Unforeseen Circumstances... Chapter 18

Kevin stood over his frying pan in his kitchen as he made three servings of scrambled eggs. He put each of them on three separate plates and then walked into the dining room, where Heather and Lalie were sitting. "I never thought I'd be making breakfast for you, Heather."

"I never thought you'd be making breakfast - period!" Lalie exclaimed.

"I've learned a thing or two about cooking since being on my own," Kevin declared.

"We came here to discuss our plans for that reunion," Heather reminded everyone at the table.

"Well, James was of no help," Kevin sighed. "He didn't even go to his reunion!"

"It doesn't matter," Lalie cut in. "Just as long as you, Heather and Frankie all sit at the same table, then everything should work out."

"I don't think we need to plan anything out," Heather decided. "Like I said yesterday, we'll just go along with it there. The only thing that we need to do is bring up Vivian in some form... and let the rest happen naturally."

"I can't wait for this reunion to be over," Kevin said in an anxious tone.

"I wonder if Candice Fleming will be there," Heather wondered. "I couldn't stand her."

"You couldn't stand anybody," Kevin reminded her, as Heather just shrugged to that accusation.

"Heather, whether or not that person is there doesn't matter," Lalie reminded her in a strict tone. "You know what you have to do. Don't get distracted!"

"I won't!" Heather assured her. "I hope Friday gets here soon!"

It was finally Friday evening. Afternoon sunshine gave way to evening clouds, but that didn't stop the happy mood that Frankie was in as she headed down the stairs to wait for Kevin to pick her up.

"You look divine," Bettina smiled as she eyed her daughter's dress.

"Isn't it stunning?" Frankie asked, as she twirled around. "No one will be ridiculing me tonight!" Frankie exclaimed, as she walked over to the window to wait for Kevin's car to pull up and almost collapsed.

Bettina immediately stood up and walked over to Frankie. "Francesca, what is it?"

Frankie put her hands on her face. "I just felt a little light-headed," she replied. "I'm sure it's just nerves. I haven't seen these people in ten years!"

"If you don't feel-" Bettina began.

"I feel amazing," Frankie cut her off, as she saw Kevin's car pull up next to curb. "Don't wait up!"

Kevin quickly glanced across the street to see his old house before turning his attention towards the Stone house where Frankie was walking down the walkway. Kevin reached across and unlocked the passenger side door.

"Hi," Frankie greeted as she entered the car. "Sorry I didn't give you a chance to ring the bell. I was standing by the window!"

"I noticed the door swing open as soon as I pulled up," Kevin replied. "You look great, Frankie."

"Thanks," Frankie said, in reply. "When we walk through those doors, all heads will turn!"

"That'll be something," Kevin replied in thought.

Heather came down the stairs as she noticed her family sitting in the living room. Suddenly, a white light blinded her as she continued down the stairs. "Mom! You and that camera!"

"Be back before eleven!" Harold joked.

"Hal!" Carole exclaimed. "Just because this is a high school reunion, doesn't mean she's in high school!"

"Have a good time," Lalie said, as she stood up and handed Heather her pocketbook.

"I will," Heather said, as she winked at Lalie.

The hall where the reunion was being held looked simply amazing as Frankie and Kevin made their way towards all the decorated tables.

"Kevin, is that you?" A man came up and asked.

"Yes, Robbie, it's me!" Kevin replied.

"Don't call me that!" he exclaimed. "I'm Rob now!"

"Hi, Rob," Frankie greeted him.

"You look great, Cynthia," Rob said to her with a smile. "You always were stunning."

"Actually, this is Frankie Stone," Kevin corrected him.

"Frankie Stone?!" Rob asked in shock. "What happened to you?"

"Nothing... what's your excuse?" Frankie asked him.

Rob laughed lightly as he turned around and faced the others. "Look, everyone, Kevin Neelan and Frankie Stone are together!"

"Oh, we're-" Kevin began, as he felt Frankie's grip on his arm.

"And we couldn't be happier," Frankie said to everyone standing there, noticing their facial expression. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Can't get over my transformation?"

The sounds of people mumbling were audible, as Frankie looked each one of them in the eyes.

"Well, well, well," a voice came up from behind them. "Frankie Stone. It's been a while."

Frankie turned around and saw Heather standing behind her with her arms crossed over her chest. "I'm not someone you can walk all over anymore, Heather."

"Frankie finally grew a backbone," Heather teased. "How did you ever afford that gown, Frankie?"

"It wasn't that hard," Frankie replied. "And how did you afford yours?" she asked. "Oops. I suppose there's something for everyone in the five and dime."

"I'll have you know this is a rich design," Heather argued. "Movie stars would die for this designer gown."

"Or die in it," Frankie retorted.


Heather was privately shocked at the comebacks Frankie was spewing out of her mouth, as the sound of mumbles across the room became apparent again.

"Heather," Kevin began, Frankie still holding onto his arm. "Must you start a fight with everyone, especially someone as friendly as Frankie?"

"You're right, Kevin," Heather replied.

"I'm going to go get some punch for us, Kevin," Frankie began, as she let go of Kevin's arm. "Get this person out of our hair."

Heather watched Frankie's figure walk toward the punch bowl, as she then looked at Kevin. "Where are you sitting?"

"Over here, I guess," Kevin pointed to one of the tables.

"Okay," Heather whispered as she watched Frankie turn back around. "She's coming back. I'll see you in a few minutes."

Frankie walked back up to Kevin as she handed him his glass of punch. "Telling Heather off was certainly the highlight of my evening."

Kevin smiled. "Let's sit down," Kevin said, as he sat down at the table he told Heather about.

"Have you recognized any other faces?" Frankie asked.

"Yes, I have," Kevin replied. "Have you?"

"Some," Frankie said. "It's hard to tell. We've all changed so much. Especially me!"

Heather walked up to the table holding a glass of punch. "Mind if I sit down?"

"Actually, we do," Frankie replied for both herself and Kevin.

"That's what I thought," Heather said, as she sat down at the table.

"Kevin," Frankie whined, as she turned to look at him. "Let's move to another table."

"Oh, Frankie," Heather began, taking a sip of her punch. "He's not afraid of me. I was engaged to the man!"

"Which is why he doesn't want to be around you," Frankie reasoned.

"All the other tables are getting pretty full," Kevin observed. "Heather can stay here."

"Kevin knows that his mother, Vivian, was behind what I did," Heather said, directed her statement to Frankie.

"Really?" Frankie simply asked.

"She would blackmail me and everything," Heather continued. "She would always tell me to remember who's in charge, that is, in the beginning… like, when she first wanted me to meet Kevin at the sandwich shop."

"I would never let anyone have control over me," Frankie replied, remaining calm.

"At least you're not vulnerable, Frankie," Heather told her in a thankful tone. "I fell right into her trap."

"That's too bad," Frankie replied, as she looked at Kevin. "I'm going to go get some food... want to come with me?"

"Not right now," Kevin replied. "Soon, though."

"Sure," Frankie simply muttered, as she put her hand over her mouth and felt sick thinking about the food.

Heather watched as Frankie slipped out of her sight and then slid next to Kevin. "She was being really short with me."

"I noticed," Kevin replied. "She's playing the game well, though."

"She's about to lose the game," Heather replied.

Kevin felt a tap on his shoulder and then looked up to see Tracy standing before him.

"What are you doing with her?" Tracy simply asked.

"We're just talking," Kevin replied.

"I'll never figure you two out!" Tracy shouted. "After everything that happened, you're still sitting and talking together? This is unbelievable," she said, as she looked at Heather. "Don't even think of apologizing to me."

"I didn't plan to," Heather shot back. "Tracy, a true friend is supposed to stick by your side."

"And a true friend isn't supposed to lie to the other for ten years," Tracy told her in a serious tone.

"It's over, Tracy," Heather reminded her. "I've moved on and I don't want to delve back into the past. Bye."

"I'm sorry I ever met you!" Tracy angrily shouted.

"Okay, Heather," Kevin began after Tracy walked away, a little confused by what just happened.

"I don't need someone giving me grief every minute," Heather explained. "Even before our wedding, Tracy would just whine to me about how she couldn't understand me. That's the problem… she doesn't understand me."

"Who does?" Kevin wanted to know.

"I suppose no one," Heather replied as gasps and screams of horror began to fill the air in the room.

"What the hell happened?" Kevin asked as he stood up.

"Oh, my God!" someone yelled. "Call an ambulance, Candice!"

Heather and Kevin ran up to the front and saw Frankie passed out in the middle of the floor where the food was being served. Heather and Kevin exchanged shocked and horrified glances as their eyes traveled back to Frankie unconscious on the floor.

Chapter 19
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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