Unforeseen Circumstances... Chapter 4

Vivian set coasters out on the table as she served coffee to Bettina and Frankie.

"Frankie, you know where I stand on that," Bettina told Frankie in a serious tone.

"It's been my dream for so long," Frankie replied, sounding angry. "I've always wanted to open my own business. Why can't you just help me out financially?"

"If I were able to, I would," Bettina replied. "Frankie, I know you came all the way up from Florida but it's just not in the cards. Can't you wait?"

Frankie folded her arms and sighed. "I suppose," she softly said. "I took all those entrepreneur classes and I can't even get anywhere."

Vivian sipped her coffee as she heard Bettina and Frankie going back and forth.

"I need to go back home," Bettina announced. "Frankie, come whenever you're ready."

"It's a good thing you live right across the street," Vivian chimed in.

Vivian set her cup of coffee down on the coaster as Bettina made her way out the door and across the street.

"My mother doesn't understand my dreams," Frankie continued to express her anger. "She knows I've wanted this. Why can't she help me out?"

"You poor dear," Vivian commented. "I can tell you really wanted to start your own business."

"Mom won't be of any help," Frankie told her in a serious tone, as she glanced down at a picture of Kevin on the table and remembered what had happened earlier on the street when she was almost hit by that car.

"Do you remember him?" Vivian asked Frankie, her eyes seemed fixed on that picture.

Frankie looked at Vivian. "Kevin? Of course I do."

"We've been having so many problems," Vivian declared. "I couldn't stand his last two choices for love interests."

"Who?" Frankie wanted to know, her interest rising.

"Heather and Layla Mills," Vivian replied.

"I don't know Layla," Frankie informed her. "I do know that Heather, and she was such a bitch to me in high school."

"I guess some people never change," Vivian let her know with a laugh, picking up her coffee cup.

"Is Heather still in town?" Frankie wanted to know.

"No, she's long gone," Vivian thankfully replied. "You wouldn't believe the hurtful things her sister, Lalie, said to me earlier. She couldn't even wait until I wasn't suffering about my divorce anymore!"

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?" Frankie asked.

"I fear Lalie will worm her way back into Kevin's life," Vivian told Frankie in disgust. "He's so naïve that he'd fall for it, too, and then they'd be walking down that aisle like two star crossed lovers," Vivian continued.

"I bet the only stars you want Lalie to see are the ones in her head after you slap her for saying those hurtful words to you," Frankie guessed.

Vivian looked surprised. "I was never one to think in a violent nature," she declared.

"Tell me about Lalie," Frankie encouraged.

"She's the exact opposite of you," Vivian replied. "How I wish that Kevin would fall for a well-rounded, level-headed, honest person like you, Frankie Stone."

Frankie blushed at Vivian's description. How was she supposed to reply to that?

"How would you like your dreams of being an entrepreneur to come true, Frankie?" Vivian asked her in a hopeful tone.

Frankie couldn't believe her ears. "Vivian, what I would do for an entrepreneurship."

"How would you like me to help you out?" Vivian asked her, raising her eyebrows.

"I couldn't accept your money, Vivian," Frankie replied.

"I've known you since you were this tall," Vivian pointed out, displaying how tall Frankie was when she first met her. "Consider it a kind gesture," Vivian offered.

"I don't know what to say," Frankie managed to reply, truly surprised. "It seems too good to be true."

"There's just one small extra part," Vivian began to add. "Are you seeing anybody?"

Frankie shifted her weight on the couch, and crossed her legs. "I'm not," Frankie replied. "Why?"

"Good," Vivian replied. "I want you to distract Kevin from reconciling with Lalie. Do whatever it takes. Your persona is just what Kevin needs."

Frankie's jaw dropped, as the words seemed to come out of Vivian's mouth in slow motion. "You want me to, what?" Frankie asked in shock.

"I want you to start seeing the man in that picture," Vivian pointed at the frame with a smile. "You will be in town for the summer, yes?"

"Of course," Frankie replied, looking a little uncomfortable.

"That entrepreneurship could be yours if you just do me this little favor," Vivian suggested. "A caring girl like you would be such an improvement for Kevin after he had to endure Heather and Lalie. By the end of the summer, you'll be on your way to starting your own business."

"So, I'm supposed to walk up to Kevin and say, 'Let's go to my place for dinner so you can forget about your evil ex-fiancée'?" Frankie asked in confusion.

"It won't be like that," Vivian assured her. "How about I invite everyone over for dinner tomorrow night?" she suggested. "You could just strike up casual conversation with Kevin and go along with whatever he says."

Frankie's eyes widened as she reached into her purse and looked at herself in a pocket mirror. "Why would he ever be interested in me?" she sighed. "I'll always be that non-pretty, shy girl from high school."

"I take that you are accepting my offer?" Vivian asked in a hopeful tone. "Remember, Frankie, your dreams await."

"I'll distract Kevin from Lalie for that entrepreneurship," Frankie agreed. "If I could ever get him to notice me."

"Don't worry," Vivian told her. "We'll go shopping tomorrow morning. In the meantime, I have some products that I want to try on your hair, and I'll introduce you to a makeup kit," Vivian told her, sounding excited about this. "Have you ever considered contact lenses instead of those thick frames?"

Frankie nodded as she jumped off the couch and they headed up the stairs to the bathroom for Frankie's makeover.

"Sorry, Lalie, I have to do what I have to do," Vivian muttered to herself as she walked up the stairs.

Vivian had finished putting the last touch of makeup on Frankie's face. She teased her hair once more and looked her over before she spun the chair around and had Frankie face the mirror.

Frankie's jaw dropped as she caught a glimpse of her new look.

"Please tell me that's a look of approval," Vivian said to her in a hopeful yet nervous tone.

"I never dreamed that I could ever look like this," Frankie replied in awe. "What is my mother going to say?"

"Just tell her that I gave you some tips," Vivian replied, nonchalantly. "Frankie, you look remarkable."

Frankie stood up and looked at herself full length in the mirror. "These clothes don't complement my face, though."

"We'll take care of clothes tomorrow," Vivian assured her. "You'll have Kevin giving you double, triple takes tomorrow night."

Frankie smiled as she hugged Vivian. "I feel like a new woman."

Later that evening, James was sitting in the living room, preparing to leave in a few minutes to go pick Georgia up for dinner.

"Do you have plans for tomorrow night?" Vivian walked up from behind, setting down a vase of flowers on the coffee table that she had just refilled with water.

"Should I?" James wanted to know.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to invite Virginia over tomorrow night for dinner," Vivian suggested.

"You mean, Georgia?" James asked her, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, yes," Vivian replied. "I knew her name was a state, I just couldn't remember which one!" Vivian defended.

James shook his head, a slight smile forming on his face. "So, what's this dinner about?"

"New beginnings," Vivian vaguely replied. "After what has happened between your father and I, and now Kevin and Lalie, I think it would be nice to have every one over," she explained. "I'm going to go talk to Kevin about it in a little while."

"I'm not sure if Georgia can make it," James simply replied. "I'll ask her, though."

"Please do," Vivian encouraged. "It'll be formal. Dimmed lights, candles on the table and such," she said, elaborating on the mood. "I'm thinking of inviting Bettina's daughter over, also. She came up from Florida for the summer."

"I haven't seen Frankie in years," James commented. "I probably wouldn't even recognize her."

"I doubt that you will," Vivian muttered with a smile on her face.

Chapter 5
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