Unforeseen Circumstances... Chapter 21

Vivian was sitting in her living room thinking about what happened when James overheard the conversation with her ex-husband followed by his discovery of the pad with Bob's phone number on it when the doorbell rang.

Vivian opened the door and was simply speechless when she saw Kevin standing on the other side, and without saying a word, Kevin made his way into the living room.

"Do you know why I'm here?" Kevin asked her in a serious tone.

"Did James tell you?!" Vivian demanded to know.

"Tell me, what?" Kevin asked in reply.

Vivian thought of a cover. "That he moved out," Vivian replied. "Now, I'm here all by myself."

"Good for James," Kevin acknowledged. "At least, his life won't get ruined!"

"What are you talking about?" Vivian asked in a sincere tone.

"As if you don't know," Kevin replied. "I'm sure you were the first person that Frankie told when she found out that she was pregnant."

"I had no idea!" Vivian exclaimed, walking over to him. "Frankie's pregnant?"

"The clueless act might have worked before but not now," Kevin declared to his mother, as he pointed his finger. "Frankie luring me to that cabin was all in your plan."

"My 'plan'?" Vivian asked in complete shock. "I want you to be happy."

"If it suits you!" Kevin shouted. "I'm on to you now, and I can't believe I let you fool me twice. How could I have done that?"

Vivian didn't reply, only watched as Kevin shook his head at her and then made his way to the front door and left. 'This has got to stop,' Vivian told herself, as she walked out the door.

Frankie picked up the shattered picture frame and brushed away the loose glass. "Of all the frames, why did Lalie have to throw this one?" Frankie asked, as a few tears came to her eyes, as she looked at herself, her mother and her father in a family photo before he passed away. She carefully took the picture out of the frame and rested it on the mantle when the doorbell rang. "What the hell do you want?" Frankie asked, as she saw Vivian standing on the other side of the door.

"Let me in," Vivian began in a soft tone before raising her tone. "NOW!"

Frankie jumped as she let Vivian enter. "What's with you?"

"You should be ashamed of yourself," Vivian told her in utter disgust. "Pretending to be pregnant to hold onto Kevin."

"I'm not... pretending," Frankie honestly told her.

"The hell you're not," Vivian accused. "Enough is enough, Frankie! I will not allow you to let my son believe he's the father of air!"

"The only air is in your head," Frankie retorted. "I am pregnant," she once again declared. "Do you want to see the pregnancy test to prove it?"

"Bring it down," Vivian dared.

Frankie grinned at Vivian, before heading upstairs and coming back down with the pregnancy test in tow. "See for yourself," Frankie urged, as she displayed the pregnancy test to Vivian. "That's the positive sign."

"I know," Vivian muttered. "You really are pregnant."

"Not everyone is a liar like you," Frankie hissed. "Besides, maybe being a grandmother will mellow you out some!"

"Watch it," Vivian warned her, raising her finger. "How can I be so sure that Kevin is the father of this baby?"

"You think I get around?" Frankie asked her with a laugh.

"I don't know," Vivian replied, closing her eyes briefly. "All I know is that I told you to let things be with Kevin that night at Table For Two, and you didn't listen… you lured him to a cabin… and I don't know what else you have done…"

"Stabbed my own tires," Frankie added to Vivian's list. "Pretty neat ploy, huh?"

"You are ridiculous," Vivian muttered in complete shock and disgust. "Since you went back on my offer at the restaurant, I will NOT help you start your own business."

"Boohoo," Frankie retorted, folding her arms. "With this little bundle of joy I'm carrying, do you think I'm really worrying about being an entrepreneur right now?"

"If I find out that Kevin isn't the father of this baby," Vivian started with a serious _expression on her face. "I will come here and-" Vivian stopped.

"And what?" Frankie asked her in a teasing tone. "Threatening a pregnant woman, are you?"

"Just watch your back," Vivian warned her as she turned around.

Frankie shook her head as she watched Vivian head to the door and leave. 'The only thing I'll be watching is you when Kevin finds out what a liar you really are,' Frankie muttered to herself, as she watched Vivian walk across the street, through the window. She then went upstairs and put some clothes in a bag as she got ready to spend the night with Ryan.

A drained Lalie returned home later that evening. Her hair was a complete mess and it looked like she hadn't slept in years.

"It's about time you came back," Heather commented as she pushed her suitcase down the stairs. "I have to go wait outside for my ride to take me to the airport, but I need you to do me a favor."

Lalie rubbed her eyes as she watched Heather wheel her luggage to the door. "It's too bad you can't stay in town a little while longer."

"I really can't," Heather sighed, as she noticed Lalie's wrinkled attire and haggard appearance. "What's wrong? Where were you?"

Lalie shook her head as she looked down at the floor, remembering Kevin's announcement. "I've just been out," Lalie replied, too embarrassed to say what had happened. "You said something about a favor, what is it?"

"Are you sure everything's okay?" Heather asked her in a serious tone. "You look like you lost your best friend. Did something happen with Kevin?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Lalie answered uncomfortably. "Look, just tell me the favor and then I'll wait outside with you."

"I could cancel-" Heather began.

"Just tell me the favor," Lalie cut her off as she repeated her previous statement. "Please," she whispered.

Heather respected her wishes as she walked over to the counter where she picked up an envelope. "Aunt Nora had wanted me to give this to Ryan but I had forgotten about it when I was over there. I just found it in the front compartment of my suitcase," she explained. "I'd bring it over myself but my ride should be arriving."

"I'll bring it over tomorrow," Lalie assured her. "Mom and Dad aren't here?" she asked.

"They went out to dinner with Dad's golfing buddy and his wife," Heather replied, as she heard a car horn outside. "My ride is here."

Lalie walked over and hugged Heather goodbye. "Call me when you make it back to Florida," she told her. "Thanks for your help."

"Let me know if I could be of any further assistance," Heather kindly said, as she wheeled the suitcase through the door.

"Bye!" Lalie shouted, as she watched Heather get in the car and give a wave, before the car pulled away. Lalie watched as the car rounded the corner and then went back inside. She sat on the couch and didn't turn on the television set or radio; only stared at the wall as complete silence filled the house.

Chapter 22
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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