Object of Captivity... Chapter 13

"You're quick with the third degree, aren't you?" Marcia replied in an annoyed tone.

"Marcia," James started as he closed the door. "Kevin and I knocked on your door before and you weren't there. Where did you go so early like that? And by yourself, no less!"

Marcia widened her eyes and shrugged. "I just stepped out for a while. Look, I came here because I wanted to talk to Kevin."

"He's not here," James answered as he walked over to the balcony window. "He's trying to find his girlfriend."

"Let's just hope he does," Marcia softly said. "Lalie's disappearance makes you wonder, doesn't it?"

James turned around. "It makes me wonder, yes," he started as he looked into her eyes. "However, it makes you wonder how you can just take advantage of the extra space you have. What happened yesterday wouldn't have happened if Lalie had been in that room."

Marcia laughed as she walked toward him. "Are you still thinking about that towel, James? I must say, if it wasn't for Georgia interrupting us on the phone like that, who knows what might have happened?"

"I wouldn't get my hopes up, Marcia," James told her in a deadpan tone.

Marcia put her arms around his neck and cooed, "It's a shame that the Jacuzzi hasn't been used once since we arrived. Kevin's not here. Lalie's God-knows-where. Why don't I go put it on? It can be our secret. Georgia will never find out."

"I agree," James told her, as Marcia looked surprised by what he said.

"I've been waiting for you to say that," Marcia gushed with a huge smile.

James backed away from Marcia. "I meant, I agree about Georgia never finding out… because I will not be getting in that Jacuzzi with you in the first place!"

Marcia looked angry as there was a knock on the door. James opened it and smiled when he saw who it was.

"Hi," Georgia smiled as she looked in and saw Marcia standing there. Her smile quickly faded as she asked, "What's going on?"

"You always have the best timing, Georgia," Marcia sarcastically chimed in as she walked over to the door.

"You're up pretty early for someone who was out so late last night by themselves," Georgia told Marcia in a questioning tone.

"You were out by yourself last night?" James asked Marcia with a confused statement.

"Yes, she was," Georgia answered the question. "She was getting off the elevator when I left, and that was pretty late."

"She went somewhere this morning by herself, too," James replied as he still looked at Marcia, who looked innocent.

"I'm almost afraid to ask why she was in your hotel room," Georgia suggested as she folded her arms and looked at Marcia.

"Don't worry, no towels were involved this time. Only words," Marcia turned to look at James. "Only sweet words. My offer still stands."

James shut the door as Marcia strutted back down the hall to her room. He threw his hands up in the air as Georgia followed him.

"I trust you, James," Georgia told him as she put her hand on his shoulder.

"I know you do," James turned around to look at her. "I just want Marcia to get a clue."

"Seeing us together should be all the clues she needs," Georgia told him with a laugh.

"You would think!" James laughed. "How are you, Georgia?"

"Oh, fine," Georgia replied. "I came over here to ask you a question but now I'm not sure if the timing is right."

"The timing is always right," James assured her. "What's on your mind?"

"Pretty soon, we'll all be going to Pennsylvania," Georgia started. "Hopefully, Layla Mills will be with us on the way there."

"Me too," James told her in a serious tone. "I don't understand what you're trying to say, though."

"We will be continuing our relationship when we're in Pennsylvania, right?" Georgia asked him with a hopeful statement on her face.

"I was hoping we would," James answered. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all," Georgia assured him. "I just think it would be a good idea if you had dinner with my family and I at our home in Edina before we leave Minnesota. I'd really like them to know who I'm seeing."

James nodded as he thought about her request. "I'd love to meet your family and have them meet me."

Georgia beamed when James said that. "I'm so happy you are fine with it. Can I pick you up around 7?"

"Sure!" James answered her. "I'll let you know if I can't make it, though. Lalie's family is coming out here later today and I wouldn't want to leave them here by themselves, given the situation."

"I completely understand about that," Georgia assured him. "I hope that Lalie will be found soon and safe," she said as she walked toward the door.

"Leaving already?" James asked her as he put her hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah," Georgia uncomfortably said as she looked at the wall. "I wouldn't be surprised if Marcia has a glass up to the wall listening to everything we're saying."

James laughed. "You never can tell!"

"The last thing we need is Marcia showing up in a towel at my family's home," Georgia quivered. "I can picture the scene now."

James laughed once again as he moved in close to her. "It will be fine!" he told her as he kissed her passionately.

"I'll see you tonight then," Georgia told him as she caught her breath from that passionate kiss and left the hotel room.

Marcia sat on the bed in her hotel room in thought as a look of anger grew across her face. She got up and walked over to her pocketbook and grabbed her cell phone. She dialed a number and waited for an answer. "Not yet," she spoke into the phone. "I'll let you know when."

Chapter 14
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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