Bride of Honor... Chapter 9

Lalie sat later that evening doing the crossword puzzle in the back of the TV Guide. She normally could whiz right through the crossword puzzles but not tonight. Her mind was pre-occupied with flashbacks of what happened earlier with Kevin and, then, that altercation with Heather. Why did she get so defensive like that? What was Kevin about to tell her before they got interrupted?

Carole entered the living room and asked Lalie what she was up to. Heather was upstairs, still angry.

"What happened earlier?" Carole asked Lalie in a comforting tone.

"Honestly, I have no idea. Heather is going to start seeing Kevin again, I think." Lalie said.

"But he made her so upset that night." Carole stated.

Lalie shrugged and put her pen back inside the magazine and sat there silently for a few minutes.

"It's just odd to me that she broke up with Ted last night and now she's moving on already," Lalie admitted.

Carole sat there in thought about what Lalie just said.

"What do you think is going on?" Carole asked, breaking the silence.

Lalie did not have an answer for that one.

Upstairs, Heather was on her computer checking her e-mail. It has been so long since she was able to sit down in front of her personal computer and visit websites and reply to her e-mails.

"Anything is better than being interrogated by Lalie. She doesn't need to know anything. Neither does Vivian, ugh. I hope she forgets about this deal. As long as I still get that Neelan account and that handsome Kevin with that nice presidential title after his name, then everything should be fine." Heather said to herself, with her eyebrow raising.

At the Neelan home, Robert was upstairs taking a shower when Vivian entered the den with a cup of tea. Kevin was watching one of his prime time television programs.

"We didn't discuss how your day was yet," Vivian stated.

"Maybe I should get my own place now." Kevin just said out of nowhere.

"Your own place? You always loved living here at home. Why do you want your own place?" Vivian asked with a confused statement on her face.

"I don't know... just a thought," Kevin said, getting quiet again.

Vivian was glad he did not go further on that idea. She again asked, "How was your day today?"

"Pretty good. You'll never guess who I met at lunch time," Kevin said with a smile.

Vivian already knew the answer, but she said, "Who did you meet, dear?"

"Heather Mills. I walked in the sub shop across from the bank and there she was standing by the window. It looked like she was waiting for someone. I tapped her on her shoulder and we got to talking for a while. We had lunch in my office and sort of made up for the past. We might see each other again over the weekend," Kevin explained, trying not to leave one detail out.

"Wonderful." Vivian lied.

"I am so glad she forgave me for what happened that night, now I can start moving on. Forgiveness is all I needed to move on but when she said we should meet again, that just blew me away!" Kevin exclaimed.

"She suggested that? About meeting again in the future?" Vivian asked, trying to get answers.

"It was kind of a mutual decision." Kevin explained. "I think I just heard Dad get out of the shower. My turn."

Kevin left to get ready for a shower.

"Forgiveness is all he needed to move on but she went further. What the hell did you do, Heather?" Vivian mumbled, not looking happy.

Chapter 10
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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