A World Of Our Own

A Series

Heather Mills would do anything to become the most powerful, respected woman in the advertising industry. When the Neelan account comes along, she's very determined to call it her own. Heather knows that the Neelan account could make her the person that everyone else in the industry fears. Heather knows that Mr. Neelan is the father of her ex-boyfriend, Kevin, but doesn't think anything of it. When Kevin's mother, Vivian, forces Heather to see Kevin one more time, Heather reluctantly does. When she realizes that Kevin is the president of a bank in the city, just how far will she go to call Kevin and that Neelan account her own?

Despite his stress over his parents' constant arguing, Kevin Neelan is happily involved with Lalie Mills while taking his parents to marriage counseling sessions. When Kevin needs to go to Saint Paul, Minnesota on a business trip, he immediately invites Lalie to accompany him. He suggests bringing his brother, James Neelan, along, as well. They all need a vacation. Marcia Santiago overhears and instantly volunteers herself to go along, as well. When they get to Saint Paul, things couldn't be better, but not everyone is happy. When Lalie mysteriously disappears, how far will Kevin go to find her and, more importantly, find out who's responsible?

Kevin Neelan and Lalie Mills had just gotten engaged before Kevin came home to an awful truth. Fearing that his future marriage will suffer the same fate as his parents' did, he expresses his concerns to Lalie and suggests that they take things slowly. When Lalie says something she shouldn't, Kevin makes a shocking announcement. Later, he rescues the shy Italian girl from his high school class from a speeding car, Francesca 'Frankie' Stone. Following a confrontation with Lalie, Vivian puts a plan into motion. As events begin to unfold, Frankie has a secret of her own. One that may coincide with an unexpected arrival that takes the Mills family by storm.

Summary will be up soon

Non Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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