Separate Worlds... Chapter 19

Later that evening, Frankie stood outside of a building downtown. She took a deep breath as she read the name on the door, which read "Invasion".

She pulled the handle and walked into the building, and stopped at a desk.

"Excuse me," Frankie asked of the woman sitting behind the desk. "I have a story that I might want to have printed in this paper. Is there someone that I can talk to about that?"

"You can talk to me," a man's voice called out, as she turned around to look at the man approaching her. "I was just on my way out... I hope this is worth it."

"It is," Frankie affirmed, as the man puffed away at his cigarette.

"Bill Markson," he introduced himself. "I'm the editor here."

"I'm Wanda Clarke," Frankie told him. "I have this inside story that I think would be very successful for your paper," she told him, thinking about Georgia's father. "I want it to be printed on a certain day, though."

"What day?" Bill wanted to know.

"That I am not sure," Frankie let him know, unsure of when Georgia's wedding day is supposed to be. "I just wanted to know if it would be possible for me to come back a day or two before the day I want it printed and get that article printed in time."

"We'll have to see first," Bill told her, optimistically. "What's your scoop?"

"I want to get a few more details about it first before I let you know, just so everything is accurate," Frankie told him.

"Ms. Clarke, this is a tabloid, not an encyclopedia," Bill pointed out. "It doesn't matter if you stretch the truth here and there. Go all out. Scandal sells!"

"Well, this paper will finally be printing an article that will be nothing but the complete truth, and it'll be very scandalous without any stretches," Frankie promised. "I'll come back a few days before I want my story to run. It's all or nothing."

"Come back, then," Bill told her. "I just hope your story will be suitable for this paper."

"Mr. Markson, I've seen the types of stories that this tabloid prints. Believe me, it'll fit right in!" Frankie declared, as she began to walk away.

"Ms. Clarke!" Bill called out. "Ms. Clarke!"

'Oh, right, that's me!' Frankie exclaimed to herself. 'I have to keep track of all my identities!' she told herself, turning around.

"I just wanted to give you my card," Bill told her.

Frankie took the card and looked at it. "I'll be back. You can be sure of that."

"Good night!" she heard Bill yell, as she shut the door and stood outside the office.

"I have to get more information about this," Frankie muttered. "All I have is the headline... I need the story. I know just who to go to!"

James walked into the penthouse and saw Georgia and her father, Grant, carrying on a conversation.

"Well, what do you want?" Grant asked her in a serious tone.

"I want Trey fired!" Georgia declared. "You knew that this morning, but you still didn't fire him for some reason. I should have done it myself, but then everything just got twisted when Kevin quit... and now Trey is expressing his interest about replacing Kevin as president!"

James was shocked about hearing that last part. "Kevin quit?" he asked, walking up to them. "When did this happen, Georgia?"

"After he and Lalie broke up," Georgia let him know. "I just don't know what to do. I mean... without him as president."

"He and Lalie broke up?" James asked, again shocked.

"I was thinking of asking Lalie to replace him, but I just don't know if she's had enough experience," Georgia sighed.

"Stop worrying about the business for a moment!" James demanded. "I can't believe they broke up, and now he's quitting his job. I also have another question."

"What is it?" Georgia wanted to know.

"Ryan came to work very angry this evening," James began. "When I asked him what was wrong, he said that he found out that Frankie had a secret plan going on with none other than Trey. When I asked him how he found out, he said Georgia told him."

"Everything sounds correct," Georgia let him know. "What's the question?"

"Why?" James asked her.

"Why, what?" Georgia asked in a confused tone.

"Why did you have to intervene?" James wanted to know. "Frankie and Ryan were having enough problems without that adding onto it."

"Well, Ryan had a right to know that Frankie was doing these things and pretending to be other people," Georgia explained.

"It's something that she'd only do once," James let her know. "She'd never go under a false identity again."

"Well, I couldn't take that chance," Georgia firmly told him. "I understand that Frankie and Ryan have had their problems, but I don't feel that I've added on to them in any way. Frankie was the one who decided to stir up trouble again by teaming up with Trey, and she got caught."

"Ryan and Frankie want to make that family work... it just seems like everything is against them," James noted.

"Frankie's doing it all herself," Georgia let him know. "I didn't do anything wrong by telling Ryan. When Frankie matures, I'm sure she and Ryan could work through their problems."

"I guess Ryan did have the right to know," James realized. "Your news about Kevin just hit me the wrong way. I can't believe what happened."

"I know," Georgia sighed. "The wedding will still go on with just us, I hope. Kevin said he wouldn't miss it for anything in the world."

"I'm glad that he'll be there," James told her.

"He will," Georgia confirmed. "It looks like the wedding day will be perfect. Absolutely perfect."

"I think it's time that I call Savannah and Marietta, it looks like the wedding will be sooner than later," Grant mentioned.

"I'm not sure exactly when the date will be, but call them!" Georgia urged. "I think it'll be soon. Very soon!"

Vivian Baker tucked away the crossword puzzle book, just as the doorbell rang.

She got up to answer it and, to her surprise, found Kevin standing on the other side of the door.

"You're the last person I expected to see," Vivian noted, as she looked on with a cautious look on her face. "Come in," she invited him, as he walked in. She shut the door behind him.

"There's something that I need to tell you," Kevin announced.

Vivian flipped her hair back. "So, what did I do this time?" she wanted to know, walking over to the drawer and pulling out her crossword puzzle book. "I've resorted to sitting in the house all day doing these damn crossword puzzles ever since you and James made it clear that you want nothing to do with me, but yet I am being blamed for something again!" she informed him. "So, what is it? Am I responsible for the broken nail she endured opening the mail? Or, perhaps, I'm responsible for her split ends because I made her buy the wrong shampoo!"

"You can stop now," Kevin advised her. "Actually, I'm not here to accuse you of anything," he informed her. "I'm just letting you know that I'm leaving town after the wedding."

Vivian was stunned, as she dropped the crossword puzzle book back in the drawer without even looking at it. "You are? Why?"

"It's time to leave and start anew," Kevin let her know. "I think different scenery would do me some good."

"And where does your... fiance fit into this category?" Vivian asked, very curiously.

"She doesn't," Kevin sternly told her. "We broke up."

"Again?!" Vivian demanded to know, in disbelief. "What happened this time?"

"Let's just say, she found someone else," Kevin vaguely replied.

"I told you that Lalie was no good," Vivian tried to make him see her side of the situation. "If only you had listened to me."

"I drove her away by acting the way I did," Kevin informed her. "Anyway, I just came over here to tell you that I'll be leaving town after the wedding."

"I've been out of the loop for so long, I don't even know what you're talking about!" Vivian exclaimed. "Are we talking about James and Georgia's wedding? When is it?"

"I don't think they've set a date nor sent out invitations," Kevin let her know. "It was supposed to be a double wedding, but that plan has died."

"Yours and Lalie's," Vivian softly muttered.

"Right," Kevin muttered. "I'll have to speak to James and Georgia about seating arrangements... I don't need to sit near Lalie and Phil."

"You mean Lalie is going to this wedding?" Vivian asked, in shock.

"I'd assume she would... she's friends with Georgia and James," Kevin reminded her.

"Don't you find it strange that Lalie would have the audacity to attend the wedding that was supposed to be HERS, as well?" Vivian asked him. "And to show up with her new love on her arm?"

Kevin seemed to think about it for a minute. "That would be pretty brazen of her," he replied.

"She wouldn't think twice about it," Vivian told him in a serious tone. "She doesn't care that she'll hurt you by showing up, flaunting that guy in your face."

"That's right!" Kevin exclaimed. "Well, if that's the case, then I'm not even attending that wedding."

"You HAVE to be there, Kevin... it's your brother's wedding," Vivian reminded him. "Lalie's the one who should be kept at a distance."

"Don't even!" Kevin warned.

"I know you want me to help, Kevin," Vivian mentioned. "I can see it in your eyes. Don't you want to be there for your brother without having to worry about colliding with your ex-lover and her new one?"

"You can't keep Lalie away from a public place!" Kevin shouted. "What are you going to do, have people on watch outside of the Church and then drag her away if she shows up?"

Vivian had an idea in her head but decided not to voice it. "You're right, Kevin. I suppose I can't keep Lalie away."

"I can handle whether she shows up or not," Kevin firmly told him. "Please, don't do anything! Besides, I'll be leaving town right after the ceremony."

"You have my word," Vivian promised, as Kevin walked to the door. "Kevin, wait... am I going to be invited to this event?"

"I don't want to get your hopes up, but I believe James did plan to invite you," Kevin replied. "Therefore, don't ruin it by trying to keep his friend away!"

Vivian nodded, as she watched Kevin leave. She took in a deep breath, and a smile formed on her face as she released it. "I won't keep Lalie away. I'll make her WANT to stay away," Vivian firmly said aloud. "I have to devise a plan where Lalie won't be at that wedding, but I can ensure my seat. Oh, I've been gone for far too long!"

'I have to try getting all the information I can out of Trey about Georgia's father without being obvious,' Frankie muttered to herself, standing outside his hotel room. 'Georgia can consider this article her wedding present from me... except... she won't ever find out who gave her such an unforgettable gift."

She raised her hand, and knocked three times on the door. After a minute or so, Trey opened the door.

"Frankie, what are you doing here?" Trey wanted to know. "I thought our partnership went south."

"After you revealed your true feelings to me, how could I stay away?" Frankie wanted to know with a suggestive smile. "Aren't you going to let me in?"

"My feelings for you were the truth. I just didn't think we had much in common since our plan was exposed," Trey figured.

"Just because we're not working together anymore doesn't mean that we have to stop seeing each other, does it?" Frankie asked him, trying to sound enticing.

Trey looked down at the ground for a moment, and as he looked back up, his eyes met with hers. He nervously laughed, as he decided to let her in.

"I'm going down to my office for a minute," Georgia told one of the security guards standing outside her door, before turning around to look at James standing in the doorway.

"I thought you were going to keep your mind off of business tonight," James let her know.

"I am!" Georgia defended. "Ask me why I'm going to my office."

"Why?" James gave in.

"I'm getting a phone number that I found off the Internet for a reception hall in the area," Georgia informed him, as she felt James kiss her. "Well, thanks for that. I'll be back in a few."

Georgia headed down to her office, and turned the handle to enter. As she entered, she found her swivel chair facing the window and her drawers open.

Gasping, she ran over to her desk and rummaged through her papers and drawers to find everything completely ransacked. She turned the swivel chair around and found a piece of paper on the cushion. She picked it up and looked at the words written.

"Yes, I was here," Georgia read aloud with a shaky voice. "Don't turn around."

Georgia dropped the note, as she darted out of the office in a panic. She saw Rachel emptying one of the garbage cans on the other side of the office.

"Rachel!" Georgia exclaimed. "Oh, my God..."

"Ms. Caldwell?" Rachel asked her. "What is it?! You seem... on edge."

"Did you see anyone go in my office, or leave my office anytime after six?" Georgia demanded to know.

"No!" Rachel exclaimed. "I just got here a few minutes ago. That's why I'm getting a late start with the floors."

Georgia groaned. "Did you see anyone in the lobby, then?"

"Not a soul," Rachel replied. "Oh, wait... there was a man with brown hair standing outside by the door."

"What was he doing?!" Georgia demanded to know.

"I think he was waiting for a bus," Rachel let her know. "I'm sorry, Ms. Caldwell, I wish I could be more of a help."

"We'll find this person in due time," Georgia confidently said. "But, in the meantime, they are scaring the hell out of me," she informed her, looking down at the ground with her head buried in her hands.

"Are those guards standing by your door all the time now?" Rachel wanted to know.

Georgia slowly looked up at Rachel, as she met her inquisitive eyes. For a brief moment, Rachel's eyes seemed to remind her of someone, although she couldn't place her. "Why do you want to know that?" she asked her, as Rachel innocently shrugged at her.

"I just figured if they are standing by your door all the time, then you shouldn't have anything to be scared about, right?" Rachel explained her question.

"Where were they when I needed them?" Georgia proposed a thought, as she began to feel livid. "Good night, Rachel."

James was sitting on the couch, and he jumped as he heard Georgia's voice shouting in the hallway.

"What the hell good are you?" Georgia's voice roared in the hall. "My office was ransacked while you're standing up here twiddling your thumbs! What kind of service is this?"

James rushed over to the door and pulled it open. "What the hell is going on here?"

"The person that is stalking me was right under their nose and they missed them!" Georgia explained to James in a very angry tone.

"Ms. Caldwell, you never reported a disturbance in your office before," one of the guards calmly told her. "You always said that you've been getting notes under your door, hang up calls."

"Don't you think that you should cover all grounds?" Georgia demanded to know. "I feel like YOU'RE watching me by standing outside my door all day!"

"They're just doing their job," James tried to explain.

"If they were, then they should have caught that guy when he was ransacking my office!" Georgia exclaimed.

"Come on, Gary, let's go check it out," one of the guards said to the other.

Georgia watched as they both entered the elevator, and then turned to James. "Can this situation GET any worse?"

"Let's go inside," James told her, motioning toward her.

A figure emerged from around the corner, as they watched the penthouse door shut.

Chapter 20
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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