Unforeseen Circumstances... Chapter 16

Ryan drew the curtains to keep the sun out while he was at work. He grabbed his keys and opened the door to find Frankie standing on the other side.

"Why are you standing in the hall?" Ryan questioned.

"I was just about to knock when you opened the door," Frankie replied, as she walked in and looked around. "Is someone here?"

Ryan looked at his watch. He figured staying a few more minutes wouldn't make him late for work, but he'd be pushing it. "No one's here," Ryan answered.

"Heather was here," Frankie corrected him, as Ryan gave her a somewhat surprised look that she knew that. "I called this morning and she answered the phone."

"That was you?" Ryan asked her. "I asked Heather who was on the other end and she said no one answered. Why did you hang up?"

"Do you think I really wanted to talk to her?" Frankie rhetorically asked, not sure why he would ask such a thing. "You went back on your word."

"My word?" Ryan asked in confusion. "Why should I boycott my family members just because you don't like Heather?"

"You said you weren't going to be in touch with them," Frankie reminded him. "That means Heather, Lalie, your Aunt should all be crossed out of your address book."

"We reached an understanding," Ryan said. "Frankie, you can't expect me to act like I don't have any family members."

"I'm just saying that you didn't keep your promise to me," Frankie angrily said, folding her arms.

"Speaking of promises," Ryan began walking over to Frankie. "Where were you last night? I thought we were supposed to celebrate my new job."

Frankie thought back to what happened the night before with Kevin at the cabin, and the flat tire. "I had car trouble," Frankie replied. "I spent the day with some family members at our family cabin, and then my car wouldn't start, so I had to spend the night. Oh, what a mess."

"Your phone was turned off," Ryan mentioned.

"The battery was dead," Frankie replied sounding distressed.

"Well, okay," Ryan said, as he looked down at his watch once more. "I really have to get to work. Feel free to stay if you want, I will be back later."

"I might," Frankie smiled as she watched Ryan leave. Frankie walked over to the balcony where she once again thought about the events of the night before when her cell phone rang in her purse. She walked over to it and flipped it open. "Hello?"

Kevin held his cell phone to his ear and waited a few seconds before replying to the person on the other end. "Hi, Frankie."

"Hello..." Frankie slowly said.

"About this morning," Kevin began. "I know it was wrong of me to accuse you of working for my mother."

Frankie grinned as she heard those words come through her earpiece. "I understand why you'd think that," Frankie replied. "I know popping my own tire to get you to come to the cabin was sneaky, but I just wanted to see you, and your mother had nothing to do with my feelings for you."

"I know," Kevin replied.

"You still don't think what we did was a mistake, do you?" Frankie asked him. "I know you feel like you betrayed Lalie, but you aren't even officially back together with her."

"I still don't remember anything about that," Kevin informed her. "Did you make it home okay?"

"A tow truck came soon after you abandoned me," Frankie let him know, smiling to herself knowing that he is concerned about her.

"I'm so sorry for doing that," Kevin apologized. "Listen, let me make it up to you."

Frankie's ears perked up. "How?!"

"I remember a while ago we were talking about that reunion coming up," Kevin began. "Why don't we go?"

"You're not taking Lalie?" Frankie asked him in shock.

"Things aren't exactly one-hundred percent between us yet," Kevin told her. "Besides, I want everyone to see the new, lovely, not to mention honest Frankie Stone."

"That's me!" Frankie beamed. "Oh, I can't wait to walk through those doors and be on your arm."

"I'm sure it'll be an evening to remember," Kevin said. "It's Friday night, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Frankie exclaimed, as she grabbed her purse. "I'll see you then. If not, sooner!"

"Great!" Kevin exclaimed. "I can't wait."

"I'm going to go buy something smashing to wear right now," Frankie giggled. "I won't be caught wearing one of those ugly outfits that people ridiculed me about!"

"Happy shopping," Kevin wished her, as he shut his cell phone and put it back in his pocket. "You may not be caught in one of those outfits... but... you will be caught."

Chapter 17
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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