Object of Captivity... Chapter 1

It was a beautiful, sun-kissed Monday morning and Lalie Mills smiled as she looked out the window before heading downstairs to eat breakfast with her parents, Carole and Harold.

"Good morning," Carole smiled as Lalie sat down.

"Good morning," Lalie replied as she sat down.

"What are your plans for today?" Harold asked while folding the paper in half.

"I'm meeting Kevin for lunch," Lalie answered as she spread jelly on her toast.

"I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy," Carole told her before switching subjects. "Heather called last night while you were out. She is still looking for a job but having a great time so far!"

"She'll find something eventually," Lalie figured. "Remember how long it took me to find a job?"

Lalie finished her breakfast, took a shower and then went back downstairs and watched TV for a while. Before long, it was time to go meet Kevin.

Kevin Neelan stood in the entrance to the restaurant as he waited for Lalie to arrive.

"I'm here," Lalie called out as she entered the lobby. "I hit every red light imaginable!"

"That's fine," Kevin told her with an understanding tone. "I reserved a table outside for us."

Lalie smiled at him as she took his hand.

"There's something we need to talk about," Kevin told her as they headed to the outside area.

Lalie expressed concern as they made their way out into the outside area. "What's this about?"

"I've been distant lately and I want to apologize for that," Kevin told her in a serious tone.

"Kevin," Lalie looked at him with understanding. "You don't have to apologize for what's going on at home."

"You deserve an explanation, though," Kevin reasoned as he continued to look into her eyes. "James moved back home last week permanently and when he found out about my mom's affair with Ted," Kevin paused. "It's just been very tough for everyone."

"I know it's hard on James," Lalie replied. "I am so glad you are taking your Mom and Dad to those counseling sessions. Maybe they'll work something out!"

"Maybe," Kevin mused. "It'll be hard after my father walked into the apartment and saw what was going on. He roared at Ted and then punched him out, grabbed my Mom and left."

"I don't think Ted will be bothering anyone else," Lalie told him in a hopeful tone. "Between Heather's slap and your father's retaliation, he knows to keep his distance!"

Kevin cringed to himself as he heard Lalie mention Heather's name. "Enough about all of that," he added with a smile. "I think we should do something later to take our mind off everything that's going on."

"We should!" Lalie exclaimed.

"Why don't you come over to my apartment later?" Kevin asked as he took her hand.

"I'd love that," Lalie replied. "Please tell me you've unpacked those boxes and not using them as makeshift chairs anymore!"

Kevin laughed. "Most of them are unpacked!"

Lalie jokingly pulled her hand away from Kevin as she took her fork and began to eat her salad. "Most of them?" she laughed. "Try all of them! Maybe I can help you do some unpacking tonight, if you know what I mean."

Vivian Neelan stood in her kitchen as she thought about what happened when her husband, Robert Neelan, caught her and Ted Sherman in that passionate embrace.

"What are you thinking about?" a voice called out by the kitchen door.

"Bob," Vivian turned around startled. "I wasn't thinking about anything."

"You were thinking about Ted," Robert angrily assumed. "It's a wonder that I'm still living under the same roof with you."

Vivian sat down without saying a word as she clenched her teeth.

"Fine time for the silent treatment," Robert said in a huff. "You were the one who made our marriage go down the drain so don't treat me like an enemy!"

"Right," Vivian looked up in anger with her eyes red. "It's fine for you to leave town every other week to work out some business deal while I stay here in an empty house, right?"

"Don't you turn your mistake on me," Robert warned her. "I wasn't the one having an affair."

"I'm sure it's crossed your mind, hasn't it?" Vivian asked him as Robert looked at her. "You go out, have a good time, while I'm stuck here seeing that your laundry is ready for you when you return home from God knows where."

"Don't start spouting accusations," Robert banged his fist down on the table. "I was making a living for us so that we could be happy."

"So you could be happy," Vivian answered quickly. "You rarely shared that income with me. We've been married for a long time but I've been on my own for a long time too."

Robert sat quiet as Vivian stood up from the table and left the kitchen.

James stood by the kitchen doorway as Vivian left. James slowly entered the kitchen and sat across from his father.

"The hell with the counseling," James angrily mumbled.

"Excuse me?" Robert asked in an angry tone, having heard what James said.

"I heard what just happened in here," James truthfully told him. "Can't you work anything out?"

"I'm willing but it's very difficult," Robert replied.

"I guess I do owe you an apology for what I suggested a few weeks ago," James told him in a sincere tone. "It was wrong to say something like that."

Robert glared at James and didn't say a word.

"I had no idea Mom was the one," James paused before repeating his apology. "Again, I'm sorry."

"It may be a little late for that," Robert told him in a stern tone as he stood up and left the kitchen.

James sat in the kitchen and let out a sigh of frustration. He put his hand on his forehead as he watched his family fall apart.

Later that evening, Lalie arrived at Kevin's apartment.

"I love how it's turning out," Lalie admired as she walked in and looked around.

"Thanks," Kevin warmly said as he kissed Lalie passionately on the lips.

"I love how that's turning out, too," Lalie laughed as she looked into his eyes.

Just then, Kevin heard a popping sound coming from outside.

"What's that?" Lalie asked, looking around. "Is there popcorn in the microwave or something?"

"I forgot about that," Kevin said as he took Lalie out to the balcony. "You can see the fireworks display for Memorial Day that they're having."

Lalie looked on as she rested her head on Kevin's arm. "I couldn't ask for it any other way. Let freedom ring!"

Lalie lifted her head and Kevin and Lalie faced each other and kissed as the fireworks continued over those trees.

Chapter 2
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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