Object of Captivity... Chapter 3

That evening, James was sitting in the living room at the family house when the doorbell rang. James got up to go answer it.

"Hey, Kevin," James answered sounding surprised. "Ever since you moved into that apartment, you've hardly been back here."

"I've just been trying to get the apartment in order," Kevin explained. "When you start unpacking those boxes, not only do you find out how much stuff you have, but you also learn how little closet space there is in an apartment like that!"

James laughed as she nodded in agreement. "Anyway, what brings you here?"

"I'm here to see you," Kevin told him truthfully. "Did Mom and Dad go to their session, though?"

"I dropped them off earlier and made sure they went into the office," James answered. "I was going to go pick them up soon."

"I won't hold you up too long," Kevin told him but also glad that his mother reconsidered going to the sessions. "I think we could use a vacation around here."

"A vacation?" James asked in disbelief. "What kind?"

"Not a long one," Kevin answered. "Just a few days to get away from what's been going on. I have to go to this series of meetings next week in St. Paul and I think it would be great if you came with us."

James stood there in thought. "Who's 'us'?"

"Myself, Lalie and this girl Marcia," Kevin truthfully replied.

James remembered the name Marcia from somewhere but couldn't place her. "I don't know. Who's going to take Mom and Dad to the counseling?"

"They'll take themselves," Kevin answered. "We'll tell the counselor, if they don't show up for a meeting to call us at the hotel in St. Paul."

James took a deep breath. "Well, it doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"So, you'll go?" Kevin asked him.

"I think so," James answered as he picked up his keys and prepared to go pick up his parents.

"Great!" Kevin exclaimed. "Everything's set now."

That evening, Lalie arrived home and went directly into the kitchen to tell her parents about the trip.

"Doesn't it sound great, Mom?" Lalie asked Carole after she finished telling Carole everything.

"I'll be concerned," Carole replied. "But it does sound like a nice vacation."

"Don't be concerned," Lalie politely said with a smile. "The planes are safe."

"How long will you be away?" Harold asked as he stood by the counter.

"I think it's only for a few days," Lalie answered truthfully. "It won't be long at all. Just enough time to attend those meetings and have some leisure time. It's been a while since I've been to St. Paul, it'll be nice to visit places I used to go to and see familiar faces cruising the Mall of America or perhaps strolling along Grand Avenue."

Carole and Harold smiled at Lalie's enthusiasm. "I know you'll have a great time," Carole smiled.

James picked his mother and father up from the marriage counselor's office and told his parents of his and Kevin's trip in a few days.

"I'm totally against the idea," Vivian answered quickly as she looked out the window.

"I think it's a wonderful idea," Robert disagreed. "I think Kevin and James need a few days away from this constant madness!"

"It figures you'd say that," Vivian looked at her husband.

"Can't you two agree on anything anymore?" James asked in anger.

"There's one thing," Vivian answered. "That today's session was the last one we'll ever be attending."

"No way," James told her in a strict tone.

"I appreciate the way you and Kevin are trying to help, but-" Vivian got interrupted by James.

"But nothing," James answered. "I already told the counselor that she needs to contact me if you two fail to show up for a session while Kevin and I are out of town."

"You what?" Robert asked in disbelief and anger.

"You heard me," James told them both in a serious tone. "You have to work through this!"

Vivian and Robert sat there silently as James continued to drive home.

On Thursday evening, Lalie received a message from Kevin asking her if she could go over to his apartment that evening. She went and knocked on his door.

"Sorry I'm late," Lalie apologized as she walked into Kevin's apartment and gave him a kiss. "I didn't check my answering machine until after I ate dinner."

"That's okay," Kevin understood as he put his hand in his pocket and pulled something out. "Look at what I have."

Lalie grabbed what he was holding and looked it over as a smile came across her face. "These are our tickets!"

"For tomorrow night," Kevin beamed as he held Lalie in a warm embrace. "I'm so glad we're going on this trip."

"I'm happy that James agreed to go," Lalie told him. "And of course, Marcia was very enthusiastic about it!" she added with a laugh.

"James doesn't know about the tickets yet," Kevin said as he grabbed his keys. "Want to come over to the house with me and tell James?"

"Sure!" Lalie replied as they both headed out the door.

Lalie and Kevin rang the front doorbell of the house and waited for an answer.

"Hello," Vivian greeted as she opened the door.

"Hi, Mom," Kevin said as he and Lalie entered the living room. "James here?"

"He's in the garage," Vivian replied as she straightened out the pillow on the sofa.

Kevin left to go find James as Lalie sat down on the sofa.

"Vivian, if I offended you the other day," Lalie started.

Vivian stared at Lalie as she said that. "You're a Mills, Lalie. I should have known not to set my expectations too high."

Lalie put her head down and smiled in frustration. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"I don't have to elaborate," Vivian shrugged. "Everyone in your family is rude and insulting. You put on that helpless act to make me sympathize with you before that wedding and then you sing a different tune after you get what you want. Sounds like another member of your family."

"I was trying to apologize to you just now," Lalie stood up. "I'm glad the words didn't come out because, if they did, God knows I'd be losing sleep tonight!"

"Hi," a voice called out from the hall as Vivian stood in her place looking enraged at Lalie's comment.

"There you are," Lalie smiled and walked over to James. "Did you tell him?" she whispered to Kevin.

"Not yet," Kevin answered as Vivian walked over to the three of them.

"Tell me what?" James curiously asked.

Kevin reached into his pocket and pulled out the tickets and showed them to James.

"You got the tickets!" James observed as Kevin waved them in front of his face.

"I hope you're all packed, James, because we're leaving tomorrow night!" Lalie told him as she held onto Kevin's arm.

"Not really," James laughed. "It shouldn't take me that long though!"

"Are you sure you really want to go, James?" Vivian chimed in.

James looked confused as Lalie answered Vivian's questioned. "Of course he does. There is so much that I can show everyone."

Vivian fake smiled. "It's such a sudden trip and James just moved back here for good."

"Everyone needs a vacation," Lalie told her in a serious tone. "I think he's settled enough. Aren't you, James?"

"Yeah," James answered as he looked at Lalie and Vivian. "I mean, I have lived here before so there's not much I had to get used to."

"See?" Lalie looked at Vivian with a smile.

Vivian gave a slight nod as she walked into the living room.

"Do you want to go out for coffee or something?" Kevin asked as he looked at James and Lalie.

"I guess," James answered.

"I'll meet you in the car," Lalie told them as she noticed her purse on the couch. "I left my purse in the living room."

Kevin and James left as Lalie walked back into the living room to grab her purse.

"Good job," Vivian applauded. "I guess Heather's expertise did rub off."

"Mills, Mills, Mills," Lalie teased as she grabbed her purse and left the house.

"Damn it!" Vivian angrily yelled as Lalie left. "I wish those Mills would just disappear!"

Chapter 4
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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