Object of Captivity... Chapter 27

The next morning, Lalie opened her eyes and was surprised at her surroundings. For once, it wasn't in a dark, damp room but a nice, loving hotel room with her parents in the next room. She hadn't been back to her hotel room yet, but she knew she had to go to that room to gather her belongings.

Lalie got up and stretched a little. "Waking up in this environment is something I will never take for granted again," she told Carole, sitting by the TV.

"Knowing that you're safe is something I will treasure over and over again," Carole told her with a smile.

"I just got off the phone with Heather," Harold chimed in. "She's so elated that you're home safe. I didn't know you were awake otherwise I would have put her on," he told her.

"That's okay," Lalie told him. "I'll call Heather when we get back home," she said as her eyes lit up. "Home! I love the sound of that."

"How are we supposed to get your things when that door is locked?" Carole asked.

Lalie didn't answer and walked over to the drawer and opened it. "I have the key," she said, holding it up. "Adelyn took it off Marcia last night and gave it back to me."

"Great!" Carole exclaimed. "Let's go up there then!"

They knocked on James and Kevin's door before Lalie headed into her hotel room.

"Hi," Kevin said, as he opened the door. "Almost ready to go back home?"

"I have to pack my things first," Lalie told him as she prepared to head over to her room.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Harold asked her.

"Dad," Lalie started. "Marcia is gone. I highly doubt I'll disappear just walking over to that door and going inside," she told him with a smile.

"She's right," Carole agreed. "The last thing Lalie wants to be is suffocated."

Lalie headed down to her hotel room and put the key in the lock. She took a deep breath as she opened the door. As she did, her eyes noticed clothes and pieces of glass scattered all over the floor. The mattresses, bedspreads and sheets were hanging off the bed and on the floor. The picture frames were lopsided and hanging off the wall. "OH, MY GOD!!!" Lalie yelled at the top of her lungs, as everyone on that floor opened their doors to see what was going on.

"What is it?" Carole and the rest rushed in, having heard Lalie scream.

"This room," Lalie replied in shock. "Look at it!"

"I know," Kevin sighed, walking in and looking around. It was in worse shape than it was the last time he had seen it.

"You knew the room was like this?" Lalie wanted to know.

Kevin nodded. "I told her to clean it up... but..."

"We'll clean it up," Carole offered.

"It's okay," Lalie told her. "It's my room, I'll clean it up."

"We are going to help you," Carole once again offered. "We're leaving tomorrow, there's no way one person can clean this mess up."

Lalie looked around the room at her clothes thrown all over the place, her suitcase lay open on her bed. A pair of pants that were on the bed had their pockets pulled out. She held up the pants as her eyes widened. "I had money in these pants," she said.

"What?" Harold asked her.

"There was money in these pants," Lalie reiterated, sticking her hand in the empty pocket. "Marcia stole the money," she concluded in anger, as everyone began to clean the room up.

Later that afternoon, Lalie sat in Kevin and James' hotel room.

"I can't believe we actually cleaned that room," Lalie said in an exhausted tone. "I never knew Marcia had those problems."

"Me either," James agreed. "You wouldn't believe some of the stunts she pulled."

"I was in her way," Lalie told James in a serious tone. "That's why she did it. I knew she had a thing for you but I told her not to pursue anything on this trip," she explained. "Also, she wanted to take advantage of the extra hotel space."

"I figured that part out," James replied. "Why couldn't she just get a new room?"

"Marcia didn't think simplistically," Lalie replied, laughing slightly. "Oh, well. I'm back now."

As Lalie said that, there was a knock on the door. Kevin went to answer it.

"Hi everyone," Georgia greeted, standing on the other side of the door.

Lalie let go of the negative feelings she had for Georgia on the first day they met. "It's really good to see you," Lalie said, walking over to Georgia.

"I'm glad to see you safe," Georgia told her with a smile. "What an ordeal, huh?"

"You guessed it," Lalie replied. "Georgia, I'm sorry," she apologized, tearing up.

Georgia laughed. "Sorry for what?"

Lalie didn't tell her what she was sorry for. "Just know that I'm sorry for thinking something I shouldn't have."

"Fair enough," Georgia laughed, not knowing what she was talking about. "I just came to say that I'm leaving a day before you guys are."

"You're leaving tonight?" James wanted to know.

"Father wants me to get out there early," Georgia explained. "It's not like I'm getting any time to rest. I'm settling in my office on Monday!"

"You're right," Lalie agreed. "Your father definitely doesn't waste time."

"Where are you staying?" Kevin asked.

"There's a penthouse in the building that I'll be staying at until I can find my own place," Georgia told him.

"I never knew there was a penthouse up there," Lalie replied.

"I don't think anyone does," Georgia laughed. "I'll see everyone next week then."

Everyone told Georgia that they'd see her in Pennsylvania. Georgia smiled and left the hotel.

A few minutes after Georgia left, there was another knock on the door and Lalie went to answer it.

"Mom," Lalie acknowledged. "Where's Dad?"

"He'll be here in a minute," Carole replied as she set her bag down on the table. "I bought some things for everyone."

"Kevin," Carole said, as she handed him a key chain. "James," she said, handing him a mug. "Lalie," she handed her a bracelet.

"This wasn't necessary," James told her, as he held his beautiful mug.

"James is right," Kevin agreed, looking over his gorgeous key chain.

Lalie put on her bracelet immediately after getting it. "Yes, not necessary!" she quickly agreed, looking at her bracelet from all angles.

"Of course it was," Carole told them in a serious tone. "Kevin and James were wonderful, and Lalie, I'm glad you're home, well, almost, and safe!"

"Thank you," everyone said in unison.

"I bought something for Heather too," Carole added. "Also, something for Adelyn. I'll need to bring that to her."

"Adelyn's work was outstanding," Kevin chimed in. "I've never seen anyone who worked so efficiently."

"Her work truly was remarkable," James added.

"I'll bring that over to her right now," Carole said, as she headed towards the door. "Hopefully, I can catch Harold before he comes back up."

Miriam Santiago took the first flight from Philadelphia to Minneapolis when she heard about her daughter, Marcia's, arrest. Miriam walked into the police station and asked politely to see her daughter.

Miriam was led to a back area where she was able to converse with Marcia through a telephone. A window separated the two from contact.

"Marcia," Miriam softly started. "What is this? Why are you here?"

"Mom," Marcia replied in a cheery tone. "You mean, you don't know?"

"Something about kidnapping somebody to take advantage of extra space?" Miriam replied. "I think I want to hear it from you."

"Kidnapping?" Marcia asked her. "What kidnapping? I asked you if you know why I'm here."

"Marcia," Miriam whispered. "Do you realize where you are?"

"Of course," Marcia replied, defensively. "Look," she whispered. "Let's just keep this between you and me, I'm so happy at the latest turn of events."

Miriam was silent for a moment as she looked into Marcia's eyes. "What are you talking about, Marcia Catherine?"

"I think I met someone who wants to return my feelings," Marcia whispered.

A pained look came over Miriam's face. "Who are you talking about?"

Marcia laughed out loud. "You act as if you don't know," Marcia told her. "See, it paid off," she said. "I did it all for him. I hope you approve of our relationship. We're as happy as two people can be so don't try and stop it."

"Did it for who?" Miriam desperately asked, a tear gently rolled down her cheek, leaving a visible stream of mascara.

"James," Marcia replied. "James, James, James, James."

Miriam slowly sat back as Marcia's eyes stared off into the distance and continued to repeat one name.

"James, James, James, James, James."

Carole and Harold walked into the police station, their eyes searched for Adelyn as they overheard a woman suggesting to an officer that her jailed daughter be moved to a jail for the insane.

Chapter 28
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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