Separate Worlds... Chapter 20

Trey stood over his brandy and poured himself a drink, and then turned to Frankie, holding the glass in the air. "What is this about, Frankie?"

"I was just wondering how your first day of work went," Frankie replied, as Trey watched her walk up to him and take the glass from his hands, and set it back down on the table. "We worked so hard. I hope you didn't get fired. Wouldn't that be awful?"

"I didn't get fired," Trey firmly replied.

"Why didn't you get fired?" Frankie wanted to know.

"Excuse me?" Trey asked her, unsure of her questioning.

"I mean, you made me pretend to be one of your clients," Frankie reminded him.

"You were willing," Trey thought back to the situation. "And that Italian accent was all you. That's also how you got caught."

"It didn't matter at all to Georgia that you schemed to get that job?" Frankie asked him.

"Why the persistent questions?" Trey questioned. "Why can't you just accept that I didn't get fired and leave it at that?"

"I don't believe for one minute that Georgia would agree to keep you on the job despite what we did," Frankie explained. "Why don't you just tell me the truth?"

"I am telling you the truth!" Trey exclaimed, as he thought of a way to get out of this conversation. "Enough about this. What happened with you and Ryan up here after I left for work? I didn't see you leave."

We had it out," Frankie replied. "It's probably over for real this time," she fretted.

"Darling, I'm sorry," Trey apologized. "Had I known that Ryan was standing there, I never would have done what I did. I feel just awful!"

"Did you mean what you said?" Frankie wanted to know. "I feel like you understand me in a way that no one else can."

"Have you ever known me to lie?" Trey replied, as his phone began to ring. "Frankie, I think I should take that."

"Okay," Frankie replied, glaring down at the phone. "You seem to be focused on business twenty-four seven. Why don't you call me tomorrow night, and I can show you some creative ways to let loose?"

"Dinner?" Trey wanted to know.

"That, too," Frankie suggested, winking at him, as she turned around and left the hotel room. She stood by the door and tried to listen in to hear who Trey was on the phone with.

"Hello?" she heard Trey's voice pick up the phone. "I almost got fired today, Father. Don't worry. Once I threatened Grant about Savannah's parentage, I was good to go. No, Grant doesn't seem to realize that fact about James. I remember Marietta telling Mother in confidence that Savannah's father was none other than Robert Neelan. Georgia's marrying her sister's brother," he continued with a laugh.

Frankie dropped her jaw as she heard that last part about Savannah's father being Kevin and James' father. "This is better than I thought!" Frankie exclaimed in shock. "I remember Bill Markson said that I could stretch the truth because scandal sells. I know all I need to know about this story. I have it!"

Trey put his brandy glass to his lips and took a sip as he heard his father's voice come through the other end of the phone.

"Has anything else been transpiring?" his father asked.

"Actually, it has," Trey began. "Kevin Neelan quit as president. I'm working on Georgia right now so that she'll hire me to fill that position."

"She'll be going on her honeymoon soon," his father reminded him.

"Exactly," Trey pointed out. "It seems like time is on our side. When Georgia's on that honeymoon, it'll be the perfect time to swoop in and take over that whole company. Shall we order the name change now or later? Caldwell Banking will be Clemens Banking."

The next morning, Vivian was in the elevator heading to the penthouse to speak with James and Georgia about her plans for the wedding.

"Not only will this keep Lalie away, but I think it'll help James love me again… and his little bride, too," Vivian hoped aloud in the elevator.

Vivian stepped off the elevator and was surprised to see two security guards approach her. "Get the hell out of my way, I'm here to see Georgia and James!"

"And who are you?" one of the security guards asked.

Vivian dropped her jaw in utter shock, as she tried to push her way around them.

James watched as Georgia walked into the living room area and set her cup of tea on the table.

"I hope those security guards aren't mad at me," Georgia hoped.

James gave her a reassuring look. "If my office were ransacked, I'm sure I'd react the exact same way."

"It just makes me so mad that this guy was right under their nose and they were able to come upstairs, make my office look like a war zone, and then leave unnoticed," Georgia furiously replied.

"I'm just glad you didn't get hurt in the process," James let her know, as Georgia walked over to him and sat next to him.

"I'm glad no one got hurt," Georgia replied.

"Are you relaxed now?" James wanted to know, massaging her shoulder.

"I don't know if I'll ever be relaxed while this person is on the loose but I'm not as on edge as I was last night," Georgia replied.

"I like it when you're on edge," James informed her, giving her a suggestive smirk. "It turns me on."

"So, is that why you did what you did last night?" Georgia wanted to know with her eyebrow raised. "I guess I need to be on edge more often because I loved every minute of it."

"Too bad we ran out," James lamented in a disappointed tone. "I'm just glad that you're feeling better now."

"I am," Georgia let him know, as James felt her head rest against his shoulder. "And how are you this morning, my sweetheart?"

"I'm doing good," James replied.

"JAMES!" he heard Vivian's screeching voice coming from the hall. "JAMES!"

"Well, I WAS doing good," James sighed.

"Is that Vivian?" Georgia asked in a puzzled tone.

James stood up and walked over to the door and pulled it open.

"Oh, thank God!" Vivian exclaimed in relief, as James watched her run over to him and hug him tight. "I thought these two were going to strip search me or something!"

"What is going on?" James heard Georgia's voice come up from behind.

"Georgia, these two patrols thought I was a stalker!" Vivian shouted. "James, tell them who the hell I am!"

"She's my loving mother," James explained in a sarcastic tone, watching Vivian kick one of the guards in the shins.

"See!" Vivian shouted. "How dare you accuse me of that!"

"My loving mother with the metal foot," James added, taking Vivian by the arm and leading her inside. He heard Georgia shut the door behind them.

"Georgia, do you have a stalker?" Vivian wanted to know. "What is going on?"

"I do have someone who won't leave me alone, so those two are looking out for me," Georgia explained. "Unfortunately, the real stalker was able to come in here last night and nearly destroy my office, and you were almost arrested just now. They have to get their priorities straight."

"Mom, what is this visit about?" James wanted to know.

"Kevin came to see me last night and told me about his breakup with Lalie, and also about his leaving town after the wedding," Vivian explained.

"He will be at the wedding, won't he?" James asked her.

"He said that he would be," Vivian informed him. "I have an idea that I want to share with you."

"Sorry, all TV's and VCR's will be forbidden at this wedding!" James exclaimed.

"Very funny," Vivian sarcastically replied. "I'm serious."

"Tell us, Vivian!" Georgia encouraged.

"Have you found a location for your wedding yet?" Vivian wanted to know.

"No, we haven't, Vivian," Georgia took the liberty of replying. "Why?"

"I was just thinking that my backyard would be the perfect location for the wedding, don't you think?" Vivian proposed her thought.

James exchanged a glance with Georgia before turning back to his mother. "In your backyard?" he repeated. "Why there?"

"It's so beautiful," Vivian replied. "Think about it: the woods as the backdrop, the green grass and my abundant flower garden right there."

James noticed Georgia's expression, which looked like she was in heaven. "Well, I think you've got one vote."

"Georgia, are you for it?" Vivian asked her in a hopeful tone.

Georgia turned to James, and James saw her give him a smile. "James, with Vivian's backyard as our wedding location, we can schedule the wedding anytime we want. It's not like we have to reserve a backyard."

"Right!" Vivian cut in. "My backyard is always available for weddings."

"It might be too much trouble," James figured. "What if it's not big enough?"

"James, how many years have you lived in that house?" Vivian asked him, trying to convey her point. "You know that that backyard would fit all the guests."

"The food could be delivered there," Georgia told him. "All we'd have to do is ask a priest to marry us there."

"Now, James, you don't want to disappoint your fiance," Vivian pointed out. "Look how excited she is!"

James met Georgia's lit up eyes. "Okay," he gave in. "We'll have the wedding in the backyard."

"Yes!" Georgia exclaimed. "Vivian, thank you so much! I always wanted an outside wedding. This sounds like something that I'd only see in my dreams!"

"I'm glad you are so enthusiastic about it," Vivian replied with a smile. "And you, James?"

"I am, too," James replied. "Thank you."

"Well, I know you two must have a busy day ahead of you so I'll leave you alone now," Vivian told them. "Let me know when you want the wedding to be."

"We will!" Georgia exclaimed.

James watched as Vivian left, and then felt Georgia jump into his arms. "You are glowing!"

"Can you tell?" Georgia beamed with an excited laugh. "I feel like our wedding is already here. When do you want it to be?"

"I want to call you my wife as soon as possible," James told her, kissing her passionately.

"How about next Saturday?" Georgia proposed. "It gives enough time for Savannah and mother to come out to Pennsylvania and for all of our other relatives, as well. I know you want your Dad to show up, too!"

James scratched his head about his father. "I don't know how my father will feel about going to my mother's house," James pondered. "I'm sure I could talk him into it."

"Is it next Saturday?" Georgia asked him, eagerly.

"It's next Saturday!" James exclaimed, picking her up and kissing her passionately.

Vivian gave a dirty look to the two security guards before entering the elevator. "James and Georgia adore me, Lalie would never agree to show up at my house. And the best part? I ensured my seat at that wedding. I don't have to worry about not being invited now!"

About fifteen minutes later, Trey stood outside Georgia's penthouse door and knocked a few times. After a few seconds, Georgia appeared with a smile on her face.

"In a happy mood this morning?" Trey observed.

"Oh, sure, you almost arrest dear, sweet Vivian, but you let this man up?" Georgia asked.

Trey followed her eyes to the two security guards standing behind him, and then turned back to Georgia. "Well, may I come in?"

"Oh, what the hell," Georgia replied, leaving the door open.

Trey followed Georgia into the penthouse and shut the door. "Is Jim here?"

"He just left... he works, you know!" Georgia reminded him.

"Of course," Trey replied, matter-of-factly. "There's something that I need to ask you. I'm not sure how you will take it."

"Ask me anything, Trey!" Georgia exclaimed. "There is nothing that you can say that will bring me down this morning!"

"Georgia, what the hell is wrong with you?" Trey wanted to know, observing her perky behavior. "Are you on a sugar high or something?"

"No, I'm not on a sugar high," Georgia replied, squinting her eyes. "I'm only getting married to the most wonderful man in the world next Saturday."

"Really?" Trey wanted to know, placing his hands in his pockets. "Why didn't someone let me know that we were getting married? At least give a man some advanced notice to find his tux and send it to the cleaners!"

"Not us, Trey," Georgia hissed, rolling her eyes at him, as she folded her arms and walked close to him. "Now it's clear why we broke up that time: in addition to you being a thief, you are a major egotist."

Trey chuckled. "You couldn't handle a man like me."

"Chyna couldn't handle a man like you, Trey," Georgia retorted. "So, get on with your question that'll shatter my world, and then go downstairs to your cubicle!"

"Oh, so is that what you call those cramped quarters, cubicles?" Trey wanted to know, imitating the size with his fingers. "Now I know what a dog in a cage feels like."

"What do you mean 'feels like'?" Georgia shot back. "You are a dog, and I'm sure you've experienced what the inside of a cage feels like from time to time," Georgia finished, as she seemed to be ready and waiting for Trey's reply.

"Are we being naughty, Georgia?" Trey wanted to know. "Would you like to be locked in a cage with me with no way out?"

Georgia smiled as she pointed to the terrace. "Would you like to know what it feels like to drop, say, thirty stories with no way out?"

"Ooh, harsh," Trey retorted, enjoying the sparring. "Okay, my question!"

"As long as it doesn't have to do with cages, I'm all ears," Georgia availed herself.

"I'm going to be blunt with you," Trey let her know. "I want to take over Kevin's role as president."

Georgia extended her arms. "And where does the question come about?" she wanted to know. "That sounded more like a demand to me, Trey!"

"Oh, did it?" Trey wanted to know. "Then I rephrase what I said before: There's something that I need to demand of you, Georgia."

Georgia laughed in disbelief. "So you want to be president," she repeated. "This doesn't come as a shock to me. I thought your news would be more earth shattering than that. I knew you were dropping those hints yesterday."

"Yes, I was," Trey confirmed. "I believe I'd be much more useful than the likes of those two examples that you displayed yesterday. I can add AND I can spell. What do you know? There is a God!"

"Well, what do you know?" Georgia replied, with a slight smirk as she nodded her head. "Trey Clemens is trying to work himself to the top. Well, it's not going to happen, Trey. When you said that you'd be useful, just in what context did you mean?"

"I can be useful in any way you want me to be," Trey informed her. "Up here, in this penthouse, or down there."

"You and your flirty mouth can go take a hike, and get lost while doing so," Georgia pointed to the door.

"Flirty mouth?" Trey repeated with a laugh.

"You were hitting on me, Trey!" Georgia exclaimed.

"I was not!" Trey defended. "Now who's the one being egotistical?" he wanted to know, as Georgia widened her eyes. "In fact, I have a girlfriend who is going to show me the time of my life tonight."

"Well, hats off to her," Georgia laughed. "I feel for her, I really do. And who is this girlfriend?"

"Frankie Stone," Trey replied.

Georgia grew silent, as it looked like shock had completely overtaken her face.

Chapter 21
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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