Object of Captivity... Chapter 12

Relax," the man told her as he stood up from sitting down next to her.

"What the hell?" Lalie asked him in a panic as she quickly stood up. "Do you make a habit out of watching your prisoners sleep like that?"

"Not necessarily," the man shrugged. "I couldn't resist, though."

"Oh, really?" Lalie asked in anger as she walked over to the other side of the room.

"Lalie, can't you just calm down for once?" the man asked in a serious tone.

"I was kidnapped!" Lalie yelled. "Sorry for being a little on edge. Wait a minute, how do you know my name?"

The man stood there and looked at Lalie. "Don't forget that I have your pocketbook in my possession," the man chuckled. "I found your grocery shopping receipts, credit cards, drivers license."

"That's an invasion of privacy," Lalie told him through clenched teeth on the verge of tears but keeping her composure throughout.

"Don't worry," the man told her. "It's all in one piece."

"Well, since you know so much about me, maybe it's time I know a little something about you," Lalie walked over to the man and stood right in front of his face.

The man tilted his head. "Where would you like to start?"

Lalie shrugged and looked as if she was in thought. "Why don't you start with your name?"

"Tony," the man grinned as he extended his hand.

"I don't think so," Lalie said as she glared at his hand. "Do you have a last name, Tony?"

"I do," Tony told her as he took his hand back. "I don't feel I know you well enough to tell you that yet."

Lalie raised her eyebrow but didn't argue. "Fine, Tony. So, do I get a stale muffin or something, or am I supposed to shrivel away to nothing?"

"Thanks for reminding me," Tony said as he reached into his pocket and gave something to Lalie, wrapped in foil. "You won't need a knife with that. See you later."

Lalie watched Tony leave the room and she looked down at the foil and nervously unwrapped it. Hopefully, nothing would jump out at her. Inside, she found a couple pieces of bacon. She looked at the door once again as she held onto the bacon.

Kevin and James sat in Starbucks that morning and had a donut with a cup of coffee.

"I'm going to go see Adelyn after we leave here," Kevin told James as he put the Styrofoam coffee cup up to his lips.

"Hopefully, you'll get closer to finding Lalie today," James told Kevin. "I wonder why Marcia wasn't in her room when we knocked on her door before."

"She probably went to get breakfast without us," Kevin figured as his cell phone started to ring.

"Lalie?" Kevin asked into the phone in a hopeful tone.

"I hope you're not disappointed," a woman's voice on the other end said.

"Mom," Kevin acknowledged as James and Kevin exchanged glances.

"I'm sorry to hear about what happened," Vivian told him. "How are you?"

"As well as expected," Kevin shrugged. "I meant to call you about it, but everything just happened so quickly yesterday. How did you find out about it?"

"From Heather, of all people," Vivian replied.

"Heather knows?" Kevin quickly asked in disbelief. "Oh, from Carole," he answered his own question. "It's hard to believe Heather is related to them."

"Isn't it?" Vivian rhetorically asked. "Can you believe Heather had the audacity to accuse me of kidnapping Lalie?"

"Heather is just causing trouble," Kevin said to her, not believing Heather's accusation. "Don't worry about it. I'll let you know the minute Lalie is found," he promised as he clicked off the phone.

"Kevin, wait," Vivian tried to cut in, not realizing he hung up. "There's something I have to tell you," she slowly said as she realized he wasn't there anymore, and she hung up the phone.

"I forgot to ask Mom about the counseling," Kevin told James in a disappointed tone.

"We haven't heard from the counselor," James assured Kevin. "I told you Mom and Dad would resolve their problems."

"You're right," Kevin told him as he looked at his watch. "I'm going to go to the police station now but I'll drop you off at the hotel."

"Lucky me," James sarcastically replied. "I get to sit around and wait for Marcia to return."

Kevin laughed as they both got up and headed back to the hotel.

After Kevin dropped James off at the hotel, James sat in the hotel room and then looked out over the balcony. He stepped back inside when there was a knock on the door. He opened it to find Marcia standing there.

"Where were you?" James asked in confusion, as Marcia entered.

Chapter 13
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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