Bride of Honor... Chapter 8

When she arrived back at her office, Marcy noticed how jubilant Heather was.

"I assume you had a good lunch," Marcy noted.

"Boy, did I," Heather teased.

She went back into her office and after a few minutes Vivian called her.

"You met with Kevin, right?" Vivian demanded to know.

"Yes, I did, Vivian," Heather confidently said. "He is quite the man."

Vivian paused for a second. "Well, does he realize now that he just has to move on from you? That was the deal, Heather. Did you make him realize that?"

"I wouldn't exactly say that," Heather said smirking on the phone. "In fact, I think we're in each other's league, as you put it yesterday."

Vivian could not believe what she was hearing. "I thought you detested Kevin," she reminded Heather.

"Have to let go of the past sometime, Vivian." Heather said in a teasing tone of voice.

"I don't understand. This wasn't the deal we discussed yesterday, Heather. You were supposed to make him see that you were…" Vivian did not know how to finish her sentence but figured Heather knew she what she meant.

"Plans could change. Have to get back to work now. Bye!" Heather said cheerily but also had a touch of manipulation in her tone.

"Heather, don't you dare hang up that phone!" Vivian pleaded.

It was too late. Heather had already hung up.

"Oh, Heather. Don't you dare defy me and go back on our deal." Vivian said to herself.

It was 5:00 and Kevin was getting ready to leave. He was thinking about what happened in the sub shop earlier and how it was so weird that they ran into each other again like that after all these years. He wanted to see her again in person. He remembered where she lived, so he drove over there.

Kevin rang the front door bell and waited for anyone to answer. He wasn't sure if Heather was home yet, but it was worth a shot!

Finally someone answered the door. "Can I help you with something?" a girl asked.

"Hi, Lalie. Is Heather home?" Kevin asked Lalie.

"No, I'm afraid she's not. Who are you, though?" Lalie curiously asked.

Kevin laughed and said, "You probably don't remember me but I recognized you from when I picked up Heather up in high school. I'm Kevin Neelan." Kevin extended his hand.

Lalie shook his hand and said, "Didn't she..."

"Break up with me at the prom?" Kevin asked.

Lalie looked embarrassed but kind of shocked that he knew what she was going to ask. "Yes, that's what I was talking about."

"She did, yes. I ran into her again today though and I think we're going to start over a clean slate." Kevin replied.

"Well, I'm happy for you two, then. To be honest, I don't know why she broke up with you that night. She hasn't been vocal about it at all." Lalie explained.

Kevin did not want to say what he did that night but he started to tell Lalie anyway. "She said the night before I..."

Lalie was listening intently when Heather interrupted them.

"Kevin, what are you doing here?" Heather asked with a smile.

"Hi, I was just coming over to see you. We never set a definite date to meet again and I thought we could do that," Kevin explained.

"Lalie, could you excuse us?" Heather requested.

"Oh, I'm sorry, yeah, of course." Lalie stuttered and went back inside.

Lalie watched from the window at Heather and Kevin discussing their plans for a date.

"I was so close to finding out what happened that night! Damn. Heather always has that perfect timing!" Lalie sighed.

Lalie figured there was nothing else she could do about that now and went into the kitchen and helped set the table for dinner. She kept glancing out the living room window trying to figure out what they were talking about. Kevin and Heather stopped talking and Kevin drove off. Heather came back in.

"What was going on out there? You two looked pretty close," Lalie said observing their discussion.

"This and that. We might go out over the weekend." Heather stated.

"Over Ted already? I guess you never really had feelings for him then," Lalie said.

"You know I did," Heather defensively said, "That's over though. Kevin and I have a history together so it would make sense for us to go out again."

"A rocky history." Lalie mumbled.

"That's enough! If you have a problem with my social life, why don't you come out and say it then?" Heather argued.

"Heather, I was just... I mean..." Lalie could not think of what to say.

"What's with the yelling out here? Heather? Lalie?" Carole asked of her daughters, trying not to raise her voice.

"I'm sorry, Mom," Heather apologized. "The discussion was over anyway. I'm going to go clean up and then come back down for dinner. I do not have to stand here in my living room and be verbally attacked by Lalie."

"Verbally attacked!!! Please!" Lalie yelled.

"ENOUGH!" Carole yelled, losing her temper. "I don't want to treat you like young girls anymore but if we have to sit down in the living room after dinner and have a discussion about this nonsense, then we will!"

"There won't be a need. I'm going upstairs." Heather said, flouncing up the stairs.

Lalie folded her arms with a helpless look on her face while Carole was standing there looking angry and confused.

Chapter 9
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