Unforeseen Circumstances... Chapter 24

Frankie got into her car and was heading to the store where Ryan worked in the mall. 'Oh, I hope I'm not too late,' Frankie said to herself. 'My mother asking ten thousand questions, ugh!' she continued, as she put her foot down on the accelerator. She looked in the rearview mirror and was alarmed to see Lalie's head behind the wheel of the car behind her, as she applied more pressure to her accelerator.

'The race to tell Ryan or Kevin is on,' Lalie whispered to herself, as she didn't know where Frankie was heading first, but she would be sure to follow her every move.

One of the streetlights turned yellow but that didn't stop Frankie and Lalie from going right through that light.

'Thank God, there's the mall entrance,' Frankie thankfully told herself as the entrance was the next right. Without putting her indicator on, she turned into the mall parking lot.

'That little sneak not putting her indicator on like that,' Lalie muttered angrily to herself, as she, also, turned into the parking lot.

'I'm taking the first spot I see,' Frankie declared to herself, as she pulled into one of the spots on the left. She smiled when she saw Lalie still driving down the row trying to find a spot.

Frankie exited her car, and made her way towards the mall entrance.

'Damn end of summer sales!' Lalie exclaimed to herself, as she finally found a spot on the right and turned into it in a very speedy fashion.

Lalie exited her car and ran up the row, when she saw Frankie almost nearing the entrance. She picked up the pace and was getting closer to catching up with Frankie.

"Frankie!" Lalie shouted in an angry tone, as Frankie turned around briefly, and then pushed her way through the doors. "Damn her!"

Frankie was finally in the mall and paused briefly to catch her breath. She turned around and saw that Lalie was very close. 'I can't run,' Frankie muttered to herself, as she tried to walk quickly.

'I have the running advantage,' Lalie smiled to herself, as she finally pushed her way through the entrance doors and saw Frankie not too far away from her. She saw Frankie get on the escalator and then Lalie picked up the pace and was soon on the escalator, as well. "I'm catching up to you, Frankie!"

"Oh, no, you're not!" Frankie shouted, as she stepped off the escalator.

The speed of the escalator was simply not fast enough for Lalie, as she ran the rest of it and was finally close to her. She ran up to Frankie and grabbed her arm.

"Hey!" Frankie shouted, as she tried to break free.

"I am completely sure now that Ryan is the father of your baby," Lalie told her in a very certain tone. "I can't believe what you did to Kevin, Ryan and Vivian."

"Vivian?!" Frankie asked in disbelief. "She deserved a little tap on her head!"

"I'm not here to discuss that," Lalie told her, as Frankie continued walking, and Lalie walked side by side to her. "Tell me right now that Ryan is the father, tell me!"

"No!" Frankie defensively shouted. "Kevin is!" she shouted.

"Kevin isn't!" Lalie once again shouted. "Ryan is the father of your baby, admit it!"

"No!" Frankie once again shouted.

"Dude," a teenager's voice come up from behind Lalie. "This is better than that soap opera my girlfriend watches… 'Another World'."

Lalie turned around. "Don't you have something else you could be doing?" Lalie asked him. "Like, minding your own business?" she suggested. "And for your information, that show isn't even on the air anymore!"

"Chill!" the teenager, exclaimed.

Lalie groaned as she watched the teenager walk away and then turned her attention back to Frankie. "Look, Frankie... Vivian and I know that Ryan is the father, shall we go to his store now and tell him?"

Frankie continued to walk along the railing. "I'll tell him how you threatened me, how about that?" Frankie suggested.

"What are you talking about?" Lalie wanted to know.

Frankie rubbed her tummy. "This little guy… or girl that I'm carrying bothers you so much that it hurts. It hurts that your boyfriend offered to stand by me no matter what, and you're left with nothing."

Lalie's jaw dropped. "He only said that because he thought he was the father!"

"You're left with nothing," Frankie continued to tease.

Lalie's eyes widened as she saw Frankie near the edge of the stairwell, as Frankie continued to taunt her. "Frankie, watch your step!" Lalie shouted at the top of her lungs, but it was too late as Frankie lost her balance and fell over, hitting her head on the banister. "Frankie!!!"

"Lalie! What happened?" a familiar voice came up from behind her.

"Oh, my God, James!" Lalie shouted in a panicked frenzy, as she turned around and wrapped her arms around him, tears beginning to form. She then reached into her bag and whipped out her cell phone, and proceeded to call for help.

The mall guards and onlookers surrounded Frankie, and in a matter of minutes Frankie was being carried off.

"She is pregnant," Lalie tearfully said as she broke down, with James still standing by her side. "You heard me say, 'Watch your step', didn't you?"

"Of course!" James confirmed in an assuring tone. "Frankie is pregnant?"

"Yes!" Lalie confirmed as she continued to sob uncontrollably. "I need to go find Ryan and tell him to get to the hospital."

"Wait, Ryan?" James stopped her. "I work with a Ryan... Ryan DiMarco!"

"That's my cousin, and the father of Frankie's baby!" Lalie exclaimed in a somewhat relieved tone that James knows Ryan. "Please, go tell him to get to the hospital, I have to call someone!"

"Sure!" James agreed.

Lalie watched as James rushed off in the direction of their store, then grabbed her cell phone and made another phone call.

Vivian was sitting on the couch with an ice pack on her forehead when the phone rang. "Hello?" she asked, as she put the phone up to her ear. "Lalie, where are you? Calm down! Frankie fell down the stairs?" Vivian asked, as she also became emotional at the thought. "Don't worry, I'll call Kevin and tell him to go to the hospital!"

Vivian set the phone down for a few seconds, as she wiped away some tears before picking the phone up again to call Kevin. "Kevin," Vivian spoke into the phone. "Don't hang up, please! You need to get to the hospital and I'll meet you there. There has been an accident involving Frankie."

Chapter 25
Non-Nsync Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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