Object of Captivity... Chapter 19

Lalie, still out of breath from what she did to Tony, looked at Marcia with utter confusion as her smile faded. "Marcia, what are you talking about? Let's get out of here!"

"I said that you're not going anywhere," Marcia repeated her statement with her eyes squinted.

"For crying out loud, Marcia, I was kidnapped!" Lalie yelled out. "I'm getting out of here whether you like it or not!" she said, as she tried to push Marcia out of the way.

"What part of, 'you're not going anywhere' don't you understand, Lalie?" Marcia asked her. "I know you were kidnapped. I've known you were kidnapped."

An expression of realization came over Lalie's face. "You did this?" Lalie demanded to know.

"Boy, did I," Marcia smirked, still blocking the doorway.

"I thought you were my friend!" Lalie cried out, putting her hand over her mouth in utter horror.

"Think again," Marcia sneered. "You think you know everything. I had plans for James during this trip and you ruined everything. Your words of advice that told me to give him room to breathe and that you hardly know him were a bunch of bull, Lalie! You didn't even want me to sit next to him on that plane!"

Lalie couldn't believe her ears as she shook her head in utter confusion. "What the hell are you talking about, Marcia? That was just my opinion about James. If you wanted to pursue him, you could have!"

"Well, when I asked you if you were going to spend any time alone with Kevin, you said you weren't!" Marcia yelled. "You said the four of us were going to do everything together in a group. What the hell was that about? How was I supposed to get James alone in that hotel room?"

"That's nice," Lalie sarcastically said. "You put me away with the help of him over there," she turned to look at Tony still trying to get out of that knot. "While you and James are getting it on in OUR hotel room. I hope you accomplished something, Marcia!"

"No," Marcia muttered angrily. "Georgia Caldwell got in my way."

"Georgia and James are together?" Lalie asked with a laugh. "Well, it serves you right!"

Marcia looked to the side with anger in her eyes.

"Now," Lalie started as she eyed the open door. "If you don't mind, I'm getting the hell out of this place!"

"Nice try," Marcia blocked the entrance. "I think you need more time in here," she told her as she looked at Tony. "Did she try and seduce you to get out of here? Pathetic that you fell for it. Maybe you both need some time in here to think over your actions. I'll let you out later."

"You wouldn't!" Tony yelled as Marcia slammed the door shut and put the latch on, but didn't put the chains over the door.

Lalie put her hand over her mouth with tears in her eyes and turned around to look at her new roommate, Tony.

"Would you please untie my hands?" Tony demanded, as Lalie stood frozen by the door.

Lalie walked over to him and tried to untie the knot she made with the rope. "Damn, I did this good," she impressively said as she finally got the rope off his hands.

Tony ran to the door and pounded on it with his fist. "Marcia!" he called out.

"How does it feel?" Lalie called out in a question.

Tony turned around to look at Lalie, his face still scrunched up with anger. "How does what feel?"

"To have no control over your life," Lalie replied as she walked over to him. "Not knowing the next time someone will walk through that door, not knowing the next time you're going to have a meal or someone to talk to. Just… the feeling of not knowing."

Tony didn't have a reply to that as he walked back into the room.

Lalie silently sat on the floor, not knowing what to expect next.

Kevin, Carole, and Harold entered the police station after having breakfast and dropping James off back at the hotel.

"Hi, Adelyn," Kevin greeted as Adelyn stood by the desk, putting down the phone with a smile. "These are Lalie's parents-Carole Mills, Harold Mills."

"I want to thank you for putting so much time and attention into this case," Carole told her in a sincere tone.

Adelyn reached out her hand to shake Carole's. "It's not a problem. After all, this is my job!"

"That's true," Carole laughed, feeling a little embarrassed. "Kevin said that we should come down here and talk to you. Anything you want us to tell you, we will!"

"I don't think I have any questions for the two of you at this moment," Adelyn told the older couple. "But if it's okay with you," she said, turning her attention to Kevin. "Do you think it would be okay if I looked through Lalie's hotel room?"

"Of course," Kevin answered right away. "I don't have a key to that room," he sighed quickly, but then his eyes lit up. "If Marcia is there, then I know you could get in!"

"What if Marcia isn't there?" Harold asked with concern.

Adelyn held up a slip of paper. "That's why I have this," she said. "It's a search warrant. If your friend isn't there, then all I have to do is show this to the manager and I'm in."

Kevin smiled when he took a glimpse of the search warrant. "Let's go then," he said, feeling confident.

Marcia was not in the room when the four of them arrived at the hotel. Adelyn headed back downstairs and put the search warrant into use.

The manager came back upstairs with Adelyn and opened the door for Adelyn.

"This isn't the first time Marcia has been out by herself," Kevin noted as he turned on the light in the room. "This has been happening a lot lately."

First, Adelyn searched the room with her eyes, trying to find a place to start looking for evidence. "And you're sure she doesn't know anyone in the cities?" she asked Kevin.

"I'm sure of it," Kevin firmly told her as he, too, looked around.

"I wonder why this bedspread is all torn apart," Carole said, noticing the disheveled sheets.

Adelyn shrugged, but when she got a look at the disaster area that was a bed, she seemed disturbed. "I guess some people... um, sleep differently from others."

"Who would want to sleep in a bed like that?" Carole asked, as she bent down to look at it.

"Where are Lalie's things?" Harold asked, coming out of the bathroom.

"I'm not sure where her duffel bag is," Kevin said in confusion, trying to make his way through the mess.

As everyone looked around for Lalie's belongings, Adelyn's eyes traveled to a small piece of notepaper that stuck out from underneath the dresser. She bent over to pick it up.

Kevin noticed Adelyn pause as she read a piece of paper and flipped it over to see if anything was on the back.

"What are you looking at, Adelyn?" Kevin asked in a serious tone, carefully walking over towards Adelyn.

Carole and Harold froze in their spots as they noticed Adelyn standing very still, while holding that piece of paper.

Chapter 20
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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