Object of Captivity... Chapter 16

Georgia and Savannah went into the library.

"What the hell were you trying to do, Savannah?" Georgia asked her in an angry tone. "You embarrassed my date in front of everybody!"

"I can't help it that he's not in our class," Savannah replied with a laugh. "Really, Georgia, why did you bring him here?"

"I wanted him to meet everyone before we go to Pennsylvania," Georgia justified her actions.

"Like you really needed Father's permission to see someone," Savannah sarcastically said with her arms folded. "You would have seen him anyway!"

"At least I have someone to see," Georgia shot back.

"I don't need someone," Savannah angrily argued. "I have everything I need right here," Savannah answered her.

"You think you have it all. Don't you, Savannah?" Georgia asked her. "I've got news for you. Material things will only get you so far."

Savannah shrugged, as Georgia was no where near finished.

"When you're not sitting on your high horse, you're sitting pretty on the couch that you don't own, you live in this house, which you don't own," Georgia paused as a silence came over the room. "I have a job and I earn my money. I have an apartment that I pay rent for with MY money. You just lounge around and let Father give you money over and over again. And I found someone who cares about me, who likes me for me!"

"If he hadn't found out you were an heiress, he wouldn't have given you a second glance," Savannah sneered.

Georgia shook her head as a smile came across her face. "Sorry to disappoint you, Savannah, James didn't even find out about that until tonight when Father mentioned it."

Savannah stood there, speechless. "I see," she softly said.

"Everything's not material with James," Georgia told her. "What you did out there was unacceptable and I will not stand for it. We're going to back out into that dining room and have a dinner like civilized human beings."

"The heiress is giving ultimatums now," Savannah said in disbelief.

"Will you stop it with that?" Georgia asked her in anger.

"I'm still offended that Father isn't handing down any part of that company to me," Savannah told her in a serious tone. "After all the blood, sweat and tears I put into making that company what it is today."

"You didn't put anything into that company," Georgia answered her. "Father made that company what it is today and I helped him. I'm glad he's handing it down to me."

"And then you'll hand it down to me," Savannah told her.

"No way," Georgia immediately said. "It will be handed down to an appreciative future son or daughter, not to Savannah Caldwell. You should leave the house sometime and get into the real world and see what it's like. When was the last time the sunshine has touched your skin? You haven't tried to make a living once. There will come a day when Father will get tired of giving you everything. You'll see, Savannah."

"I'll have to talk to Father about this," Savannah said in a huff as she walked to the door.

"He's the problem solver, isn't he?" Georgia rhetorically asked as Savannah stopped, but didn't turn around. "Listen to me, Savannah, you don't have it all. Don't go around saying James is not in your class, whatever that is. He's more successful than you are right now. Make something of your life, Savannah."

Savannah stood there for a few seconds as a heavy silence came across the library. She walked out of the library as Georgia stood there by herself before heading back to the dining room.

Later that evening, after the dinner, James and Georgia stood outside his hotel room. Georgia held onto his wrist, stopping him from putting the key into the lock.

"Tonight was a disaster," Georgia looked up at him with sadness in her eyes.

"No, it wasn't," James replied, trying to make her feel better. "All of your family members were very welcoming."

"I didn't think Savannah was very welcoming," Georgia replied, anger returned to her face as she thought about what happened. "She just made me so angry."

"Don't worry about it," James assured her. "Look, now that I know that a butler and a chef don't do the same thing, I will never make the same mistake again!"

Georgia closed her eyes and laughed. She opened them and looked at James apologetically and said, "I should have told you about Dalton and Gregory. My interest in you has grown more tonight. I can't wait till we go to Pennsylvania," she coyly stated with a wink.

"Neither can I," James responded as he leaned in for a kiss.

Kevin, Carole and Harold sat in the hotel room. Kevin turned off the television and looked at Carole and Harold, not knowing what to say.

"We are going to be up very early tomorrow," Harold started, finally breaking the silence. "Kevin, what exactly did that Officer say?"

"She said that if she saw any suspicious activity on Summit Avenue, she'd be able to follow it up with a search warrant," Kevin truthfully replied.

"If you have a feeling that she's there, why don't we just go to that street and search everywhere?" Harold asked in an anxious and impatient tone.

"Harold," Kevin started, but was interrupted by someone coming in the door.

The three of them looked at who was coming in as James and Georgia walked in.

"You must be Lalie's parents," Georgia softly said with sadness in her tone. "I'm sorry about what happened," she told them as she walked over to Carole and Harold and gave them a comforting hug.

"Thank you," Carole replied as she quickly brushed away her tears. "Did you two have a nice time out?" she asked.

"We did," James answered as he walked over and gave Carole a hug. He whispered, "I'm sorry," into her ear before walking over to Harold.

Marcia overheard James and Georgia's conversation in the hall and peeked her head out of her room when they went into his room. She crept down the hall and put her ear up to the door to hear what they were saying.

Chapter 17
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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