Finding Mr. Right... Chapter 2

After somewhat regaining her composure, Carly asked her potential customer if he needed any help. She also noted that he had a well tailored suit and very handsome features.

"No, I just wanted to browse for a few minutes if that is all right. Besides, I was enjoying the show you and your friend was putting on. Do you do this often?" He chuckled a bit until he noticed Carly glare over at Allison who winked back at her.

" we don't put on shows here, this is a place of business. She is not my friend but my sister. Now if you need anything please let me know." Carly took hold of Allison's arm and pulled her to the back storeroom.

"Ouch, first off let go! Second, I know I'm in for a lecture but before you start did you take a real good look at him? Talk about good looking, well dressed and a sense of humor. Carly, go get him!"

"Go get him? Please Allison, that is NOT how you get a man, especially one like that. For the record, I'm not interested and I know what your up to so stop it now. If you ever pull a stunt like this at my shop again you'll be banned!" At that Carly stomped off to the bathroom for a quick makeup check before going back to the front.

"Sure sis, not interested that's why you have to go fix yourself up first before going back." Allison laughed and went to check on the new customer herself.

Craig Williams surveyed the store and knew it had huge potential but could use some cash flow to help it along. He knew the floral business since his family owned the largest chain of them in South Carolina. They wanted to expand their business into Georgia and had a feeling that Savannah was the ideal location to start. The tourist season was huge there and lasted clear through September. They had thought of building a store from scratch but his dad wanted the location to be authentic in the the downtown district so they needed to buy someone out. So far this location was the best. He just had to becareful how he maneuvered the deal. Eyeing the different varieties of flowers Craig noticed the younger sister watching him.

"Do you always stare at potential customers?" Craig tried to hold back on the smile but couldn't.

"Only the good looking ones," Allison said without a thought.

Craig decided it was best not to respond to that. "So tell me, how long has this shop been here?"

"You would have to ask my sister, Carly, that. She owns this and does a very good job. In fact, Carly, is one of the top florists in town." Allison knew how to make her sister look good.

Before Allison could say anything else the phone rang and she jumped to answer it. "Flowers by Carly, may I help you? Ummm Carly is busy, let me take a message." She jotted it down quickly and hung up without saying bye. Allison noticed that this man seemed very fascinated with the store, not to get his fascination going with Carly.

Carly took a deep breath and returned to the front and noted the handsome man was still there. Craig turned and seen that finally he didn't have to keep talking to her little nosey sister.

"Ahhh you must be Carly," Craig walked over and shook her hand, "your sister has told me a lot about you."

Carly threw another glare towards Allison's direction while Allison mouthed your welcome back at her.

"She shouldn't have went on like that, sorry. Can I help you with something?" She realized she still had a hold of his hand and released it trying not to blush again.

"Yes in fact you can. My name is Craig and I would be delighted if you could join me for dinner tonight." Allison jumped up and down and Carly stood there with her mouth hanging open.

Chapter 3
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
Email Gretchen