Unforeseen Circumstances... Chapter 12

The next morning, Carole opened all the windows in her house. It was the first time in a while that she hasn't needed the air conditioner.

She heard the doorbell ring as she slid open the patio door, and went to answer it.

"Hello, Ryan," Carole greeted him, as she let him enter the house.

"Hi, Aunt Carole," Ryan replied.

"I never thought you would stop by," Carole admitted as they sat down in the living room. "I thought your rule was, 'Never associate with family members.'"

Ryan smiled, slightly. "You know that I just like to do things on my own," Ryan defended himself. "I never said I didn't want to see you."

Carole let him off the hook. "That was some storm last night, wasn't it?"

Ryan thought back to the night before with Frankie. "Yes, it was."

"I hope you didn't get caught in it," Carole said.

"No, I was home," Ryan replied. "So, how are you, Unc Hal and Lalie doing?" he asked.

"We're fine. Lalie's not here, she went… out," Carole answered, not saying that Lalie went to talk to a doctor about Phil.

"That's okay," Ryan replied in an understanding tone. "I just came by for a few minutes on my way to WORK."

"Work?!" Carole asked, pleasantly shocked. "Your mother is going to be so happy!"

Ryan reached into his pocket and pulled out a little piece of paper. "Since Mom made it clear that she wants you to know what I'm doing, I wrote down the name and address of where I'm working."

Carole laughed as she took the paper from Ryan's hand. "That was thoughtful," Carole replied, looking down at the paper. "This sounds great, good luck!"

"Thanks!" Ryan exclaimed, as he stood up. "I have to get going, see you next time."

"Next time," Carole repeated, shaking her head in a teasing manner. "Is that a week, month, year, perhaps?"

"Not a year," Ryan simply replied with a smile as he walked back to his car.

Carole walked over to the refrigerator, and hung the piece of paper up with a magnet.

Later that afternoon, Frankie received a call from Vivian telling her that she needed to talk to her immediately.

Vivian opened the door. "You're finally here," she remarked. "When I'm not expecting you, you always show up ahead of schedule. Then, when I'm expecting you, you show up late!"

"Well, sorry, Vivian," Frankie sarcastically replied as she made her way into the living room. "What was the dire urgency about?"

"Lalie accused me of giving you the makeover and setting up the dinner party so you and Kevin could get together," Vivian explained.

"What do you mean, 'accused'?" Frankie asked her. "She's right!"

"Shh!" Vivian exclaimed. "You're lucky James isn't here right now."

Frankie rolled her eyes. "Get on with it, Vivian."

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again," Vivian warned her in a serious tone.

Frankie folded her arms and shook her head. "My deepest apologies," Frankie told her in a fake tone.

"We have to do some damage control," Vivian began to explain. "I'm going to invite Lalie to have dinner with me at Table For Two, the most romantic, elegant restaurant in the city."

"Okay, Vivian," Frankie began, a little confused. "Is there something that you're not telling me about why you'd want to have a romantic dinner with Lalie?"

"Frankie!" Vivian screamed. "Will you let me finish?" she asked. "I'll invite Lalie for dinner at Table For Two to resolve old differences, let her know that I was just overly emotional when I went off on her that day because of the divorce," Vivian began to explain.

"Well, have a good time!" Frankie told her, as she headed to the door.

"I'm not finished yet!" Vivian called out, as Frankie turned around. "After she forgives me, suddenly, you and Kevin will walk in, not knowing that Lalie and I are there. I'll reserve a table for four so when I see you walk in, I'll just stand up and call you over."

Frankie cut her off. "Wait a minute, you never said I'd have to sit down at the same table with Lalie!"

"You're going to do as I say," Vivian once again reminded her in a strict tone. "You're inviting Kevin to Table For Two and you're going to sit down with Lalie and I!"

Frankie dropped her jaw and widened her eyes. "Please finish describing this plan so I know what not to look forward to."

"When you and Kevin arrive at the table," Vivian started again. "I'm sure there will be tension between Lalie and Kevin, but I need you to make it look like you and Kevin are legit, try and talk to him before the dinner about carrying on a relationship. Anyway, when Lalie sees that she was wrong, she'll apologize to me about having involvement and forget all about Kevin seeing as how he moved on with you."

'What did I get myself into?' Frankie asked herself as she stared at Vivian in shock. "So, when is this dinner?"

"Tonight!" Vivian replied. "It's still early enough to invite everyone for dinner there."

"Tonight?" Frankie asked in shock, as she thought about her plans with Ryan that night. "I'm not sure if I can tonight."

"And why not?" Vivian wanted to know, not very happy.

Frankie swallowed. "I-" Frankie began to reply in a flustered manner.

Ryan had a disappointed expression on his face as he took out his cell phone, dialed a number and waited for an answer.

"Hello?" a voice answered.

"Frankie, it's me," Ryan replied.

Frankie sucked in a breath as she looked at Vivian.

"Oh, yes," Frankie said as she ran a finger through her hair.

"I have some bad news, Frankie," Ryan told her in a solemn tone.

"What happened?" Frankie asked, trying to sound concerned but also trying to remain vague in front of Vivian.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to go out tonight," Ryan lamented. "I have to stay late."

"Overtime?" Frankie asked.

"Well, they just want to show me some things after 6:00 so I might be here quite a while," Ryan explained. "Tomorrow night, instead?"

"That's great!" Frankie exclaimed.

"I'm so glad you understand," Ryan told her in a relieved tone. "I'll talk to you then!" Ryan said, as he hung up the phone.

"Oh, of course," Frankie spoke into the phone, realizing no one was on the other end. "Oh, don't worry about it, Uncle, take care, too. I'll see you over the weekend!" Frankie clicked off her cell phone and put it back in her bag.

"What does your Uncle do?" Vivian asked her.

"Business," Frankie replied, as she tried to get off the subject. "You know, Vivian, let me just look at my schedule one more time about that dinner."

Vivian folded her arms as Frankie searched her pocketbook and pulled out her planner.

"Hmm," Frankie pretended to ascertain whether she could go out or not. "I think I can, actually!"

"Really?" Vivian's ears perked up. "Great, then!"

"Okay, Vivian," Frankie nervously said. "Well, let me go home and then I have to invite Kevin to dinner tonight. What time should we be there?"

"I don't know," Vivian replied. "Seven?"

"Seven's good!" Frankie exclaimed as she walked over to the door. "Bye, Vivian," she said as she walked out and shut the door behind her. "Oh, that was close," Frankie muttered. "Please don't let this destroy my future, oh, please," she whispered, before heading back out across the street.

Vivian looked at the door as Frankie left.

"I don't think I'll ever figure her out," Vivian commented, walking over to her cordless phone and dialing a number. "Yes, this is Vivian Baker, I'm going to need a table for four tonight, if that is at all possible. Yes, Baker. Thank you." Vivian picked up the phone again and dialed another number. "Carole, hi, is Lalie there?" she asked in a sweet, polite tone.

Chapter 13
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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