Object of Captivity... Chapter 7

Marcia awoke about an hour later and found the note on the nightstand. She squinted her eyes to read it as got out of the bed and went into the bathroom to change.

After she came out of the bathroom, there was a knocking on the door and James was standing there.

"Do you know where Kevin is?" James asked Marcia in a serious tone.

"He's out somewhere," Marcia told him as she grabbed the note. "Lalie's out, too. She said she'd be back before Kevin gets back, obviously, they're not together."

Just then, Kevin opened the door and entered the room. "There you are."

"Where were you?" James asked him.

"Sorry about that," Kevin apologized. "I had to go meet Georgia Caldwell but I'm ready to go sightseeing if you are!"

"Lalie's not here," Marcia told him.

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked.

"She left me this note and said she went out. She said she'd be back before you got back, but I guess that isn't the case," Marcia explained as she clutched the note.

A concerned look grew on Kevin's face but it wasn't a look of panic. He just figured she lost track of the time.

Lalie was passed out on the floor and she slowly opened both of her eyes and sat up. She noticed a cut on her arm and looked around at her surroundings. The room was chilly and it had a damp odor to it. She remembered what happened earlier and quickly stood up and raced over to the door. There was no way to unlock it from the inside. She desperately banged on it as she called out, "Let me out of here! Tell me where I am!" She remembered when she told Kevin that if anything else happened that she'd pin the blame on his mother. "Damn you, Vivian!" Lalie wailed. "You won't get away with this!" she cried as she slid down the door in tears.

There were footsteps coming from the other side of the door as Lalie moved away from the door. A sound of a key unlocked the door from the other side and an unshaven man entered, wearing torn clothing.

"Tell me where I am, you bastard," Lalie ordered in an angry yet terrified tone.

"Awake from your nap, I see," the man told her. "It's been a while since I've had company in these parts."

Lalie looked horrified as the man started to walk toward her.

"Relax," the man told her. "Why would I hurt you? You're my responsibility."

"I'm your what?" Lalie backed away as the man tried to walk toward her.

"I can't really divulge the details about that," the man chuckled.

"You're not scaring me," Lalie told him as she remembered her car was on the street. Surely, someone had to be looking for her by now! She stuck in her hand in her pocket to find her keys missing. "The keys," she gasped in horror. "They're gone."

"The car was taken care of," the man said.

"Where is it?" Lalie demanded to know.

"It's not gone," the man shrugged as he walked across the room. "It's just in hiding for a while. Wow, just like you're in hiding. Maybe you can start a club."

Lalie ignored him as she noticed that he left the door open slightly and she attempted to make a run for it.

The man blocked her from going out the door and violently pulled her back into the center of the room as Lalie's eyes filled with tears. "That behavior, my dear, will not be acceptable," he whispered in her ear as he slowly let go of his grasp.

"And what would be appropriate behavior?" Lalie asked as she breathed heavily.

"As long as you are a follower and don't disobey, then I'll let you go as soon as I get the word," the man said in a serious tone.

"And what makes you think I'm so perfect in that way?" Lalie asked as her back still faced the man. "I mean, that I'll obey whatever you say?"

The man laughed. "If you're not perfect in that way, you will be." The man turned around and left the room. He locked it and, from the inside, sounds like he pulled a latch and chain over the door, as well.

Lalie used her hand to brush her disheveled hair away from her face. She noticed a curtain pulled over one part of the wall and nervously walked over to it. She held on to an edge of the curtain and quickly pulled it across. "How nice," she breathed in a sarcastic tone as she found an indent in the wall with a single toilet.

Later that afternoon, Kevin and James sat in the hotel room, Kevin grew more worried and concerned about Lalie as every second passed.

"I'm beginning to rule out the losing track of time theory," Kevin said as he tapped his finger against the desk and stood up and walked over to the balcony.

"Maybe she went somewhere and the car broke down," James theoretically said as he tried to calm Kevin's fears.

"She could have called," Kevin raised his voice as he turned around. "I just can't sit around here any longer. I need to drive around and see if I can find where she is."

"Kevin," James called out but it was too late. Kevin had already left the hotel room. He decided to go next door and see if Marcia had heard anything from Lalie yet. He took his cell phone and noticed Kevin forgot his cell phone, having been in such a rush. He took them both next door in case Lalie tried to get through.

James knocked on Marcia's door but there was no answer. He waited a few seconds more before he tried the doorknob to see if it was unlocked. It was. He slowly walked in to an empty room. "Marcia?" he called out in a question as he walked over to the balcony and pulled the blinds open but Marcia was not out there, either.

"Looking for me?" Marcia asked from behind.

"Actually, I was," James answered in a relieved tone as he turned around and then dropped his jaw as he looked at Marcia.

Chapter 8
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