Identities: If I Were You... Chapter 1

"Fine then!" Chris yelled, slamming the door in his girlfriend's face. There was no way he was gonna put up with her anymore. He had had enough.

The phone rang and he picked it up.


"Hey, Chris. Can I ask you a favor?" he heard Justin's voice ring out.

"Sure, buddy. What is it?"

Justin looked at the ten or more girls surrounding him. They were all waving pens and paper and shouting at him. "Um... I sorta have a problem," he said quietly into the phone. "Will you pick me up?"

"Sure. Where are you?"

"See..." Justin started. "That's the problem. Well, one of them anyway... I have no idea where I am..."

Justin heard Chris groan. "What street are you on? Maybe I can find you."

"Maybe? No... you HAVE to find me. I can't stay out here all night."

"Why not?" Chris teased.

"Just pick me up!":

"Okay, okay... so what street are you on?"

Justin began looking for a street sign. "On the corner of fifth and twenty-third," he told Chris.

"In down town?" Chris asked.

Justin forced a smile at the girls and then turned back to the phone booth. "Yeah... I think..."

"How did you get there?"

"Actually... It's kind of a long story. I just need to get back to the hotel."

"Can't you take a cab or something?"

"See... that's another thing. I don't have any money with me... Well, not enough to pay for a cab."

"God, Justin..." Chris sighed into the phone. "You SO owe me."

"No... We'll just be even. Remember that time you-"

"Let's not talk about that..."

"Fine. Just get your ass over here!"

"I'm on my way! Did you say fifth and twenty-second?"

"NO! Fifth and twenty-THIRD!"

"Oh! Okay. I'll be there as soon as I can. Bye."

Justin hung up the phone. Great. He had signed autographs all day and now he was gonna have to sign some more. His hand was killing him!

"Justin! Justin!" the girls shouted. "Can we have your autograph?"

Justin turned around and smiled at them sweetly. "Sure!" He began taking the papers from them and signing his name. "There you go..." God... sometimes he wished he were Chris. Chris didn't get "mobbed" as much. Well, it was probably hard for him to hide his unmistakable dreads... but still... he couldn't have had it as bad as Justin did. There was no way...

Chris got into his car and headed for downtown. Well... in the direction he figured downtown would be...

He drove down the freeway looking for an exit that might lead him to downtown. Geez... all these strange cities were starting to blend together and he couldn't tell one from the other.

Chris let thoughts drift. Poor Justin. Loved by millions... poor Justin. God, what he wouldn't give to be the "popular" one.

The next exit looked familiar. Well, not really, but Chris guessed that it COULD lead him the right way. He put on his right blinker and turned off.

Where in the hell was Chris? Justin had been standing signing autographs for over twenty minutes.

Suddenly he saw Chris' car and pushed his way out of the crowd. "Sorry, I have to go now," he apologized to the fans. He opened the car door and jumped in. "Bye!" he called, shutting the door.

Chris was glaring at him. "Did you have fun? Cause I know I did trying to find my way here..." he said sarcastically.

"Yeah..." Justin replied as Chris stepped on the gas. "A blast... It's so much fun having ten-year-olds crawl all over you..."

"I'll bet." Chris turned on another street. "Now how do I get back to the freeway..." he mumbled mostly to himself.

"Don't look at me," Justin told him. "I have no idea how to get back."

"Well, you got here, didn't you?"

"So did you! Plus, you're driving. Figure it out yourself."

Chris frowned. Justin was sure crabby. He couldn't really blame him though. Chris was crabby too. Both of them had had an awful day. What could you expect?

Almost an hour later, Chris pulled into the hotel's parking lot.

"How long did it take before you found me?" Justin wondered.

"I don't remember," Chris answered honestly. "I wasn't really looking at the clock."


Both of them said goodnight and walked to their separate rooms.

Chris opened his door and found JC asleep. Great... why did he always get stuck with Sleepy? Justin usually roomed with Joey who didn't come back until late. He practically had the whole room to himself.

Chris carefully shut the door, being careful not to wake JC. He tiptoed across the floor, picked up his suitcase and then walked to the bathroom.

When he came out he flicked the TV on. Unfortunately, he could hardly hear it because if he turned it up too loud it would wake JC. And JC was not a happy camper when he woke up.

Chris sighed and turned it off, throwing the remote on the night stand. He tossed and turned in the dark. Sure he was upset about breaking up with Carol... but he was upset about something else too. He wasn't satisfied with himself. Everything always seemed to be going wrong. Now if he were someone else... say... Justin... then all his problems would be solved. Not only would he be the "favorite" but he would be eighteen again. 'Justin must have it SO easy,' he thought as he finally drifted off to sleep.

Justin found his room empty. What was Joey doing out so late?

On the way to the bathroom he tripped over his suitcase and all of his clothes fell out. "Damn!" he said under his breath, kicking everything out of the way.

Once Justin got in bed, he sighed. What an awful day. Seriously... It couldn't have gotten any worse. He let his thoughts drift. Chris looked like he had had a bad day too. 'It couldn't be as bad as mine. He must have it SO easy' he thought as he stared at the ceiling. 'It would be nice to be more like Chris...'

The next morning Chris woke up and stretched.

"Ouch!" he said as his head hit the wood at the top of the bed. He was about to rub his head when he got a look at his hands. Whoa... they sure looked funny. Oh well. It was probably because he didn't have his contacts in. Sure. That was why.

He got out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. The floor seemed a lot farther down than it did last night... That was probably because he wasn't wearing his contacts too. Nothing unusual about that.

He closed his eyes to yawn as he stepped into the bathroom. When he opened them he saw... Justin. What in the...

Chris reached out to push Justin out of the way, but his hand hit something. It was the mirror. He pulled his hand back and looked at it. Then he looked back at the mirror. Was it just him, or did he look an awful lot like Justin? Maybe he was dreaming or something. Either that or he was going blind and his eyes were playing tricks on him...

He put his hand on the sink and accidentally knocked something over. "Shit," he said, bending over to pick up a plastic glass. Whoa... he even SOUNDED like Justin. What was going on?

He attempted to get dressed but then realized that he couldn't find any pants that were long enough. Carefully, he crept over to JC's suitcase and pulled out a pair of his wind pants. Maybe they would be long enough. He slipped them on over his boxers. Success!

Suddenly he heard JC stir in bed. He looked over at him, praying that he wouldn't wake up. No such luck.

"Justin? What are you doing in here?" JC asked sleepily.

It was a good thing Chris had figured out that he was in Justin's body before JC saw him. Otherwise he would have been sent to a mental institution or something.

"Ahh..." Chris thought quickly. "Um... I... I mean CHRIS wanted me to get him some clothes."

JC frowned in confusion. "Why didn't he just get them himself?"

"Because... he... um... hurt his ankle. He's in... MY room right now."

"Oh," JC said, still not fully understanding. "Tell him to be quiet when he comes back. I'm trying to sleep." With that, JC threw his head back into his pillow.

Chris rolled his eyes. Okay... now he just had to find Justin before Joey talked to him. That is... if Justin was even in his body... God, this was confusing!

"Hey, Justin," JC called from his bed.

Chris didn't turn around. He walked over to his suitcase and pulled out an outfit for Justin to wear.


Chris realized that he was talking to him, so he turned around. "What?"

"One more thing... Why are you wearing my pants?"

Chris turned red. He decided to lie. "Um... These aren't your pants. Their Jus- I mean, MINE."

JC's eyes narrowed. "If you wanted to borrow my pants, why didn't you just ask?"

Chris put his hand on the doorknob. "Um... gotta go," he said quickly, rushing out the door.

When he opened the door to Justin's hotel room, he stopped dead in his tracks. Man, was it weird to see his own body lying there. Scary. REALLY scary. This was gonna get really strange...

"Justin! Justin!" he hissed, walking over to the bed and shaking him awake.

Justin heard a very familiar voice calling his name. He figured it must be Joey... Slowly he opened his eyes.

"AHHH!!!!" Justin cried at the sight of his own face.

"Shhh!" the face said, pushing him back down in bed.

"What in the hell?" Justin asked, immediately covering up his mouth. He sounded like... he sounded like... Chris.

"Do you wanna wake Joey up or something?"

"Um..." Justin said slowly. "Are you my twin or something?"

"NO! I mean... I'm you... You're me... I mean..." he stopped. "Okay... So I don't know what I mean. Just take a look in the mirror."

Justin found himself being pulled out of bed and dragged over to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and almost fainted. Staring back at him was Chris. Wait... is this one of those trick mirrors? "You're supposed to be on THAT side of me." Justin pointed.

"That's the thing, Justin. You're not YOU anymore. You're ME. I'm YOU."

Justin took a deep breath as he turned back to the mirror. He shoved Chris... er.. himself... er... whoever it was standing next to him out of the way. "You're right. I AM you. How in the hell did this happen?"

"I have no idea..."

There was a pause.

"Try fitting a pair of MY pants on YOU..." Chris spoke up and Justin smiled.

"Haha! So who's pants are you wearing now?"

"JC's. He caught me too. I had to pretend that I was you. He was kinda confused to why you would be in our room taking his pants... but he was half asleep so I really don't think he was thinking about it too much." Chris paused as he handed Justin his clothes. "Put these on."

Justin slipped on the clothes and then looked back in the mirror. "What in the hell?" he repeated, still shocked to see Chris' face staring back at him. He turned to Chris. "You know... if you think about it... this is kinda funny."


"Yeah... I mean... it's not every day you get to switch bodies with your best friend..."

"No... It's not," Chris agreed. "I still don't see the humor in it though. What if we have to stay like this forever?"

"Hey! Is there something wrong with my body?" Justin asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Well... no..."

Justin grinned. "I didn't think so!"

"God, Justin... You think you're so beautiful, don't you?"

"Well, I am... aren't I?"

"Now I am." Chris smiled.

Justin frowned.

"Justin, you better get back to my room before Joey wakes up. Don't forget... you have to pretend to be me."

"Why can't we just tell the guys?"

"Why can't we? Because they won't believe us, dumbass! They'll think we're crazy or something..."

Justin thought about it. "Good point. Okay. I'll go back to your room."

They walked out of the bathroom and Chris led Justin to the door. "Oh yeah... one more thing. You hurt your ankle."

"I what?"

"I had to tell JC that. Don't ask questions. Just pretend your ankle's sore."

"Fine," Justin agreed as Chris pushed him out the door. "Wait!"


Justin grinned. "I want your ID. I'm old enough to drink now."

Chris rolled his eyes. "It's in my suitcase. Now get out before Joey wakes up!"

"Bye!" Justin said before Chris shut the door.

Chris turned around and he saw Joey staring at him.

"Who was at the door?" Joey wondered.

"Um... Chris was here..."

Joey raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Oh, I don't know. You know Chris..."

"Yeah..." Joey rolled his eyes.

"What is THAT supposed to mean?" Chris frowned, sitting down on Justin's bed.

"What is what supposed to mean?"

Chris sighed. "Never mind."

Justin crept down the hall and opened the door to Chris and JC's room. When he stepped in, JC was sitting up in bed.

"THERE you are," he said as Justin made his way to Chris' suitcase. "I thought you hurt your ankle..."

Justin looked up and stared back at JC. Damn! He had forgotten to pretend his ankle hurt! "Um... I did. It's feeling better now. Still a little sore... but better," he replied, giving JC a huge grin.

JC looked at him funny. "You seem... different."

"What do you mean? I'm just the same ol' Chris..." Justin chuckled nervously as he shifted through Chris' things. He picked up a funny looking key chain. Wow... Chris sure had a lot of strange things...

Unaware that JC was watching him, Justin picked Chris' wallet up. He smiled when he saw Chris' license. Now that he was twenty-seven... what could he do?

"Um... Chris..." JC started. "Why are you staring so intently at your license?"

"Ah..." Justin slammed the wallet shut and threw it in the suitcase. "I just wanted to make sure that..."

"That what?"

"Well, for some reason I thought I might have put 'blue' under the... you know... eyes section. I just wanted to make sure that I put brown," Justin lied.

JC raised an eyebrow. "Why would you put blue?"

Justin thought for a second. "Um... I wasn't feeling well that day. You know... I'm CHRIS. I'm crazy!"

JC was still staring at him. "Are you sick now, Chris?"

Justin raised an eyebrow. "Could be."

"Whatever, sicko. Get dressed. We have a photo shoot in an hour."

Justin went back to shuffling through Chris' things.

The group met in the lobby. Justin and Chris smiled at each other. What a day this would be...

"Who's gonna drive?" Lance wondered as they made their way out to the car.

"Chris can drive," JC yawned.

Everyone piled into the car.

Joey leaned forward from the back seat. "Um... Justin," he said, looking at the driver. "I thought Chris was gonna drive..."

Chris shot a look at Justin. One of them should have caught that... "Ah..." Chris started. "Chris said that I could drive. Right, CHRIS?"

Justin looked up. "Right, JUSTIN."

Joey, Lance and JC exchanged a look. SOMEthing was up...

"Green Light," Lance pointed out and Chris stepped on the gas.

When they reached the photo shoot, everyone climbed out and went into the studio.

"JUSTIN! JUSTIN!" they heard a female voice shout.

Justin spun around. Crap... it was his girlfriend. NOW what was he gonna do? He nudged Chris.

"Oh..." Chris said, waving. "Hi, Gracie!"

"If you touch her, I'll kill you," Justin whispered to Chris through clenched teeth.

"I won't!" he promised right before Gracie flew into his arms. "Hi..."

"Justin, I missed you," she said, kissing Chris' face.

Justin just stood there glaring.

"Come on," JC called. "We're gonna be late!"

Everyone walked inside and took a seat on some couches. Chris found Gracie in his lap.

"Why is Chris looking at us like that?" Gracie whispered to him.

"He just broke up with his girlfriend."

"Oh... well, that explains it."

Chapter 2
Chris {Fiction}
Justin {Fiction}
My Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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