Object of Captivity... Chapter 21

"Can you believe that?" Kevin asked James, having just told him about Marcia lying about the note.

James didn't know how to respond. "I'm sure Marcia has a reason why she didn't show you that note."

"Marcia has been gone all day," Kevin noted as he waited for Marcia to come back from where ever she was. "I'm going to go knock on her door and see if she's back yet."

"Good luck," James told him.

"Thanks," Kevin replied, before leaving to go knock on Marcia's door again to see if she was there. "If Carole and Harold stop by, just keep them busy!"

"I'll try!" James jokingly said as Kevin left the room and went to go knock on Marcia's door.

Kevin stood there for a few seconds and was about to turn around when he heard the doorknob being unlocked.

"Kevin," Marcia acknowledged his presence. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"You don't mind if I come in, do you?" Kevin asked in a serious tone.

"Of course not," Marcia replied as she stepped to the side and let Kevin enter. "You'll have to forgive the mess."

"How did the room get like this?" Kevin wanted to know as he looked around. The room was in the same condition that it was before when they searched it.

"I'm not sure," Marcia answered him as she quickly tried to pick her clothes up from the floor.

"Don't worry about it," Kevin told her, noticing her trying to pick everything up. "That is going to take a while. Are you going to go back to Pennsylvania on Saturday?"

"How could you even ask me that?" Marcia asked in shock. "I have to be here for Lalie when she returns."

"I'm sure Lalie would be glad to know that everyone is looking for her," Kevin said, as he began to put his plan into motion. "Would you mind if I take a look at that note?"

"The note?" Marcia nervously asked as she looked around. "Kevin, I told you what it said."

"I know you told me what it said," Kevin replied, his tone beginning to flirt with anger. "I'd like to see it."

"I threw it out days ago," Marcia lied as she walked over to the desk where she kept the note.

"Thanks for proving my point," Kevin said in disappointment, shaking his head as Marcia lied through her teeth.

Marcia paused for a minute and looked at Kevin. "What point?"

"That you're hiding something," Kevin answered as he walked over and stood directly in front of her. "Marcia, I saw the note and Lalie specifically wrote where she was going."

Marcia nervously took a deep breath and walked over towards the balcony door. "How did you find it?"

"We conducted an official search in this room while you were mysteriously unavailable," Kevin truthfully replied as Marcia turned around in shock.

"You were going through my belongings?" Marcia yelled, demanding to know.

"You mean, the belongings that were thrown all over the place?" Kevin asked with a touch of sarcasm. "Marcia, it looks like a pigpen in here!"

"So?" Marcia asked as she walked over to the bed and violently threw the pillow at the wall, sending the picture frame crashing to the ground. "I'm comfortable this way!"

Kevin's eyes widened at what she did. "Marcia, the fact that you weren't honest about that note leads us to believe that you're hiding something."

"What would I be hiding, Kevin?" Marcia asked in desperation, throwing her hands up in the air. "She could have gone anywhere!"

"I don't know," Kevin honestly replied. "I will find out!"

"Are you joining the discipline Marcia club?" Marcia asked him, as Kevin looked confused by that question. "I'm sorry I came on this trip. All James, Georgia, Lalie and even you have done is just constantly discipline me like some little child!" she paused as her eyes squinted and teeth clenched. "James being the worst!"

"I know you have some feelings for my brother," Kevin admitted as he looked at Marcia's angry face. "It probably kills you that Georgia got to him."

"Like I told Georgia," Marcia started with a whisper. "James is not good enough for someone like me. Georgia and James are perfect together!" she raised her voice as she tugged at her hair.

"I don't think you really feel like that," Kevin told her as he gave her a suspicious and disturbed look. "Are you jealous of Georgia?"

"Jealous of someone who was named after a state?" Marcia replied with a question. "Never. That's not me."

Kevin didn't elaborate further on the subject of James and Georgia. "I know there is a link between your mysterious outings and not being completely honest with me about that note. You better admit to me if I'm right before I figure it out on my own. In the meantime, I'll be in my hotel room if you want to talk."

"Music to my ears that you're leaving," Marcia told him as she walked over to the door and swung it open as Kevin left.

Marcia slammed the door and kicked the bottom of it. She walked over to her pocketbook and swung it around in the air, as all the contents came pouring out. She took a fit of laughter as she looked around at the room that looked like a tornado had hit it.

Marcia bent down and picked up her sunglasses and wallet. "I think it's time I go pay my friend a little visit," she mischievously said as she put the sunglasses on and left the room.

"How did it go?" James asked in a nervous tone, as Kevin walked back in looking confused.

"Peculiarly," Kevin simply responded.

"Peculiarly?" James asked, confused.

"I guess that would be the operative word," Kevin said with his eyes wide. "Anyway," he said, trying not to think about that. "I said what I needed to and if she has anything she needs to say to me, I told her that I'd be here."

"At least you accomplished something," James told him as he walked over to the balcony. "It's so cloudy out today."

Kevin ducked his head to look out the window at the sky. "Isn't it?"

Marcia stood outside as a car pulled into the hotel's parking lot. A minute or so later, the bus that she was waiting for arrived.

Marcia stepped up the couple of steps to get on the bus and inserted the money into the machine.

"Sunglasses on a day like today?" the bus driver asked her with a laugh.

"Why not?" Marcia quickly replied as she walked down the row and found a seat.

Carole and Harold knocked on Kevin's door and James answered it.

"How are you?" James asked, as Carole and Harold entered the room.

"We're doing better than before," Harold answered for the both of them. "Is Kevin around?"

"Here I am," Kevin called out, coming out of the bathroom. "I know you were understandably upset earlier. Are you feeling better now?"

"A little," Carole replied. "Kevin, are we going to see Adelyn again later?"

"Of course," Kevin wholeheartedly replied. "Finding that note was a major help in this search."

"Good," Carole started as she began to tell her story. "You said that Summit Avenue has a lot of mansions on it, right?"

"Right," Kevin replied, his _expression encouraging Carole to continue.

"Well," Carole began to explain as her eyes lit up. "I just remembered Lalie's interest in architecture. She loves looking at the outside of homes as well as the inside. She can't get enough of that show… what's it called, Harold?" she asked while she snapped her fingers, trying to remember.

"Trading Places," Harold answered.

"Spaces," James corrected Harold with a smile.

"Thank you," Carole replied to both of them, managing to let out a slight laugh. "Anyway, Kevin, she might have stopped to look at the architecture of some of those mansions."

Kevin's eyes lit up. "Carole, that is great!" "That's why we want to see Adelyn later," Harold told Kevin.

"I'll make sure we do," Kevin sincerely told them, as there was a knock on the door, and Kevin went up to answer it.

"Georgia," Kevin acknowledged as Georgia stood there, smiling.

James looked surprised and stood up.

"Hi everyone," Georgia greeted as she walked in. "You won't believe who I just saw."

"Who?" James asked in an interested tone.

"Marcia," Georgia replied, as she looked at their reactions. "She was standing on the corner, waiting for the bus. Get this, she was wearing sunglasses. Who wears sunglasses on a cloudy day like this?"

Everyone stood there silent and exchanged glances. Kevin put his hand up to his head and shook his head in shock and anger.

Chapter 22
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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