Object of Captivity... Chapter 2

The next morning, Kevin was getting ready for work. The Memorial Day Weekend came and went all too quickly. As he made sure his tie was in place, there was a knock on the door.

"Mom," Kevin acknowledged as he let Vivian enter.

"There's something I think we should discuss," Vivian told him in a serious tone as she looked around. "I must say, I like the way the apartment is looking."

"Thanks about the apartment," Kevin replied as he looked at his watch. "What do we need to discuss?"

"Those counseling sessions," Vivian answered. "I don't think they're working."

"You have to give it some time," Kevin tried to convince her.

"I've given it time," Vivian closed her eyes as she answered. "Things aren't getting better and I doubt they will improve with that counselor."

"You never know unless you keep going," Kevin told her in an optimistic tone. "The problems you and Dad are having right now won't be solved in one or two sessions."

Vivian looked down. Maybe Kevin was right.

"Promise me that you'll reconsider," Kevin tried to persuade his mother. "I'll be right back," he said as he headed into the bedroom.

Kevin left the room, as there was a knock on the door. Vivian took it upon herself to open the door.

"Hi, Lalie," Vivian greeted as she stood in the doorway.

"Hi," Lalie replied as she tried to look over Vivian's shoulder. "What are you doing here?"

"Does it seem so unbelievable that I'm visiting my son?" Vivian questioned.

"Of course not," Lalie replied. "It's just, with all that's going on, I didn't think-" she quickly stopped her sentence.

"Think that Kevin would want anything to do with me?" Vivian finished her sentence. "Listen to me, the next time you speak with Heather, you can tell her that her little plan to destroy my family didn't work."

"I think you pretty much did that without Heather's two cents," Lalie quickly shot back. "You chose to have an affair with Ted. That was solely your decision. I know Heather didn't make some smart choices but putting the blame on her is not appropriate. Heather just happened to find out and I'm glad she told Mr. Neelan about it."

"I wouldn't have met Ted in the first place if it wasn't for Heather and her gold digging!" Vivian raised her voice.

"Once again, Heather wouldn't have been 'gold digging' if you hadn't blackmailed her like that!" Lalie put the blame on Vivian.

"And to think I thought you were right for Kevin," Vivian lowered her voice and looked into Lalie's eyes. "I helped you win his heart!"

"Oh, I'm right for Kevin," Lalie quickly told her. "I'll make sure that he doesn't get hurt again in the same fashion that you've hurt him."

"It must be the hair," Vivian said out of the blue. "When you wear your hair like that, you look and sound just like Heather. Threats and all!"

Lalie felt her hair and flipped it to the other side. "It's not a threat, just a fact. I don't want to be your enemy, I just don't want you acting like a victim and blaming other people for your affair and getting caught."

"Who are you talking to?" Kevin asked as he approached his mother standing the door.

Vivian looked back at Kevin and stood to the side as Lalie came into Kevin's vision.

"I'm sorry I was late," Kevin apologized to Lalie.

"That's fine," Lalie understood. "I had a nice talk with your mother," Lalie smiled at Vivian.

"I'll see you later, Mom," Kevin kissed Vivian on the cheek as he left with Lalie for work but not before reminding her to reconsider about those counseling sessions.

Vivian stood in thought for a moment and then left Kevin's apartment.

Lalie and Kevin laughed as they got off the elevator and Kevin went into his office as Lalie headed over to her desk.

"So," Marcia Santiago waltzed over. "What's the latest with you and the boss?"

"We're having a really nice time together," Lalie answered as she logged into her computer.

"Have you seen any more of that brother of his?" Marcia asked in a serious tone.

"He moved back here permanently," Lalie replied.

"I hope I'll be seeing his face around here more," Marcia told her in a hopeful tone. "Do you know what any of his interests are?"

"Marcia," Lalie looked at her in a calming tone. "You hardly know him. As a matter of fact, I hardly know him!"

Marcia shrugged as she went back over to her desk.

Later that morning, an important phone call came through for Kevin and he picked it up in his office and talked to the person on the other end for about fifteen minutes. He walked over to Lalie and started to tell her about the phone call.

"It turns out, there's this series of corporate meetings regarding our business affiliations and expanding the company into a well known national corporation," Kevin began to tell her about the phone call. "They want a few representatives from our offices to go out to our affiliate in St. Paul by Saturday for the meetings next week."

Lalie looked shocked as she listened to Kevin's words about going to the series of meetings. "Wouldn't that be great if we could become nationally well known?"

"This is definitely what this company needs," Kevin replied. "Of course I'd like you to come with me."

"Sure!" Lalie quickly exclaimed. "My bags were packed yesterday," she laughed.

"We could also use this as our own vacation," Kevin figured. "We could use a break after everything that has been going on in our personal lives lately. I could invite James and pay for his ticket. I think he's taking our parent's problems worse than any of us and could use a break right now."

Marcia's ears perked up as she heard James' name being mentioned by Kevin and Lalie.

"I think that would be a wonderful idea," Lalie marveled. "The meetings won't take all day and then we'll have plenty of time to sight see and cheer James up. Don't forget, I went to Hamline so I know my way around!"

"You'll be great," Kevin told her in an enthusiastic tone. "We still need one more representative from here, though."

Marcia rose from her seat and walked over to Lalie and Kevin and gave a polite cough to signal her presence. "Did I hear someone mention a representative? Could I be of any help?"

Kevin and Lalie turned around to look at a smiling Marcia.

"Would you like to travel to St. Paul with us?" Kevin asked politely. "I think you'd make a great representative."

"I could use a vacation myself," Marcia answered as she thought about James being there, as well. "I mean, I know most of the time will be business related but there's always time for pleasure."

"Welcome aboard then," Kevin smiled as he looked at Lalie with a smile and then headed back into his office.

"Marcia, this is going to be the best trip!" Lalie exclaimed as she sat back down in her seat.

Marcia widened her eyes and smiled and took a deep breath. "I'll see to it that it's the best trip. I'll cheer James up in more ways than one," she glowed to herself.

Chapter 3
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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