Failte... Prolouge

"No, seriously," Chris Kirkpatrick furrowed his brow as he talked to his lawyer on his cell phone. "You've got to be KIDDING me..."

The Nsync guys had just finished their American tour and were flying home to Florida for a two week vacation. Chris had meant to turn off his cell phone so that he could obtain those few minutes of peace and quiet on the airplane, but he had forgotten... and now he was glad that he had.

Justin Timberlake was seated next to him and was worried about the expression on his best friend's face. "What is it?" he hissed, poking Chris' shoulder with his index finger. "Who is that on the phone?"

Chris held up his finger and continued to listen to his lawyer, his jaw still hanging in shock. "So, you're telling me that there's some old... maybe falling apart castle in Ireland with my name on it? No way... Rick, you gotta understand why there's no way I can believe that..."

Now it was Justin's turn to let his jaw drop. This HAD to be a joke. Chris had many friends back home that were practical jokers... didn't he?

"Where?" Chris asked, listening to the answer. "Tuam? Where in the hell is Tuam?"

"It's a small town in Galway. And say it after me... Tuam. It's pronounced like choom," Rick explained. "I went there a few years ago with my family to visit this magnificent cathedral there. It's just the only thing there... except a little market place and a small village."

"Then where's this castle that I supposedly own? I'm still in shock here..." Chris kicked his carryon bag that was stashed away under the seat in front of himself. "Give me some more information."

"Chris, listen up. The castle's just on the outskirts of this village... so I hear. I have no idea how big it is or what shape it's in. All I know is that no one's been living there for the twenty years since your great-great aunt left to get treatment for her illness in the US. She died a few weeks ago at the age ninety-eight and in her will... her residence in Tuam was left to you."

"Why me? I didn't even know about this aunt until now! Are you sure you didn't mean to call some OTHER Chris Kirkpatrick?"

"I'm sure. And, Chris?"


"Here at my office I have everything you need... directions and stuff. Stop by and get them whenever you like."

"Thanks, Rick. I'll talk to you later." Chris hung up the phone and turned to look at Justin, who was still staring back at him, speechless. "Looks like we're going to Ireland."

Justin's eyes were wide. "I heard," he said, grabbing the arm of his seat. "I'm coming with?"

"Well, I'm not going there all alone," Chris told him. "All of you guys are welcome to come with. We could even go there for our vacation if we want."

Chapter 1
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