Object of Captivity... Chapter 11

"Mom!" she said in an excited tone. "I'm so glad you called me!"

"How are you, dear?" Carole asked, as she didn't know when to break the news to Lalie's sister, Heather Mills.

"I'm still reeling from what Vivian and Ted did to me," Heather told her as she eyed her feet getting tan. "Otherwise, I'm doing good. I'm getting a tan out here in the great, Florida sun. Aunt Nora just loves having me here. I make her day!"

"Well, I'm so glad to hear about that," Carole told Heather, not sounding too enthusiastic. "Listen, I called because I have to tell you something about Lalie."

"Are they getting married already?" Heather asked in disbelief. "I figured Lalie and Kevin would run into each other's arms the minute I left town, but Kevin going through with another wedding already like that? Beyond me!"

"First of all, there's no wedding, and second of all, it's not like that, Heather," Carole told Heather in a serious tone. "While it's true that Lalie and Kevin have been getting closer since you left town, they are not rushing anything, and Lalie feels very bad about what happened to you that day."

Heather sat quiet for a minute. "That was insensitive of me to say that. I know Lalie and I agreed to put the past behind us, and that's exactly where it's going to stay. What's on your mind, Mom?"

Carole took a deep breath as she once again tried to Heather about Lalie's disappearance. "Kevin and Lalie went to St. Paul, Minnesota on business," Carole paused and then started again. "Somehow, Lalie got kidnapped along the way," Carole told her as she choked back tears.

Heather's jaw dropped as she nearly dropped the phone. She sat up on the lounge chair and replied, "Oh, my God, Mom! Where is she and who is responsible?"

"No one is certain right now," Carole truthfully told her. "We'll have all these answers soon. Your Dad and I are going to Saint Paul today to help with the search."

"I'm packing my bags and going with you," Heather told Carole in a nervous tone.

"It's too dangerous," Carole quickly answered. "You're safer in Florida with Aunt Nora. I promise I'll keep you updated everyday."

"This is my sister we're talking about," Heather told Carole in a serious tone.

"I understand that but I don't want two daughters missing at the same time," Carole admitted as she waited for Heather's response.

Heather's eyes filled with tears when she said that. "I love you. And I know if there's anyone who can bring Lalie home, it's you and Dad."

"Good thing we watch 'CSI'," Carole managed to make a joke as she told Heather she loved her as well and hung up the phone.

Heather sat in the lounge chair and put the phone antenna up to her lips in thought and then began to dial a number.

"Hello?" a voice answered.

"Why, Vivian, long time, no… talk?" Heather asked.

"Heather, is that you?" Vivian angrily asked.

"There's no other," Heather replied. "How are things on the marriage front?"

"As if you didn't know, you bitch," Vivian shot back.

"Let's not stoop to name calling," Heather teased. "Anyway, there's a reason I called and you better answer honestly."

Vivian was silent but didn't hang up the phone.

"I know Lalie and Kevin got together," Heather started, her voice sounding more serious. "Isn't it funny how Lalie disappears just when she's getting closer to your son?"

"What are you suggesting?" Vivian asked in shock. "I had no idea Lalie disappeared. What happened?"

"Don't play that innocent card," Heather ordered. "Of course you know Lalie and Kevin went away on that business trip. You wouldn't want someone from my family getting attached to your son, so you put out all the stops to end another relationship. You know, Kevin is only going to grow tired of Mother's constant meddling."

"Stop right there," Vivian cut in. "Exposing someone's deliberate lies on a videotape and abducting someone are two different things. I have no problem with Lalie and I sure as hell didn't kidnap the girl. As far as ending relationships is concerned, you should talk. How dare you tell my husband about what you saw!"

"Vivian, when you leave the front door open like that, it's kind of hard not to notice what's going on," Heather said as she rolled her eyes before switching back to the matter at hand. "The jury's still out until all the questions are solved about Lalie and your involvement in that," Heather told her in a serious tone. "If I find out that you had something to do with her disappearance, I'll be back in town before you know it."

"And do what?" Vivian asked with a touch of sarcasm.

"Well, just having me back in town in general should be scary enough," Heather answered with a grin.

"This conversation is going no further," Vivian told her. "I do hope Lalie is found safe. As for you, well," Vivian stopped short and hung up the phone.

"Vivian?" Heather asked into the phone before realizing she hung up on her. She put the phone back on the table and thought about what was going on. She put her sunglasses back on and laid back down on the lounge chair.

Meanwhile, Vivian slammed the phone back down on the receiver and let out a cry of frustration. "Damn, that girl!" Vivian yelled out. "Even a thousand miles away, she can set out to ruin my life!" Vivian looked around the living room and looked out the window next to the front door and began to sob uncontrollably.

Lalie tried to make herself comfortable on the cold floor the night before and slowly awoke as a breeze gently touched her skin. She opened her eyes slowly and groggily rolled over as her eyes widened and she screamed in horror.

Chapter 12
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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