Separate Worlds... Chapter 28

Saturday had finally arrived.

Not a cloud could be seen in the sky, and a gentle breeze swept across the town, as Vivian sniffed the flowers in the backyard, and then took a step back to observe the setting.

"Where do you want this folding chair?" she heard Kevin's voice ask her.

"Just put it behind that one," Vivian directed, pointing to a location. "I hope James and Georgia didn't spend the night together last night. It's bad luck to see the bride twenty-four hours before the wedding."

"They didn't spend the night together," Kevin confirmed. "I was surprised when he called me on Tuesday morning and asked me to be his best man."

"Why would you feel surprised?" Vivian wanted to know. "I think James made the best decision."

"Thanks. I have to go pick him up soon," Kevin informed her. "See the ring?"

Vivian walked over and watched as Kevin pulled the ring out of his pocket. "That's stunning," she admired. "Almost like my shoes, don't you think?"

"Mom, those shoes!" Kevin shouted. "Where did you get them?"

"In that expensive shoe store in the mall," Vivian replied. "Wait till you see the fancy appetizers that I ordered for the reception. James and Georgia will be surprised!"

"What else did you do?!" Kevin asked, sounding shocked.

"Nothing!" Vivian exclaimed with a laugh, as she brushed her hair behind her hair. "Other than putting all my best china out on display," she muttered, as she heard the doorbell ring. "Let me get that, Kevin. See to it that everything looks perfect."

Vivian walked into her living room and headed towards the front door and opened it to find a woman and a little boy standing there.

"Is this where the wedding will be taking place?" the woman asked.

"Why, yes," Vivian replied. "And you are?"

"My name is Augusta Cross and this is my son," she replied. "I am Georgia's cousin."

"Augusta, pleased to meet you," Vivian let her know, as she shook her hand. "What is it with your family and the state of Georgia?" she wanted to know, as she watched Augusta give her a taken aback glare. "I'm sorry. Just an observation that was running through my mind," she quickly covered up.

The limousine that carried Georgia and her immediate family, rolled up at Vivian's curb.

"Are you sure Vivian will let me get dressed in her house?" Georgia questioned uncomfortably.

"I don't see why not," Savannah replied. "She has to understand that the hotel is so tiny, there is no room to change in there."

"That room is small!" Georgia agreed, as she looked toward the house. "Do you think James is there yet? He's not supposed to see me!"

"I doubt that he is," Savannah assured her. "Come!"

Vivian watched as Kevin walked inside the house. She smiled at him, as she adjusted his clothing when he came toward her.

"We have one guest," Vivian whispered.

"She already took her seat," Kevin mentioned, as Vivian looked through the sliding glass doors. "Are you going to pick James up now?"

"Yes, I am," Kevin replied. "I'll be back soon."

Vivian watched as Kevin walked through the front doors, and no sooner did he leave, the doorbell rang once again. She walked over to the door and opened it.

"Georgia," Vivian acknowledged, and then turned to her other family members. "I don't believe we have been introduced, but I am Vivian Baker."

"I'm Savannah," one of the women introduced.

"Vivian, do you think I could get dressed upstairs?" Georgia wanted to know, sounding anxious.

"Certainly!" Vivian exclaimed. "Your hair looks wonderful."

"Thank you!" Georgia exclaimed, as Vivian watched her and Savannah head up the stairs.

Vivian turned to Georgia's parents.

"I'm Grant Caldwell," the man introduced. "And this is my wife, Marietta."

"I'm pleased to meet you both," Vivian told them, as she watched Grant walk over to the sliding doors and then step out to talk to Augusta.

"I brought this cake for the reception," Marietta explained, as she held up the box. "I know the main cake will be there, but I thought this one was nice."

Vivian looked through the plastic at the design. "It's beautiful!" she exclaimed.

"Where did you get those shoes?!" Marietta asked, seeming impressed.

"Oh, you like them?" Vivian wanted to know. "I don't recall the name of the shop, but it was very expensive… just my style," she let her know.

"May I try them on?" Marietta requested.

"Of course, you can!" Vivian exclaimed.

Marietta followed Vivian over to the couch, and set the cake down on the seat.

"My bill on these shoes and this designer outfit is going to be a fortune, but I'm used to it," Vivian told her, as Marietta watched her sit down to take off the shoes, and then heard a crunching sound.

Vivian noticed Marietta's shocked eyes and swallowed when she realized what she did. She slowly turned around and found the crunched cake box on the seat.

"My cake," Marietta gasped.

"It's not that bad!" Vivian exclaimed, quickly holding the box up. "It just… has an original shape," she noted, as she tried to smile but it failed, as Marietta continued to look on in absolute shock.

A little while later, more of James and Georgia's family began to file in, as Vivian's attempts to salvage Marietta's cake failed.

She gave up, as she heard the doorbell ring yet again. As she opened the door, she found Lalie and Phil standing on the other side.

"Hello, Vivian," Lalie greeted.

Vivian quickly looked behind her to make sure no one was standing there. "Sorry," she told them. "We're not interested in buying whatever you're selling," she finished, as she shut the door.

Lalie's jaw dropped, as she turned to Phil in shock, and then pressed the doorbell twice.

A few seconds later, Vivian opened the door once again.

Lalie had the invitation ready, as she held it up. "Vivian, we were invited," she reminded her.

"Are you sure that invitation is for this wedding?" Vivian wanted to know. "Are you sure it's not for one of the thousands of yours that you've called off?"

Lalie shook her head, and couldn't help but smile at the silliness. "Vivian, you know this invitation is for this wedding," she informed her. "Now, let us in!"

"Fine," Vivian agreed, finally stepping to the side to let them enter.

Vivian eyed Lalie and Phil walk into the backyard and take a seat, as the doorbell rang for what seemed like the millionth time. She opened it and gulped when she saw James, Kevin and her ex-husband standing there.

"Who ever thought that we'd be under one roof again?" Vivian wanted to know.

"It'll be a short gathering, Vivian," Bob informed her. "I am here for James, not you."

"Do you have to say that in front of THEM?" Vivian demanded to know.

"It's not like it's a secret," James cut in. "Dad told us himself."

Vivian clenched her teeth and sighed, as she watched James and Kevin walk past her, and then turned back to Bob.

"I can't believe you told them that," Vivian scolded. "How dare you."

"I'm only being honest," Bob told her. "Let me go find my seat now."

Vivian rolled her eyes, and tried to shut the door when she felt it being pushed back open. She swung it back open and found Frankie and Trey standing there now.

"What the hell do you want?" Vivian demanded to know.

Frankie raised her eyebrow. "I'm here for the nuptials," she replied. "What the hell do you want?"

"Get in here, Frankie," Vivian ordered. "I'm in no mood right now."

Frankie took Trey's hand, and was about to lead him to the backyard when the doorbell rang. Since Vivian had run off to some unknown place, Frankie took it upon herself to open the door, and found Ryan awaiting his entrance.

"Long time, no see," Frankie told him.

"Whose fault is that?" Ryan wanted to know, as he seemed to notice them holding hands. "So, your business deal with Trey turned personal, didn't it?"

"We understand each other," Frankie informed him, as she smiled at Trey.

"Damn it, Frankie!" Ryan exclaimed. "I hope you plan to sit down with me tonight and discuss who is going to see the baby."

"No discussion will be necessary," Frankie immediately told him. "Regis or Kelly will be with me at all times."

"You can't do that, Frankie!" Ryan shouted, as he then gave her a confused look. "'Regis or Kelly'?"

"I happen to like those names!" Frankie shouted. "And they'll be staying with me!"

"What the hell is going on here?" she heard Vivian's voice come up from behind. "We're going to start now. Go in the backyard and take your seats!"

"Where's Georgia?" Trey questioned.

"She's upstairs and she's ready. James is also ready," Vivian explained. "Father George just arrived, so might as well get the show on the road."

Frankie remembered that the article in the paper will be on the stands by noon. 'The real show will start later.'

Lalie looked around at all the guests, and noticed that it was beginning to get quiet.

"I think the wedding is about to start," Lalie whispered to Phil. "Everyone seems to be here."

"I don't think Trey is here," Phil observed.

Lalie turned around just in time to see Trey and Frankie make their way through the doors. "Oh, yes, he is," she sighed.

Frankie noticed Lalie's _expression as she walked in with Trey.

"Why is Lalie looking at you like that?" Frankie wanted to know.

"Beats me," Trey replied. "Let's sit over there," he told her, pointing in the opposite direction.

Grant and Savannah stood by the edge of the steps, and watched as Georgia gracefully made her way down the staircase showing off her wedding gown as she did so.

"Are you ready?" Grant wanted to know, walking over to Georgia and taking her hand.

"I couldn't be more ready," Georgia confidently replied.

"Everyone is all ready to start walking up that aisle," Grant observed. "Now, all we have to do is wait for the sound of that organ, and then before long you'll be a married woman."

"And I can't wait!" Georgia exclaimed with a huge smile on her face.

A few minutes later, James stood at the altar and watched as Georgia and Grant made their way down the aisle.

He noticed Georgia's beautiful eyes and felt the overwhelming excitement, as she finally stood directly opposite him, and the ceremony was just a few seconds away from beginning.

Frankie turned to see Ryan staring at her and Trey, so she grabbed Trey's hand and smiled at him, snidely giving a glance at Ryan to see if he seemed jealous by it.

Ryan took a deep breath and turned away from Frankie and Trey, and turned to Lalie.

"I think she's digging herself into a hole so deep that she won't be able to climb herself out of this one," Ryan whispered.

Lalie didn't know who Ryan was referring to at first, her mind was focused on Phil and the wedding, but then it clicked when she turned slightly and saw Frankie laughing with Trey.

"Well, Ryan, it would be pretty hard for her to climb… period, in that condition!" Lalie cracked with a whisper, but then realized Ryan didn't find it funny. "Sorry. I keep forgetting that I'm related to the baby, too."

"Frankie says that she wants to invest a great deal of time into the baby's life," Ryan whispered.

"Are you sure she didn't say 'infest'?" Lalie wanted to know, as she turned back to the altar and her eyes lit up when she realized the vows were almost about to be said.

Vivian turned around and looked at Lalie, and then turned back around to face James and Georgia at the altar.

"If there is any reason why these two should not be married in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace," the pastor announced, as Vivian remembered the last time she heard those all too familiar words.

"If there is any reason why these two should not be married in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace," the pastor announced.

Vivian looked at Kevin and Heather on the altar, and then at Lalie and James, as her eyes flooded with tears.

"Wait," she called out, as she heard gasps and she felt like she was about to collapse, but she wasn't afraid of Heather's evil eye.

"Vivian, what the hell is going on here?" she heard Carole shriek in shock. "What are you trying to do?"

"I'm sorry, Kevin," Vivian apologized, as she knew the tape would be wheeled in at any moment. "I can't let you do this."

"Not this time!" Vivian exclaimed, as everyone turned to look at her.

Georgia felt relieved as she turned back to James, who shared the same expression she did.

"Then, by the power invested in me and in the state of Pennsylvania, I now pronounce you, husband and wife!" the pastor declared, as Georgia felt pure excitement as she looked down at their rings and then looked back up at James. "You may now kiss the bride."

"Kiss me forever!" Georgia exclaimed, as she and James kissed passionately on the altar and then turned to the congregation with smiles.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. James Neelan!"

A person, shrouded in black, was crouched in the woods behind the house. They were far enough away so that none of the guests could see them, but the person was able to hear everything that just happened at the wedding.

"Forever is only a few more hours for you," the person muttered.

Chapter 29
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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