continued watching the people coming in for any sign of Kevin but none what so ever.

"Maybe he changed his mind about coming to get lunch here today. Well, it wouldn't be my fault if he did. I did what I said I would," Heather confidently assured herself.

Just as she said that, a man who looked like Kevin came in but she was positive it wasn't him. He was tall and extremely handsome, something Kevin wasn't in high school.

"Too bad that wasn't Kevin," she sighed. "Then, maybe I would actually look forward to going out with him again. Where the hell is he, though? It's already 12:20!"

Heather nervously watched out the window for any sign of him. A gentle tap on her shoulder startled her.

"Is it really you, Heather?" a man behind her said.

Heather turned around to see the tall, handsome man she was sure wasn't Kevin standing right behind her, asking if she was Heather. She was speechless and just gazed into his brown eyes.

"Heather? It's me, Kevin. Do you remember me?" Kevin asked a still unresponsive Heather.

Heather snapped out of it and said, "Kevin, I hardly recognized you."

Kevin laughed and said, "I've changed in appearance, that's for sure. I can't stand to look at that yearbook picture anymore. I'm so glad I've run into you. Did you hear I'm the president of that bank across the street? What are you doing in this area of the city? The last I heard, you were working across town. I really wanted to call you to make up for what you said happened the night before the, well, you know. I am really sorry if I hurt you that night. I haven't touched another drink since you accused me of that, if you would ever give me a second chance, I would take it. I'm sorry, there has just been so much I've wanted to say to you. What brings you here?"

Kevin kept rambling on but Heather was just amazed at how mature looking he was and couldn't stop staring.

"Heather? What's wrong?" Kevin said looking behind him, trying to see what caught her attention. Little did he know, he was the one who caught her eye.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry," Heather finally came out of her trance, "I was just thinking about something that I need to do later. That sounds great about being the president of that bank. You must be very successful. What happened the night before the prom was 10 years ago, let's forget about it."

"I can't. I can't forgive myself for what I did and I can't move on until I know I've made it up to you. Personally, it's been very hard for me to move on from that night," Kevin admitted.

Heather looked uncomfortable talking about that night again. Kind of like she wanted to avoid the topic.

"The past should stay where it belongs. I know you are sorry. I can hear it in your voice." Heather said.

"You don't know how bad I feel. Perhaps you're right, we shouldn't dwell on something that's happened in the past. Listen, I have this giant submarine sandwich here, which I know I won't finish all by myself. If you still have some time, let's go back to my office and you can have half with me." Kevin smiled.

"I'm not sure," Heather sighed.

"I insist, let's just talk for a while. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders now that I've seen you again and got to apologize about that night. You never called since then and I was just an emotional wreck after you told me what I did, I just" Kevin got interrupted by Heather.

"Could we please just forget about that now?" Heather said with a little smile. "I will go back to your office with you, as long as stay off the prom from hell topic, deal?"

"Deal." Kevin smiled. "Let's go across the street. Is your car in this parking lot?"

"Yes, is that's gold one to the left." Heather pointed out.

"Better than that old one you were driving in high school!" Kevin exclaimed.

Heather laughed, "Do not REMIND me about that car. I was stranded in parts of this city on account of that car that I wish to forget!"

Heather and Kevin walked back to his office. Heather pulled up a chair and sat across from him.

Heather joked, "Our supervisor doesn't let us eat in our offices."

"Where is it that you work again?" Kevin questioned.

"At Hamblin's Advertising," Heather replied.

"I knew it was an advertising place, wasn't sure which one. Actually, I overheard my dad saying that he was taking one of his accounts to Hamblin's possibly. Maybe you'll see him around. He doesn't talk about work too much at home so I really have no idea if it worked out at Hamblin's or not." Kevin explained.

"Really? I'll have to be on the lookout for him then," Heather lied, not wanting to let on that she is the one who is holding his father's account.

Trying to change the subject, she asked, "How did you get involved in the banking field? My sister, Lalie, well, never mind."

Kevin replied, "I majored in business and I had a couple of bookkeeping classes and accounting and things just took off from there. I never thought I'd be the president of this bank, though. What about Lalie? Is she okay? I don't really know her that well, she went to the Academy."

"Lalie's fine. I forgot what I wanted to say about Lalie. Maybe it'll come to me. I think it's great that you became so successful, I really do." Heather said.

Kevin looked at his watch and said, "How much longer is your lunch hour?"

Heather replied, "Till one."

Kevin asked, "Shouldn't you be getting back? Hamblin's is across town."

Heather joked, "Hey, don't try getting rid of me!"

Kevin in a serious tone said, "I wouldn't do that. I still care for you."

There was a pause. Heather was left speechless again. She managed to say with a slight laugh, "Still have that way with words."

Kevin looking into her eyes said, "Maybe we should do this again sometime. In a more casual atmosphere though, you know?"

Heather looked into his eyes and in a friendly tone of voice, smiled and said, "Maybe we should."

Kevin smiled and got up and opened the door since Heather was getting ready to leave. Watching him get up and go over to the door, she still couldn't get over how much he had changed. And his office was so neat and professional. She put his name plate back in place, since she had moved it to make place for her lunch, before getting out of the seat.

"Where could I reach you?" Kevin politely asked, again looking in her eyes.

In a moment of rising heat between them, Heather backed away and said, "My home phone is the same. Yes, I still live there. Don't laugh! My cell phone number is 555-8259."

"How am I supposed to remember all those numbers for your cell phone?" Kevin joked.

"Hey, you work at a bank, you should be good with numbers. I'm sure you'll find a way to remember." Heather smiled and walked out the door.

Outside the office, Heather closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This was definitely not what she expected. She looked at the plaque of his name hung on his door, "Kevin Neelan, president."

Taking another deep breath, she left the office building.

Chapter 8
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