Object of Captivity... Chapter 18

The next morning, Marcia was awaken by the sound of her alarm clock set for 7:00 AM. She rolled over and turned it off. She got out of her bed and took a shower and then stood out on the balcony and breathed in the morning air.

"Today is going to be a good day," Marcia told herself with a smile, before heading back into her room.

She took out her planner and looked over the dates. "We're going to be heading back to Pennsylvania soon," she said, observing it was almost Saturday. "James and I will make progress before then... we have to!"

Marcia bit her lip as she walked over to her pocketbook and pulled out her cell phone and dialed a number.

"I see you took my advice about keeping the phone close to you," Marcia smirked. "I'm glad to hear it. Are you kidding me?" she laughed. "Look, I want to discuss something with you in person. I can be over in a little bit. Sure, see you then!"

Marcia clicked the phone shut and walked over to the drawer and pulled out the menu to the restaurant downstairs.

When she took the menu out of the drawer, a piece of paper fell out of the drawer and fell to the floor. Marcia didn't realize this and left the room to get some breakfast.

Carole awoke in her hotel room and nudged Harold to wake him up, as well.

"What time is it?" Harold groggily asked.

"7:45," Carole whispered. "It feels like 8:45 to me because of the time change."

Harold sat up and rubbed his eyes. "I hope Kevin is ready," he said as he got out of the bed and stretched.

"I just hope we'll make progress today," Carole told him in a hopeful tone.

Carole and Harold got ready and prepared to head over to Kevin's room.

Kevin and James were already up and dressed by the time Carole and Harold got there.

"Come on in," Kevin told them as he stood aside to let Carole and Harold enter the room.

"I hope it's not too early," Carole said in an apologetic tone.

"Of course not," James chimed in, reading the paper by the window.

"We've been up for a while," Kevin replied. "Are you ready to leave in a little while?"

"Of course we are!" Harold answered at that silly question. "Where are we going to look first?"

"Well, I'd really like you to come with me to see Officer Adelyn Brady and tell them what you can," Kevin answered him. "We can take it from there. I trust Adelyn with what's going on."

"Very well," Carole said as she took a deep breath. "Harold and I would really like to go down Summit Avenue, though."

"Let's just take it one step at a time and see what Adelyn says," Kevin told them, trying to calm their anxiety down.

"Did you eat yet, Kevin?" Carole asked, hoping he would say he hadn't.

Kevin laughed. "Not yet," he replied. "I was about to ask you that. Let's go get something and then go see Adelyn."

"What about me?" James jokingly asked.

"Come on, James," Kevin motioned for him to come with them to breakfast.

James put down the paper and the four of them headed out of the hotel room.

Lalie had no idea what time it was but she had been up for a while as she went over her plan in her head. It took her a while to untie the rope that held the curtain open but she now had it in her possession. She hoped that Tony wouldn't notice that the curtain was drawn when he walked in, but she had prepared an excuse for that, if he said anything.

Lalie sat on the floor and waited for Tony to come in the room with her breakfast tray. She strongly hoped that this was the last time she'd ever have to taste his awful cooking.

A few minutes later, she heard the sound that was oddly becoming normal to her: The sounds of the chains being removed and the latch being taken off.

"Rise and shine," Tony cheerily said, holding her breakfast tray. "I can't stay long, but we can have our morning chat later."

Lalie smiled a bit. This would be the last time she'd ever be in that room. Why not be happy?

"Our morning chat, huh?" Lalie asked, letting out a laugh. "Why don't we have that chat now?"

"I really can't, I-" Tony started, but stopped as he saw Lalie walking over to him with a broad smile on her face.

"Come on," Lalie goaded as she walked up to him. "Do you like me, Tony?"

"Do I 'like' you?" Tony asked in a confused tone.

"The first day I met you, you were unshaven, you didn't wear nice clothing," Lalie started as she looked him over. "Now look at you. You're wearing decent clothing, you shaved your face, and I think you even combed your hair. Look at those curls," Lalie said with a smile as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"What are you doing?" Tony asked her, not understanding this behavior. "I thought you were in love with Kevin."

"I guess I have to face the facts that Kevin isn't looking for me," Lalie told him with a shrug. "Georgia Caldwell probably sunk her teeth into him, anyway. Oh, well."

"You're giving up just like that?" Tony bewilderedly asked her. "All you could talk about was how much you wanted to get back together with Kevin and your family, and who put you here."

"I wouldn't call it giving up," Lalie answered. "Just moving on. Maybe it's just me, but I love the way you walk through that door," she suggestively said.

Tony's jaw dropped as her hand was on his shoulder.

"You certainly know how to make a girl feel hot and bothered," Lalie cooed, leading him over to the other side of the room hand-in-hand.

"I'm speechless, Lalie," Tony told her as they made it to the other side of the room.

"Good," Lalie whispered in a breath as she had him up against the wall. "Why don't you show me what you got?"

Tony's eyes widened at what she asked him. "You want me, you want me to… with you?!"

As Tony was asking questions, someone was outside the room in the hall asking if anyone was there. "Anybody here?" a voice called out.

Back in the room, Lalie smiled at Tony's question as she pushed him back against the wall making him think she was going to kiss him. Instead, she raised her hand and slapped him across the face twice.

Tony raised his hand to his face as he looked angry that he was duped.

Tony tried to get around Lalie but she grabbed him back by his shirt and pulled his hands back and used the rope that was around the curtain to tie his hands together.

She wasn't very good at it but it would probably take him a few minutes to get out of the loose knot she made.

"Don't let it go to your head, Tony," Lalie started as she stood in front of him with his hands tied. "You're a pretty good looking guy when you're cleaned up like that but kidnapping innocent people isn't the way to go!"

Tony once again looked shocked through his outrage.

"Anybody here?" a voice from the hall once again called out and stood in the doorway.

"So long, Tony, whatever your last name is!" Lalie bid her final farewell and raced up the stairs and stopped when she saw a person standing there.

"Hello," the person greeted her.

"Oh, my God! Marcia! You found me!" Lalie exclaimed with happy tears in her eyes. "Thank God! Let's get out of here!" Lalie beamed as she tried to get around Marcia.

"You're not going anywhere, Lalie," Marcia pushed Lalie back into the room with her hand.

Chapter 19
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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