Finding Mr. Right... Chapter 3

Carly was about to step out of the shop's door when the phone rang. She decided to answer it in case it was a customer.

"Flowers by Carly...." before she could finish Allison interrupted.

"Well, what happened? I've been waiting by the phone thinking you would have the decency to call me!"

"I do run a business and ended up being busy today." Carly couldn't help but being annoying with her.

"Just spill it or I'll come over to your house and bug you there!"

"Go ahead, I won't be home!"

Then Carly had to hold the phone away from her ear because of Allison's shriek.

"He DID ask you out and you said YES! I am a genius at matchmaking. Now you need to wear something sexy but nothing too revealing, at least not yet. That little black number with the spaghetti straps would be perfect, I should know since I borrowed it with my date with Brad and he almost drooled."

"Allison, I can dress myself thank you," and hung up the phone. "Hmmm, she does have a good eye though, the black dress it is."

Carly finally closed shop and knew she better hurry.

The Lady and Son's restaurant was the hot spot in Savannah. It was well known in Georgia and notorious for its waiting list. Luckily the owner was out front greeting customers and had heard of the William's name so Craig got a table by the window. He actually felt alittle nervous and reminded himself this was just a business dinner. He calmed himself by taking in the sights of the downtown area. They were close to the park and even though it was January there were quite a few people taking a romantic stroll under the huge moss covered trees. This time Carly caught him lost in thought as she arrived at the table with one minute to spare.

"Carly? Oh wow, I mean, you look magnificent." Craig suddenly felt a loss for words which wasn't a good sign for him. This couldn't be the same woman he had encountered earlier today in her jeans and causal shirt, hair alittle messy. This woman standing here had legs that went on forever, soft, sexy shoulders and that black dress set off all those features and more.

"Well, I must have done something right, you can quit staring now." Carly laughed to herself, pleased that she still had it.

"Forgive me, here let me get that chair for you." Craig fumbled a bit and knew he would have a very hard time keeping his mind on business.

"I'm surprised that you got a table so quickly." Carly knew the reputation of this restaurant.

"I am too, guess I'm just lucky." He wasn't ready to divulge who he was just yet.

After selecting a very nice wine they had an elegant but traditional southern dinner. Craig could have kicked himself though because for some reason he couldn't bring up business. He was intrigued with Carly and loved hearing her talk. She told him all about growing up in Savannah, her parent's passing and how it affected her and Allison and how she is trying to do the right thing with her sister. She also opened up about her floral business alittle bit, that she opened it up 2 years ago at the age of 23 after giving up her accounting job to chase her dream. He did find out that the shop is busy during the spring/summer months and Carly keeps somewhat busy during the off months with holiday parties.

"I feel like I'm just talking about me, what about you?"

"Me? There's not a lot to say. I grew up in South Carolina and run the family business. Very boring I am."

"No, it doesn't sound boring at all. What kind of family business?"

Thankfully for Craig the waiter came back with the bill so he avoided the question this time. After the bill was taken care of Craig wasn't ready for the evening to end so he suggested a short walk.

"That sounds like a fun idea." Carly was glad she brought her jacket and had low heels on.

They walked together in silence, Carly pointing out a historical building every once in a while. Craig couldn't remember having a nicer time and was thoroughly enjoying himself when he heard Carly groan.

"What's wrong?" Craig was hoping it wasn't anything she ate.

"Oh my God! It's him, Mike!" Carly wanted to hide but headed straight for them was her ex-lover.

Chapter 5
Non-Nsync {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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