Object of Captivity... Chapter 14

Kevin arrived at the police station after he dropped James off at the hotel. He walked in and looked around for Adelyn. He finally saw her and Adelyn put her hand up, signaling that she'd be over to talk to him in a minute. She hung up the phone and walked over with a smile.

"How are you?" Kevin asked her, as she set aside some papers on the desk.

"It's been a long day," Adelyn told him as she slumped her tired shoulders. "And I still have tons to do! How have you been? ...nevermind, that's a stupid question. How can you be doing okay when Lalie is still missing?"

"That wasn't a stupid question," Kevin told her, making her feel better. "I know that we will find her soon. I've contacted her parents and they're supposed to be flying out here later today. I hope to have some good news for them for when they get here but," Kevin paused. "I probably won't, will I?"

Adelyn sighed, obviously disappointed in the search. "I don't know what to tell you. Last night I drove up and down Summit and Grand and couldn't find a thing out of place. It doesn't mean she's not there, it just means that whoever's holding her captive is doing a good job of hiding it. After I finish this paper work, I'm going to check it out again and see if anything looks different from yesterday. I'll call and let you know what I find, if you like."

"I'd really appreciate that," Kevin replied in a sincere tone. "I know that it would bring solace to her parents to know that there is a search in the process and that everyone is doing everything they can! I'm so impressed with how attentive and assertive you are being to this case."

She gave a soft laugh as she brushed her brown locks out of her face. "Unfortunately, for me, this is how it is with every case. It might make me a very tired woman, but it's all worth it in the end," she assured him. "Don't worry. Lalie hasn't been missing long and I'm sure we'll pick up a lead in a day or so."

"I'm glad that you feel certain about everything working out for the best in the end," Kevin told her in a friendly tone. "If you can get a definite lead, will you be able to search those mansions on that street?" Kevin asked in a hopeful tone.

Adelyn looked at him for a moment, not sure what to say. "I honestly hope she's not being kept on Summit, but if I do get a lead, I'll be sure to follow it up with a search warrant."

"I have to admit that I was worried when I saw your reaction about the possibility of being kept on Summit Avenue," Kevin told her with a touch of worry in his voice. "We have to stay strong and confident throughout this ordeal, though. Do you still have my number so you can call me if you get any leads?"

"Yep, I've still got it, and I'll be sure to call you the second I find anything at all, no matter how small it is."

"Thanks again," Kevin told her with a smile before leaving the police station.

Lalie sat on the floor and ran her fingers through her hair.

"I hate not being able to wash my hair on a daily basis," Lalie muttered angrily to herself, as she heard Tony removing the chains and unlocking the door.

"Just came to check up on you," Tony told Lalie, who was still sitting in the same spot on the floor.

"How sweet of you," Lalie sarcastically said as she stood up. "I have a few more questions for you that I'd like some answers to."

Tony couldn't turn her down. "If I think they're eligible enough to be answered, then I'll gladly answer them."

Lalie looked at him. "First of all, is Vivian Neelan involved in this?"

"I can honestly tell you that I've never heard that name before in my life," Tony answered her.

Lalie didn't know whether to believe him or not, but she'd take his word for it for now. "If Vivian Neelan is not involved, then who is culpable?"

"I can't reveal that," Tony told her in a serious tone. "When I let you out of here, I'm sure the person will step forward."

"Not if I break their necks first," Lalie muttered in anger. "You almost answered my final question: When the hell will you let me out of here?"

"When I get the okay," Tony replied. "Just make the best out of it and know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel."

"You're so inspirational," Lalie laughed in disbelief. "Did you just say to make the best out of it? Make the best out of what, may I ask? A dark, damp room with a single toilet? Gee, if only I had a deck of cards, I could lay out a game of Solitaire!"

"Well, I've had enough sarcasm for a while," Tony told her as he turned around to leave. "I'll be back."

"And I'm looking so forward to that," Lalie yelled out as she heard the chains and locks being put back on the door. "There has got something I could do to get out of hereā€¦ but what?" she whispered to herself in thought.

"Where are you going all dressed up like that?" Kevin laughed as he walked into the hotel room and shut the door.

"Georgia invited me to have dinner with her family tonight," James truthfully told him as he straightened out his tie.

"Wow," Kevin replied in awe. "You and Georgia Caldwell are getting pretty serious?"

"I guess you could say that," James replied. "So, anything new on Lalie today?"

"We're going to do everything we can to try and find where she is," Kevin explained. "We have some ideas and we're going to focus on those."

"I know her parents are coming out here later," James started. "If you'd rather me stay here than go out with Georgia tonight-"

Kevin interrupted James' suggestion. "Of course not! Go out with Georgia and I'll pick Carole and Harold up."

"Are you sure?" James asked, once again.

"Just go out with Georgia and don't give it a second thought," Kevin assured him.

James nodded as he looked in the mirror once more before Georgia came to pick him up.

Chapter 15
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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