Object of Captivity... Chapter 24

Tony woke up and rubbed his eyes and looked down at Lalie who was still asleep on his shoulder.

A few minutes later, Lalie woke up and smiled. "Kevin?"

"No," Tony simply answered her, looking at her in the corner of his eye.

It took a few seconds for reality to sink in for Lalie. An _expression of realization came across her face, as she widened her eyes and jumped up.

"Something wrong?" Tony asked her in a teasing tone.

"Tell me that I was not asleep on your shoulder just now," Lalie demanded to know as she looked down at him.

"If I did then I'd be lying," Tony replied, still sitting down on the floor.

"Oh, my God, I was hoping it was a dream," Lalie nervously said as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"A pleasant dream?" Tony wanted to know.

"No," Lalie answered as she closed her eyes and smiled. "I'd probably classify it under the category of nightmare!" she yelled out.

"That extreme?" Tony asked her as he stood up. "I didn't think I was that bad," he mused as he felt his shoulder. "I guess I have to work out more."

Lalie turned her back to him and tried not to laugh, but she couldn't contain it. "So, you knew I was sleeping on your shoulder and you just let me stay there? What do you have to say for yourself?" she asked as she turned around and looked at him with a somewhat teasing _expression on her face.

Tony shrugged. "I guess your nightmare has come true!"

Lalie let out a slight laugh and shook her head with a half smile on her face.

James returned to the room after Marcia had left, and after Kevin had just conversed with Adelyn.

"I just saw Adelyn walking down the hall," James said as he shut the door and walked over to Kevin. "Was she here?"

"Yes she was," Kevin replied in a serious tone, sitting down at the table, looking very deep in thought before turning to James. "Marcia has no idea what's in store for her tonight."

James took a deep breath, almost afraid to ask but he knew this would come one stop closer to finding Lalie. "What's going to happen tonight?"

"Well," Kevin started, thinking over what he and Adelyn had just discussed. "Chances are Marcia will be going on another mysterious outing tonight… Adelyn will be following her to find out just where exactly Marcia has been going."

"And you think this will lead her right to Lalie?" James asked him.

"I don't know," Kevin truthfully told him. "I think there's a good chance though," he finished in a confident tone. "Adelyn passed by that mansion that she was talking about on Summit Avenue earlier and she said that nothing looked out of order, but that doesn't mean that something can't be."

James looked impressed at Kevin and Adelyn's plans. "Adelyn will be able to get to the bottom of this."

"I'm so glad that someone like Adelyn is helping to bring Lalie back," Kevin told him with a smile. "She really gives the police department a good name."

Later that evening, Marcia donned the Twins cap that she stole, her sunglasses and her black stockings. With the money she stole from Lalie's pockets in tow, she quietly left the hotel, leaving the room in shambles.

Marcia waited for the bus once again and got off at one of the stops and walked a bit to the rental car dealer. Luckily, she had caught them before they were about to close for the night.

As she paid for the rental car, a car that was sitting outside was following her every move.

Kevin and James sat in their hotel room. Kevin knew Adelyn was probably shadowing Marcia right at this moment. He sighed, as there was a knock on the door. He got up to answer it, hoping that it wasn't Marcia standing on the other side of that door.

"I just got back," the person on the other side of the door said.

"Carole," Kevin acknowledged. "Where's your husband?"

"He'll be here in a minute," Carole told him, walking into his room carrying a bag and setting it down on the bed. "So, what's the latest?"

"Adelyn is shadowing Marcia right as we speak," Kevin informed her. "She went somewhere again. "

"With any luck, that'll lead her right to Lalie," Carole concluded, her eyes lighting up.

"I just heard what you said!" Harold exclaimed, walking through the door.

Carole beamed as she walked over to Harold and hugged him. "Isn't it great?"

"When do you think we'll hear from Adelyn?" Harold asked, turning to Kevin.

"We will soon," Kevin firmly replied. "I know we will."

Georgia sighed as she looked around her apartment. Boxes were stacked to the ceiling and she could hardly move from point A to point B.

There was a knock on the door, and Georgia tripped over a box on her way to answer the door. "I can't wait until I get out of here," she muttered.

"Busy?" a voice on the other side of the door, asked.

"Savannah," Georgia replied, brushing off her legs from that fall. "Never. Please come in my cardboard box."

Savannah entered and looked around the apartment. "Preparing for that move, I see."

"Oh, yeah," Georgia replied, sealing one of the boxes up with masking tape. "So, what are you doing out this late at night?" Georgia asked her. "I thought for sure you'd be in your canopy bed by now."

"I had Eduardo take me here," Savannah replied. "I spoke to Father in private tonight."

Georgia sarcastically clapped her hands. "Did you convince him to give you a share of the company, Savannah?" she asked in anger.

"No, I didn't," Savannah glumly replied. "He's not handing down anything to me, as a matter of fact," she continued, giving Georgia a strange look.

Georgia widened her eyes in innocence. "I don't know the reason why. You already get enough."

"I only get his pocket money," Savannah defended.

"Savannah," Georgia started as she rolled her eyes. "Only you would say something like that. Just be grateful for that!"

"That wasn't the main reason I came here tonight," Savannah started, avoiding further discussion about the inheritance. "Father said that your new position in Philadelphia starts next week, and that you'll be leaving tomorrow night."

"That's the reason for all these boxes," Georgia said, extending her arms at her apartment. "I'll have to ship these out."

"I just wanted you to know that it has been a pleasure to be in the same town with you and we can always write now and then," Savannah suggested with a smile.

"You have such a way with words, Savannah," Georgia laughed, walking over and hugging Savannah. "Take care and, please, get a job!"

"I'll keep that in mind, Georgia," Savannah told her. "Before I forget, did they find that girl yet? The one you were talking about when you were over for dinner?"

"Lalie?" Georgia asked. "No, not yet," she replied. "I spoke with James earlier and he said there's something planned for tonight that might help them find her. We'll see," she concluded.

"I hope so," Savannah replied. "Well, Eduardo is waiting for me so I guess this is it."

"You make it sound so official," Georgia softly replied, sensing eeriness in that statement. "Just because I'll be in Pennsylvania doesn't mean I'll be dropping off the face of the Earth, Savannah," she told her. "I'll be back, I'm not going anywhere!" Georgia finished.

"I know you're not," Savannah smiled. "Goodbye," she said as she walked out and shut the door.

Georgia looked disturbed as she heard the clicking of Savannah's heels soften as she made her way down the hall.

Chapter 25
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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