Separate Worlds... Chapter 4

"Kevin?" James walked up from behind. "Georgia and I are sitting over there. What are you doing here?"

Kevin felt his sore face before answering. "I got a little sidetracked."

"I can see that," James observed. "Come sit with Georgia and I for a few minutes. Where's Lalie?"

"She went to help someone, who I accidentally hit with a drink, dry off," Kevin bluntly replied.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Lalie demanded to know in a whisper, as she watched him dry off his face.

"I came to town with a friend!" Phil whispered. "I didn't expect to have a drink thrown at me!"

"What friend?!" Lalie wanted to know.

"The one over there," Phil pointed out.

Lalie turned around and saw the man he was referring to sitting with Georgia, James and Kevin. "You were sitting at Georgia's table?!"

"I was!" Phil replied. "Aren't you happy to see me, Lalie?" he asked with a smile.

Lalie took the napkin and looked at him for a few seconds before replying. "You sent me to therapy, Phil!"

Phil's eyes widened. "I must have really got to you, Lalie!"

Lalie folded her arms and frowned. "That basement does have it's memories... of an unusual kind."

"You never answered my question before," Phil reminded her. "Are you happy to see me?"

"Trey, you really know how to clear a table," Georgia began. "Where on earth did your friend go?"

"I thought he would have been back by now," Trey replied. "I hope he didn't get lost."

"Oh, please, Trey!" Georgia shouted. "If Phil was smart, he would just keep running. The farther away from you, the better!"

"Still pessimistic I see," Trey groaned.

"What is your friend's name?" Kevin chimed in.

"Phil," Trey replied. "Know him?"

Kevin remembered that the name of the man that Lalie was locked up with was Phil. He then remembered how Lalie led the man that he accidentally hit with the drink away so quickly. "I think I know where I can find your friend," Kevin told Trey, as he got up.

Kevin walked around the restaurant, as his eyes searched for any sign of Lalie and Phil. He walked to the other side where he found Lalie and Phil in an embrace.

"The reunion's over," Kevin announced, as Lalie turned around in shock.

"Reunion?" Lalie nervously ran her fingers through her hair. "Surely, you don't mean-"

Before Lalie could finish, Kevin walked up to Phil. "Hi, Phil, it's nice to finally meet the man Lalie was infatuated with," Kevin extended his hand.

"Infatuated?" Phil asked.

"Kevin obviously doesn't know what that word means!" Lalie shouted.

"I know what it means," Kevin told Lalie in a serious tone. "You called me Phil... and went to therapy because you couldn't get him out of your head!"

"That was then!" Lalie tried to convince him.

"Then, what do you call what I just walked in on?" Kevin wanted to know. "It didn't look like you were trying very hard to get over him, to me!"

"It was just between friends," Phil cut in. "Lalie, I should get back to my table with Georgia."

"They think you got lost," Kevin informed him. "You should probably get back over there."

"I better hurry then," Phil replied.

Lalie watched as Phil began to walk away but then turned around. Kevin was saying something but Lalie was concentrating on something Phil was saying.

'Call me,' Phil mouthed to Lalie, blowing her a kiss.

Lalie put her hand over her mouth in shock, as she tried to figure out what Kevin had just said.

"Well, what do you think?" Kevin wanted to know.

Lalie had no idea what he was asking her about. "I think it's great," Lalie replied, hoping that would be a suitable answer.

"Let's go then," Kevin urged.

"Where?" Lalie wanted to know.

"You just said it was a great idea," Kevin reminded her.

"Oh," Lalie began as she pretended to realize her mistake. "I did. Let's go!" she declared. 'I don't know where I'm going but I'm going somewhere,' Lalie muttered to herself, as she looked back at the table where Phil was sitting and made eye contact with him before leaving.

"Say you'll at least give it some thought," Trey goaded Georgia. "Just meet with me in your office so I can show you what an asset I'd be."

"Are you sure, 'asset' is the word you were looking for?" Georgia hinted with a smirk, as she dug into her purse and pulled out her planner. "Father would kill me if he knew I was considering this."

"I'm sure he'd be pleased to know that you were making such intelligent decisions on your own," Trey told her.

Georgia simply looked at him for a second, and then her eyes traveled back down to her planner. She turned a few pages, and her eyes widened when she noticed something didn't look right. 'There's a page missing,' Georgia observed to herself, but chose not to voice it. "Okay, Trey, we'll discuss this tomorrow in my office at 10 AM."

"You won't be sorry," Trey assured her.

"Let's go, James," Georgia told James, as she stood up and put on her jacket.

"Can you give this to Lalie for me, please?" Phil asked Georgia, as he gave her a piece of paper.

Georgia took the paper and looked at it. "What would Lalie want with this phone number?"

"She'll want it," Phil assured her. "Give it to her, okay?"

Georgia nodded as she and James left the table, and headed outside. Georgia thought about that page missing in her planner but figured she had just ripped it out and forgot about it.

"We parked that way, didn't we?" James asked as he stood outside the restaurant.

"Yes, we did!" Georgia exclaimed, as they began to walk towards the direction of the car. Little did Georgia know, a shadow came out from behind the restaurant and gingerly followed her down the street.

Chapter 5
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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