Separate Worlds... Chapter 3

Georgia and James stopped in Georgia's office for a moment before heading to Frederick's Bar and Grill to meet Trey and his friend.

"Darn, he didn't cancel," Georgia muttered, as she searched through the messages on her office phone.

"I didn't think he would," James replied, as he walked over to her and took her hand. "Let's just make the best of it. Maybe Trey has changed."

"Bite your tongue!" Georgia exclaimed. "He only wants access to the vault, I'm sure."

"If your suspicions are correct, then we'll see to it that he gets on the next plane back to Minnesota," James assured her, as they walked out of her office.

Georgia watched a woman pushing a mop and bucket by Lalie's desk. "James, I'll meet you downstairs, let me just introduce myself," she said, as she adjusted her clothing.

"Sure," James agreed.

Georgia watched as James got on the elevator and then walked over to the maintenance woman. "You must be Rachel Goal."

Rachel brushed away her hair with her wrist. "Yes. How do you do?"

"I'm fine," Georgia replied, as she noticed her hand gripping the handle of the mop. "I heard that you were joining the maintenance staff, I just wanted to welcome you aboard."

"That's really nice of you," Rachel replied, as she loosened her grip on the mop. "I'd shake your hand, but I'm wearing a rubber glove that is drenched with Clorox."

"That's quite all right," Georgia told her in a relieved tone. "It was really nice meeting you, and I hope we get to talk again sometime."

"So, who are you?" Rachel called out, making Georgia stop dead in her tracks.

Georgia turned around, as she brushed her hair back and tilted her head. "Who am I?" she asked, in confusion. "I'm Georgia Caldwell."

"I know your name is Georgia," Rachel replied, as she set the handle of the mop against Lalie's desk and walked up to Georgia. "But, what do you do? Not that that matters, but I've never had someone come up and introduce themselves to me like that before."

"I handle important... things," Georgia replied, beginning to feel uncomfortable. "James is waiting for me, I better go."

"James, right, he's waiting!" Rachel exclaimed, as she walked back over and picked up her mop and wheeled the bucket down the hall.

Georgia looked uncomfortable as she watched Rachel's figure disappear down the hall. She turned and headed to the elevator, preparing for her evening with James and Trey.

Georgia and James arrived at Frederick's Bar and Grill, and Georgia stopped and took a deep breath when she saw Trey stand up at a table and wave them over. "Let's go over there," Georgia whispered to James, as she grabbed his arm and began to walk over there.

"So glad you decided not to stand us up, Georgia," Trey said, as he pulled out Georgia's seat.

"Stand you up?" Georgia wanted to know. "Never."

Trey sat back down once Georgia was seated. "So, you brought a bodyguard to protect yourself from me?" Trey wanted to know, referring to the man sitting next to her.

"Don't flatter yourself, Trey," Georgia warned him, as she unraveled the knot in her napkin. "The only protection someone could possibly need around you is a rat trap in their handbag."

Trey smiled at that retort as he took a sip of water. "This must be your fiance, then," Trey assumed, as he extended his hand. "I'm Trey."

"Obviously," James replied, shaking Trey's hand, as he looked toward his friend. "I'm James."

"Nice to meet you, Jim," Trey replied.

Georgia and James exchanged glances as he said that. "Enough about us," Georgia began. "Why don't you introduce us to this man sitting next to you?"

"Of course," Trey replied, as he turned to his friend. "Georgia... Jim... meet Phillip Timberlake, not to be confused as one of my accomplices as you put it earlier, Georgia."

Georgia raised her eyebrow at Trey as she extended her hand to Phillip. "I'm Georgia Caldwell, and this is James," she continued, and then looked at Trey. "Or... Jim Neelan, as some people might say."

Phil was privately shocked that Georgia Caldwell was sitting across from him, that was the name Marcia Santiago and Lalie kept saying the whole time in the basement. "You can call me Phil," Phil told her.

"Coming here was the best idea," Frankie noted, as she sat at the bar at Frederick's, holding a non-alcoholic beverage in her hand.

"I really meant what I said before," Ryan began. "We have to work together. I don't want to endure a custody battle."

"That won't happen," Frankie assured him. "Look, we're acting like civilized human beings tonight and I don't see that changing!" Frankie began to smile a bit.

"What is it?" Ryan wanted to know, noticing the smile form on her face.

"I was just thinking over some possible names," Frankie informed him. "What do you think of Jason... or Lisa?"

"I wonder where you got those from!" Ryan exclaimed with a smile.

Lalie and Kevin walked into Frederick's hand in hand.

Kevin let go of Lalie's hand when he saw Frankie and Ryan laughing by the bar.

"What is it?" Lalie wanted to know, as her eyes traveled his over to the bar area, and then widened when she saw Frankie and Ryan sitting there. "Let's go to Table For Two."

Kevin completely ignored Lalie's suggestion as he began to walk over to Frankie and Ryan.

"Kevin!" Lalie's shriek sounded from behind him.

Kevin walked up to Ryan and Frankie, making them turn around when he tapped Ryan on his shoulder. "So, who's the father of her baby this week?"

Ryan rose himself from the barstool and stood directly in front of Kevin, as Frankie gasped. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Ryan demanded to know.

"You know exactly what it means," Kevin shot back. "Unless you have some string to tie yourselves together, she'll be off with someone else in the blink of an eye."

"This isn't your place, Kevin," Frankie whispered, trying not to raise her voice. "Lalie is standing behind you. Why don't you go eat dinner and leave us alone?"

"Was it your place to work for my mother, keep me apart from Lalie, and make me believe that I was the father of... that?" Kevin retorted in a very agitated tone.

"I am the father of 'that'," Ryan let him know.

"Or so you think," Kevin suggested. "I'm sure a nurse or a doctor received a nice payoff to fix the DNA results!"

"That's enough, now!" Lalie yelled out.

"Lalie, you're right!" Ryan shouted, as he lifted his fist and punched Kevin across the face, sending him down to the ground.

"NO!!!" Frankie screamed out, as Lalie ran up to her and pulled her back. "Get your damn hands off me, Lalie!"

Kevin stood up and looked at Ryan for a few seconds before punching him across the face, as well, making him fall into the barstool, which had a domino effect on the others, as they all, fell over.

"If you don't let me go of me, Lalie," Frankie began, as she tried to break free. "I swear I will accuse you of something worse than pushing me down the stairs!"

"I'm doing this to protect you, Frankie!" Lalie exclaimed, trying to keep a grip on her arm. "Do you want to get in the middle of that scuffle and risk harming the baby?"

"Just let go of me, damn it!" Frankie screamed.

"What is going on?" Georgia asked the people at her table, hearing a loud commotion coming from the bar area.

"Let me go check it out," Phil offered, as he stood up and began to make his way over to the bar area.

"Kevin, stop it!" Lalie screamed at the top of her lungs, as she saw Kevin pick up Ryan's glass, which still had most of his drink in it.

Kevin picked up the glass and flung the contents at Ryan, but Ryan ducked in time and the drink hit another man who was entering the bar from the restaurant area.

"What the hell?!" the man asked in shock, his face dripping, his eyes slowly widened as he saw Lalie standing there.

Lalie dropped her jaw as she saw who got hit with the drink. She slowly let go of her grasp on Frankie, as she continued to watch Phil standing there.

"I'm sorry!" Kevin spoke to the man.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Frankie demanded to know.

"With me?" Ryan questioned. "Kevin is the one who came up to us like a lunatic!"

"You shouldn't have punched him like that!" Frankie shouted. "I can't believe you!"

"Well, if you're going to take Kevin's side on this, then maybe we didn't reach an understanding like we thought!" Ryan shouted.

Frankie watched as Ryan headed to the door, as she quickly ran after him.

"Let me get you something to dry off with!" Lalie nervously exclaimed, as she grabbed a few napkins off the table.

"Th-" Phil began, but before he could even continue, Lalie grabbed his arm and led him to the other side, without telling Kevin where she was going.

Chapter 4
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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