Object of Captivity... Chapter 5

Lalie, Kevin, James and Marcia went to the airport and did the necessary procedures at the gate and swiftly boarded their plane.

"Let's sit here," Marcia smiled at James as she pointed to two seats on the end. "You can take the window seat."

"I'd rather sit on the aisle," James pointed out. "Where are Lalie and Kevin going?"

"I'm not sure," Marcia told him as she made a face. "What's wrong with these seats by the window?"

"Nothing," James finally agreed as he sat next to Marcia and waited for Lalie and Kevin to come back.

"We can share the armrest," Marcia pointed to the one between the two seats.

James looked down at the armrest and gave a nod just as Lalie and Kevin returned.

"Sorry about that," Lalie apologized to James and Marcia as she sat down and looked down the row. "Marcia, why don't you come sit over here and let Kevin sit down there?"

Marcia looked down the row and replied, "It's okay. I like it here," she smiled as she looked over at James.

Lalie shrugged as she flipped through one of her magazines.

"I just hope it won't be too cold," Marcia laughed as she tried to start conversation.

"I don't mind it," James told her.

"Me either!" Lalie chimed in. "And I am so glad I picked a city like St. Paul to attend college in. It really was a nice environment to live in for those 4 years!"

"Make sure you show us around!" James laughed. "I'll get lost without your direction."

"I will!" Lalie told him. "There are some nice events that I'd like to bring you guys to. There's a street fair coming up to start off the summer. Would you like to go?"

"Sure!" James replied. "Kevin, did you remember to put film in that camera?"

"Which one?" Kevin laughed. "I brought a disposable camera."

"Why didn't you bring the real one?" James asked him.

"I have my camera," Lalie answered.

Marcia began to cough from the other end of the row. "You didn't forget about me, did you?"

"Marcia, I think it would be better if you sat next to me," Lalie informed her, once again.

"I like it over here," Marcia told her in a defensive tone. "I brought my camera, if that helps."

Kevin, Lalie, James and Marcia arrived in St. Paul later that day and were all very tired from the flight plus they had to get used to the one-hour difference because of the time zone. They had a quick bite to eat that night and went to bed. Lalie and Marcia had one room and Kevin and James had the other room. They all agreed to get up around 9:00 so they could get an early start on Sunday.

On Sunday morning, Lalie and Marcia were awake in their room and were getting ready for breakfast.

"Are you almost ready to see if the guys are ready?" Lalie asked Marcia, as she put on her earrings.

"Almost," Marcia called out from the bathroom. "I have a question."

"Okay," Lalie answered as she walked over to the drawers.

Marcia came out of the bathroom and asked the question. "Are you and Kevin going to spend any time alone on this trip?"

Lalie looked like she didn't know how to answer that. "Maybe, but I just figured that the four of us would be doing activities together. Why?"

"I was just wondering," Marcia replied, sounding a bit disappointed. "What are we doing today?"

"We'll decide on something," Lalie told her as she put some papers in her purse. "I picked up some brochures in the lobby that informs you of upcoming events in the Twin Cities. We can look through that later." Lalie walked over to the curtains and pulled them open as a beam of sunshine flashed down on the carpet. "Isn't the view stunning?"

Marcia walked over to the window and looked out at the view. "Yes, it is. You can see forever."

Next door, Kevin and James were just about ready, also.

"I saw the way Marcia was looking at you on that plane yesterday," Kevin teased James as he turned off the television.

"What way?" James obliviously asked.

"Don't act like that," Kevin told him in a joking manner. "She kept trying to start conversation with you and had you sit next to the window with her."

"I wanted to sit there," James argued but not sounding very convincing.

"No, you didn't," Kevin laughed.

"Marcia isn't my type anyway," James noted. "Even if she really was doing what you said, then she was being too persistent."

"We'll see what happens today," Kevin told him optimistically. "Are you forgetting about those problems at home?"

"I was until you brought it up!" James laughed.

"I'm sorry," Kevin laughed, realizing his mistake. "Well, at least you are. I'm sure Lalie has something planned today that will continue to keep our minds off of that."

Just as he said that, there was a knock on the door. Kevin went to answer it and Lalie and Marcia were standing there.

"Ready?" Lalie asked.

"I think so," Kevin answered as he looked at James.

Around the breakfast table at the Cafe in the hotel, they were discussing their plans for the day.

"I want to go wherever you go," Marcia announced to everyone, who was sitting next to James.

James uncomfortably looked at Marcia in the corner of his eye as Kevin gave him one of those, "I told you so" looks.

"Marcia, of course you're going to come with us," Lalie told her. "What are we going to do? Leave you at the hotel?"

Marcia laughed. "Of course I wouldn't think that."

"How does the Mall of America sound?" Lalie offered.

"Good to me," James answered.

"We can let Kevin and Lalie go on their own," Marcia told James. "We can walk around by ourselves."

"I don't think it's a good idea to separate," James tried to change her mind.

Marcia bit her nail as he said that.

"Well," Lalie started as she sipped her coffee. "We can head over there in a little while if you want. I think I remember how to get there."

They arrived to the Mall of America later that morning. They stayed together so far and browsed through the different stores. They bought some souvenirs and later agreed that it was time for lunch. They headed over to the food court and sat down at one of the tables.

Lalie arrived back at the table first with her food and sat down. She reached into her purse and pulled out those brochures and was looking them over as the others came back one by one.

"Wow," Marcia said as she looked at James' plate. "We have the same taste."

"Yeah," James noticed. "A lot of people like Italian food."

"Not sure what you guys want to do tonight!" Lalie told them. "I mean, I have these brochures to look at. Do you want to see a show or something?"

A girl who was sitting at the table next to them looked over at them with interest as she heard them discussing plans for the evening.

"Anything is fine, Lalie," James told her. "Let's see what we have here," he said as he took one of those brochures.

"We still have to walk around here more," Kevin noted as he was having a very good time walking around the mall. "I'd like to pick up more souvenirs."

"We'll definitely finish walking around the mall," Lalie assured him. "Can I see that magnet you bought in that store?"

Kevin reached into his bag and showed Lalie the magnet. "I want one like that," Lalie told him. "Maybe we can go back to that store. I picked up a mug for my mom to put over the fireplace."

"Lalie," Marcia called out. "This sounds interesting," she pointed to one of the items in the brochure.

The girl who was sitting next to them stood up and approached their table. "Hi!!!!" the girl cheerily exclaimed. "My name is Lynn!"

"Hi," everyone around the table said to Lynn.

"How are you?" Lynn asked. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. New in town?"

"The fact that we're tourists is that obvious, huh?" Lalie laughed.

"You're not the only tourists I see! I see people taking pictures in front of shoe stores and everything!" Lynn assured them. "Can I help at all?"

"Oh no, Kevin, did we take a picture in front of Payless?" Lalie laughed as she began to explain her situation to Lynn. "We're just not sure what we want to do tonight," Lalie told her the predicament.

"That's always hard to figure out!" Lynn said as she grabbed one of the brochures off the table and began to glance it over. "This brochure doesn't tell you half of the events that the Twin Cities has to offer. Seriously, it comes to life at night! You have everything ranging from shopping to concerts to clubs."

"Tell us more," Lalie enthused.

"Personally, going to concerts is my favorite interest," Lynn told them. "There's something for everyone, though. You have to decide what you want to do. You can go visit the shops along Grand Avenue in St. Paul, see the mansions on Summit Avenue, Mall of America," Lynn told them of some things. "Well, obviously you know about the Mall of America since you're here!"

"Yes," Lalie laughed. "Thanks so much for that information. I remember a lot of those shops from when I used to live here."

"Really?!" Lynn asked with enthusiasm.

"I attended Hamline University for 4 years," Lalie explained. "I really was sorry to leave after my 4th year."

"I'm going to Hamline this fall," Lynn told Lalie in shock. "I'm kind of nervous about it, but not really. Did you have a nice time there?"

"The environment was wonderful, Lynn," Lalie raved. "The friends you make, the academic opportunities, the location in the beautiful city. What more could you ask for?"

"I'm glad," Lynn told her. "What brings you back here now?"

"Business," Lalie sighed with a laugh. "Too bad the trip isn't all pleasure. Oh, well. One of our business affiliates is out here and they're holding a series of meetings, so here we are."

Lynn looked impressed as she looked down at her watch. "I have to get going to work. I work here. Isn't that convenient?" Lynn laughed. "I start in a little while but I'm really glad we met. Have a nice rest of the trip!"

"Thank you, Lynn," the group told her as Lynn began to walk away and then walked back to the table.

"If you want another store to visit, you can visit Irish Indeed on Randolf and Snelling," Lynn let them know with a smile.

"Great!" Lalie exclaimed. "We will and thanks again for all of your help!"

"No problem!!" Lynn marveled as she walked away.

"Ready to walk around some more?" Marcia asked, as she gave the brochure that she was looking at back to Lalie.

Chapter 6
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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