Give Me A Reason... Chapter 2

JC tried to stand up, and look around for Chris, but Katie pushed him back down. "Stay right there until you feel better."

"I feel fine," he assured her as he shoved her away and pulled himself to his feet.

Someone grabbed his arm. "Feeling better, JC? Good. It's time to go on stage." He was pushed through a door and behind the curtain where the other four guys were standing. They pulled their dazed friend into place.

Chris looked over at him as the music started. "You okay, man?"

"I'm fine. I just got a little dizzy back there."

The curtains flew open and the crowd's screams got louder. Nsync started the dance moves for 'It's Gonna Be Me.'

"You might been hurt babe. That ain't no lie..." Justin's voice echoed through the stadium. "You've seen 'em all come and go."

When JC stepped forward to sing his verse, a wave of panic struck him. "You got no choice, babe, but to move on..." he sang, "and you know, there ain't..." his voice trailed off as a feeling of deja vu took over his body. He looked up to see the dangling light fixture and froze.

Time seemed to almost completely stop as he watched it swing slowly to the left... to the right, and back again.

By then, Justin has picked up his verse, and Joey was nudging his shoulder. "What's wrong?"

He quickly glanced at Joey and then set his eyes on Chris. If this was anything like his dream, he knew what he had to do. He leapt across the stage and plowed Chris out of the way right before the fixture came crashing to the floor. Just like in his dream, the music staggered to a stop and the crowd went silent. JC looked back at the mangled light and gave a sigh of relief.

Everyone was okay.

He looked at Chris, who was staring at him in awe. "How in the hell..." Chris' lips were saying, but JC couldn't hear him. His heart was beating too loudly in his ears. He looked up to where the light had fallen from. Chuck, the head rigger, looked back down at him and shrugged.

It seemed like an eternity before he and Chris were up from the floor. JC blinked his eyes as the crew pushed them off the stage and into the back so they could clean up the mess.

Nothing like that had ever happened before... the dream, or vision had actually happened. What did it mean?

The five of them ended up together in the dressing room.

"Is everyone okay?" Justin asked his band mates, and received three nods.

They all turned to JC, who was staring at the wall in a daze.

"JC," Justin said in a louder voice. "Are you okay?"

JC turned his head to face Justin. How many times was he going to be asked that question today? But... should he tell them about what had happened before they went on stage? Would they even believe him? "I'm just a little jumpy from the accident," he told them.

"How did you know?" Chris asked.

"Know what?"

"That it was going to fall. JC, you pushed me out of the way, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember. I saw it falling."

For a moment, they all stared at him in shock. Lance was the first to speak up. "You SAW it falling?"

JC nodded.

A confused look spread over Joey's face. "Do you normally look at light fixtures during the show?"

"No, I just looked up once... and there it was." That seemed to shut them up, and JC let out the breath he hadn't even realized he was holding. What was all of this? Why was he so nervous about them finding out the truth?

What was the truth, anyway? Did he even know?

Maybe he just wanted to fit in for once. Maybe he wanted to be like everyone else in the world. Every time he seemed to be slipping into the routine of his life, something would happen to make him different from his friends, from everyone and he'd fall back into same hole.

Now, this. First, he'd blacked out for no explainable reason, and then he'd had this strange vision... one that had actually came true. Could it have been a coincidence, or was there something else behind it?

When he decided that he didn't want to think about it anymore, he looked up at his friends, and still, they were all staring at him. "What?" he asked with a shrug of his shoulders.

They looked away.

Justin took a sharp breath and looked back at JC. "It's just that... that the whole thing was a little strange, and now you're acting really weird."

JC didn't answer him. What could he say? You're right, Justin, this whole thing IS really strange. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I knew... somehow, anyway... that the light was going to fall on Chris.

Three taps on the door signaled that it was time for them to get back out on stage.

After the show and alone in his hotel room, JC couldn't fall asleep. He'd passed by the period where the adrenaline was still in his system, but the problem was, that he couldn't stop thinking about what had happened during the show.

As time went by, and the more he thought about it, the more unreal it seemed. He'd even considered picking up the phone and calling Katie to make sure he'd actually passed out before going on stage, but she didn't know what his dream was about, so there was no way she could confirm his vision.

It kept getting blurrier and blurrier and he wondered if maybe he'd imagined the whole vision after it had actually happened in real life. He figured that he should probably just forget about it. It was over with, he'd made sure that no one had gotten hurt, and that was all he could do.

A knock on his door made him jump. He took a deep breath and felt like laughing at how jumpy he was. "Just a minute," he said while he waited for his heart to slow down. Then, he climbed out of bed, made his way to the door and looked through the peephole.

Chris... what was he doing knocking at his door at -he glanced at the clock- two in the morning?

Chapter 3 (not ready)
Give Me A Reason
JC {Fiction}
My Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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