Finding Mr. Right... Chapter 1

"These just won'd do,look,they are all welted! How can I possibly try and sell these? Note to self - call Sam back and let him have it!" Carly Spencer knew it just had to be a Monday morning since nothing was going right. Her alarm decided not to go off this morning, her strawberry blonde bob was in chaos and now these red roses she had been dying for arrived looking close to death.

"Ah, a typical day owning a floral shop," she laughed at herself and was glad no one else was here yet.

She did a fast run through of the store front to make sure everything was in place and opened the front door, Flowers by Cary was open for another day of business. She noticed the streets were quiet again but that happens during off season in Savannah, GA. She hoped it wouldn't be a bad omen though. She smiled to herself looking around at the familiar streets feeling at home and remembering what it was like growing up here. Lost in her thoughts she barely noticed her sister, Allison, coming towards her.

"Earth to Carly....time to wake up or are you trying to scare off the potential customers?" Allison smiled smugly while Carly bit her tongue.

"Well, Allison, a Monday morning would not be complete without a visit from my dear sister. So tell me, how much do you need now?"

Allison's mouth dropped opened as she pretended to not know what her older sister was talking about, although Carly had it right yet again. Allison flipped her auburn hair out of her eyes while gently pushing Carly out of the way to get to the front door.

"Really Carly, can't I just come over for a sisterly chat and a cup of coffee?"

"Allison, just spill it. I really don't have time for this!"

"Oh yes, all those customers are lined up at the front door aren't they?"

"Dear Allison, if you were going to ask me for a favor you just cut your throat." Carly really did love her sister and their relationship had been strained since their parents passed away a few years back. She had been trying to fill the parental role for Allison but she wasn't having it.

"Can we please start over?" Allison made an attempt at looking sorry.

Taking a deep breath Carly shook her head yes and braced herself.

"I'm just going to get to the point. I'm in my last year of college - something I never wanted to do by the way - and a bunch of us want to go abroad for spring break this year..."

Carly interrupted, "Aboard, as in overseas?"

"Well, yes," Allison stopped herself from rolling her eyes. "Anyway, I really want to go and finish my least year out with a bang. So, here it goes, I need money for the trip."

"Oh sure Allie, I'll just go in back to my money tree and lend you some. Take a good look around, business isn't exactly booming especially being off season." Carly felt a headache coming on and wished she was back in bed.

"Drop the sarcasm please! I want to go, can't you see this is important to me? Didn't Mom and dad leave that trust fund for us anyway? All it does is sit there and collect dust." Carly could tell Allison was getting ready to whine.

"Why do I have to go over this again with you? Yes, after our parents passed they left us both a trust fund but did you forget the stipulations? You have to graduate from college and I have to get married. Neither, by the way, we have done. Believe me if I could get my hands on it I would revamp this shop and you could have your trip. Life doesn't always work out the way we want it to."

"Don't I know it!" Allison fought back the tears. "It's not fair!"

There was a brief silence between them then Allison's face lit up.

"I have an idea.....your getting married! That way we will have everything we both want. The trip isn't scheduled until April and its only January now. Plenty of time!"

"Whoa, hold on! I'm not marrying for money, haven't we had this conversation already? Besides, money isn't everything Allie!"

"True its not, but it sure does make life easier. Now you need a makeover, update your cute a bit,blonde hi-lights, more color on your cheeks....." Allison looked like she was on a mission poking and prodding Carly.

"Allison, STOP IT!"

"Well what have I walked into? Doesn't look like flowers is the topic this morning." A smooth sounding male voice entered the shop.

"Carly, looks like we need to get down to business." Allison winked at her sister as Carly turned 10 different shades of red.

Chapter 2
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
Email Gretchen