Unforeseen Circumstances... Chapter 22

The next morning, Frankie and Ryan were sitting up in bed having just enjoyed a wonderful night together.

Frankie looked at him and smiled. "I'm going to go shopping today for maternity clothes."

"You don't have to worry about that yet," Ryan reminded her.

"I want to be ready," Frankie told him. "Do you have to head into work early today?"

"Yes," Ryan replied with a sigh, as he looked over at the digital clock. "I should probably get ready for that," he mentioned. "When you go home, you're going to have a surprise waiting for you, hopefully."

"A surprise?" Frankie asked, surprised and eager to know what it was. "A hint would help."

"You'll see it when you go home," Ryan once again told her, as he stood up and stretched. "Let's take a shower."

Lalie walked down the stairs, ready to bring that envelope over to Ryan's apartment.

"Coffee?" Carole offered, as she held a pot in her hands.

"No, thanks," Lalie replied as she grabbed the envelope. "I'll be back later," she finished, as she headed for the door.

A little while later, Ryan and Frankie stood in his living room. He was ready for work, and she stood in nothing more than one of his t-shirts.

"I'll see you later," Ryan whispered with a kiss, as he grabbed his keys. "Hope you like my surprise."

"I'll let you know," Frankie cooed, kissing him passionately one more time before he left. Frankie watched as he left the apartment and shut the door behind him. She began to walk towards the bathroom to change when there was a knock on the door. Smiling suggestively, she walked over to the door. "Back for more already, Ryan?" she asked in a seductive voice, but then her expression changed to horror. "Lalie!" Frankie shrieked, as she tried to cover herself up.

"Frankie!" Lalie also shrieked in disbelief, as she put her hands over her eyes.

Frankie ran over to the couch and tried to cover herself with the throw pillow. "Lalie, I," Frankie began in a flustered manner.

"I'd ask you what you were doing here," Lalie began, as she looked at Frankie wearing nothing but a t-shirt, raising her eyebrows as she did so. "But, it's pretty obvious."

"Why did you come here?" Frankie asked her, trying to place the pillow over strategic areas.

"Don't ask me questions!" Lalie exclaimed, setting the envelope down on the table, walking up to Frankie. "How long have you and my cousin known each other?"

"For a long time," Frankie replied in a nervous tone. "I didn't know he was back in town until he called me last night."

"Is that so?" Lalie asked, not believing a word of it. "You seem to have gotten down and dirty pretty fast, Frankie. I think you came to town the same time Ryan did... and I think you came TOGETHER."

Frankie gulped as she heard Lalie's accusation. "You're the queen of theory, aren't you?"

"You've been involved with Ryan the whole time you were with Kevin, and got pregnant with his baby?" Lalie asked her in shock. "How could you do that to Ryan?"

Frankie looked towards the balcony, the pillow still placed over herself. "Ryan and I-"

"There will be no Ryan and you after I tell him what you did," Lalie warned her. Suddenly, Lalie's eyes widened, as she saw Frankie's uncomfortable expression. "Oh, my God," Lalie whispered.

Frankie turned back to Lalie. "What?"

"Kevin isn't the father of your baby," Lalie began, her jaw dropping as she said that. "Ryan is!"

"You shut up!" Frankie dropped the pillow and walked up to Lalie. "Kevin is the father of my baby, and you are nothing but a distant memory. He promised to stand by me always."

"He feels nothing but sorry for you," Lalie told her, backing up a little. "Ryan is the father of your baby, and you're letting Kevin believe that he is."

"I wouldn't do that," Frankie assured her.

"You already are!" Lalie cut her off with a shout. "No matter what you think you are pulling off, it's about to stop," Lalie declared, as she headed for the door.

"I had an affair!" Frankie shouted, making Lalie stop. "I had an affair with Kevin while I was with Ryan. I can't bear to tell Ryan that he's not the father of my baby."

"Ryan IS the father," Lalie reminded her. "And you damn well know it," she finished, once again heading for the door.

"No matter, who the father is, this is my baby and I will not let you interfere," Frankie trembled, walking up to Lalie and grabbing her. "Do you understand me?!" Frankie shouted.

"I'm on my way to tell Kevin... or should I tell Ryan first?" Lalie asked her. "Oh, the decisions!"

"If you say a word, I swear I will have something horrible happen to that person you call a sister," Frankie seethed. "You see, I have my connections in Florida, I used to live there... with Ryan, and you can be sure Heather will be history if you spread one word of this nonsense around."

"It has already spread," Lalie simply told her, not bothered by Frankie's threat. "By the end of the day, BOTH of your lovers will know the truth," she added, as she left the apartment.

"NO!" Frankie shouted, as she ran off to the bathroom to get dressed and leave the apartment, as well.

Chapter 23
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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