Finding Mr. Right... Chapter 3

"Carly, say something! He's waiting." Allison didn't think that Carly had been out of the dating scene that long.

"Oh, why are you asking me out when you don't know me? Did she put you up to this?" Carly pointed at her sister and knew what game she was trying to play. Carly wasn't going to be a participate.

"Why would I try and make a love connection?" Allison giggled as she walked out the door deciding that her work was done for now. Besides, she couldn't wait to tell Madison, her best friend, all about her plan.

"Now, Ms. Carly, I don't make it a habit of having someone's little sister fix me up. I find your shop and it's location interesting as well as you. So why not have dinner together and just talk?" Craig could be very persuading when he wanted to be.

"Why? Because you could be some crazed psychopath that's why!"

"Oh yes, us psychopaths always dress well and like to take our victims to a nice restaurant before hand." Craig winked at her and held back a laugh.

Carly thought for a minute and surveyed him again. She hadn't been out to a nice restaurant in a few months. After she broke things off with Mike she had sworn men off for a while and immersed herself in work. Especially after finding him in bed with someone else.

"Well....yes or no?" Craig's patience was starting to wear thin and he needed this dinner to maybe seal up a deal with her.

"Ok, I'll go to dinner with you, but I will meet you at the restaurant and no funny business."

"Believe me, I don't find business funny. Then its a date. I'll meet you at The Lady and Sons around 7. I've heard great things about it." Craig was glad he finally got a yes out of her.

"Great, I'll see you then." Craig took Carly's hand and kissed t slightly, which made her heart skip a beat.

Craig walked towards his Mercedes and called the eldest Williams on his cell phone.

"Dad, yes, the plan is in motion. Dinner tonight and hopefully by tomorrow we'll have a done deal." Craig didn't always like business transactions like these but was looking forward to finding out more about Carly.

Forgetting all about Allison's 'plan', Carly hummed to herself while arranging flowers for the upcoming Harris engagement party.

"This should be fun, no expectations, just fun." Carly smiled slightly and kept an eye on the clock.

Chapter 4
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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