Object of Captivity... Chapter 8

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Marcia asked, as she stood there in a loose towel. "I just came out of the shower."

"Why didn't you lock the door?" James asked as he gulped.

"Well, Lalie forgot her key to get back in the room so I left it open in case she returned," Marcia answered as she noticed James staring at her. "Oh, James, I do think I'm making you uncomfortable," she said as she started to walk suggestively toward him, throwing her head back and running her fingers through her wet hair.

"Marcia, don't," James told her as he backed away.

"It doesn't take a scientist to figure out that I've wanted you ever since you walked into that office for the first time before Kevin and Heather's wedding," Marcia cooed as she was about to untie the knot that held her towel in place.

"No," James ordered as he was almost backed into a corner. "Marcia, I'm sorry, but I can't return your feelings."

"I know you're capable," Marcia said as she began to stroke his face and took his hand and placed it on her bare shoulder. "We're already half way there. I'm only in this flimsy little towel. It shouldn't take that long to get you out of that suit," she said as the knot in the back unraveled and the towel only covered her front. "Oops."

"We aren't making love now or ever, Marcia, aren't you getting cold in that towel?" James told and asked her in a serious tone as he pulled his hand off her shoulder and one of the cell phones started to ring. "Thank God," he told himself in a relieved tone. "I have to get that," he said as he pushed Marcia out of the way and went over to Kevin's cell phone. "It might be Lalie."

Marcia retied the knot in her towel and walked over to James as he picked up the cell phone.

"Hello?" he asked as he picked up Kevin's ringing cell phone.

"This was easier than I thought," a voice on the other end said. "Do you always pick up other people's phones?"

"Ms. Caldwell?" James asked in a confused tone. "Occasionally about picking up other people's phones," he laughed.

"It's Georgia to you," Georgia told him. "I didn't know your number so I looked on Kevin's sheet and decided to call him and then I'd ask him to put you on, but there you are."

"I'm really glad you called, Georgia," James said as he glanced over at Marcia, who was staring at him while sucking on a lollipop.

"I meant what I said yesterday," Georgia told him with a smile. "About getting to know you. I know you'll be leaving to go back home in a couple days but I was hoping we could get together before then."

"You know I'm available for that," James smiled.

"Wonderful," Georgia beamed. "It's been a while since I've met someone as friendly as you. Your words and actions truly touched me."

Marcia strutted up to James upon hearing his conversation and wrapped her arms around him. "Oh, James," she breathlessly said. "Who interrupted our charged moment like that?"

"Marcia," James whispered in an angry tone.

"Who is that, James?" Georgia questioned.

"Um, nobody, really," James answered as he widened his eyes at Marcia.

Marcia raised her eyebrows as she sucked on the lollipop. "You know I don't like to be left hanging like that. You know me so well. Now, come back over here and let's finish what we started with this towel, my talented stud. I never thought you could do that with a towel. You just keep on impressing me."

"Knock it off," James ordered as he put his hand over the part of the phone that you speak into.

"You have to get off that phone first," Marcia giggled. "Is cherry your favorite flavor?" Marcia asked seductively as she held up the lollipop. "I have a lot more cherry where that came from. We have to remember to save some of that for tonight, though," she added with a wink.

"Excuse me!" Georgia yelled in anger on the other end of the phone. "Ugh! You're no better than the rest of them! Go back and impress your girlfriend, I should have known that your charming smile and polite personality was nothing but a ruse!" she yelled in a huff. "Oh, and it's back to Ms. Caldwell, you talented stud!" she added before she hung up her end of the phone.

"Georgia, she isn't my," James tried to tell her as he heard the click on the other end. He angrily clicked the cell phone shut.

"It couldn't have been something I said," Marcia sarcastically said as she rolled the lollipop around on her tongue.

James walked over to Marcia and pulled the lollipop out of her hand and threw it in the garbage. "What the hell is your problem?" James roared. "Get it through your head, I am not interested in you and I will never be interested in you!"

"You say that now," Marcia shrugged as she looked to the side with her arms folded.

"You're right, I am saying that now and I'll be saying that forever!" James yelled as he grabbed the cell phones and walked over to the door before he turned around and faced Marcia. "I hope red is your favorite color, because red is exactly the color your face will be when you see that I'm serious about not being interested in you and when I have Georgia Caldwell happily on my arm! Gee, I guess I am pretty talented, huh?"

Marcia stood there and didn't say a word as he slammed the door shut and she angrily looked at the lollipop that James threw in the trash.

Lalie slowly walked around the room as she felt the walls to see if there was any way out of there. She shook her head in disappointment, as there was no way out of there. Suddenly, she heard the key going back into the door and the man re-entered with a tray of food and a small table on wheels.

"Dinner, if you want," the man pointed as he prepared to walk away.

"My dinner," Lalie acknowledged as she looked down at a dry piece of chicken and lumpy mashed potatoes. "And who made this?"

"I did," the man told her as he left the room.

"He did," Lalie whispered as she poked her fork around this less than pleasing platter. She glanced over at the knife and tightened her face in thought.

James arrived at Georgia's office ready to explain what happened on the phone earlier.

"There's someone here for you," Harriet spoke into the phone.

Georgia opened the door with a smile that quickly faded when she caught a glimpse of who was standing there.

"Let me explain," James said as he rushed over to her office.

"I think what I heard over the phone was a good enough explanation," Georgia told him as she tried to shut the door in his face, only to have him push it open.

"Let me just come in for a minute," James said to her with a hopeful statement. "Come on, I had to take a bus all the way down here just so I could explain myself."

Georgia reluctantly opened the door and he gladly entered.

"If you're not done with your explanation in a minute, can I please have the honor of kicking you out?" Georgia sarcastically asked as she walked behind her desk.

"It won't even take me a minute to tell you the real story," James replied in a serious tone.

"Let's hear it," Georgia cued him to begin.

"Okay, I am not interested at all in the person you heard on the phone. She was trying to seduce me and when she overheard my conversation, she decided to make it seem like we were..."

"Doing something with towels that I don't even want to fathom," Georgia finished his sentence with a shiver.

"I told her to stop and that I didn't share the same feelings she did, but she was persistent," James honestly told her.

"Why would she do something like that?" Georgia questioned.

"I don't know," James had no answer for her. "Everything you overheard on that phone was a lie on her part."

Georgia took a deep breath. "Who was this person? The voice was familiar."

"Marcia Santiago," James truthfully told her.

"The same one who was at those meetings?" Georgia asked in disbelief.

"That's the one," James answered.

"Wow, I never pictured her like that," Georgia said in shock. "I do believe you, James, but let's not let this happen again."

"It won't, I promise!" James promised her.

"Would you still like to go out later tonight, then?" Georgia asked with a smile.

"I'd like that but I just don't know," James answered as he began to explain. "Lalie has been gone all day and Kevin is fearing the worst."

"Oh, my God, I hope she's okay," Georgia replied with concern.

"I'm sure she is," James confidently said.

Lalie did her best to eat that chicken and those mashed potatoes but it wasn't easy. Never in her life had she tasted something so poorly cooked. She picked up the knife and looked it over as she thought over her plan. She moved to the door and waited for the man to reenter.

About ten minutes later, she heard the latch being removed and the key going into the lock. Lalie pressed closely against the wall where the door would open so the man wouldn't see her when he entered. The man entered and looked around confused as Lalie prepared to use the knife to make a clean escape.

Chapter 9
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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