I Get Carried Away... Chapter 1

Justin pulled off his shirt and stretched out on the chair. "Why is it so hot in here?" he wondered as he wiped his brow with the back of his hand.

"Gee, I don't know," Faith teased. "Could it be because the temperature is one-hundred and two degrees?"

"But shouldn't this place be air conditioned?"

Faith stared at him. "You're right... maybe the power's out..."

Justin reached over and flicked the lights on. "Nope. We still have power."

Maybe the air condition is broken..."

"Could be..." Justin thought about it. "You would think they would have people to FIX that sort of thing."

"You would think... wouldn't you...?"

Suddenly, he leapt up and tried to grab her arm to pull her up, but they were both covered in sweat and his hand slipped away.

"Come on," he laughed. "Let's go for a swim."

Faith's eyes lit up. "A swim?"


"That sounds good..."

They both changed into their bathing suits and headed for the indoor pool... or one of the many. The truth was that Eric's fiancé's parent's house was huge. It was a mansion. Justin and Faith had already seen two pools. There could be more...

"I still can't believe your brother is getting married to some rich girl..." Justin said as they sauntered into the pool area. Faith nodded as she watched him take off towards the pool.

"I'll be in before you!" Justin called as he jumped into the deep end of the unoccupied pool. Faith giggled and jumped in after him. They surfaced and immediately began splashing each other.

"You two are acting like little kids..." a voice echoed through the room.

Faith and Justin looked up only to see none other than Richard Pratt... soon to be Eric's brother-in-law. He was a year older than them and Justin couldn't help but glare at the smirk plastered across Rich's face.

Clad in red trunks and wearing a fluffy white towel around his shoulders, Rich walked up to the edge of the pool and sat down, dangling his feet in the water.

Faith and Justin exchanged annoyed glances, both wishing that Rich would leave.

"What do you want?" Justin finally asked.

"Well, JUSTIN," he paused to kick water at them. "I wanted to go for a swim. Is that a problem?"

"There are OTHER pools here."

"Well, yeah... but I can't bother you guys in those pools."

"Go to hell," Justin spat out.

"Justin!" Faith grabbed his arm before he could swim nearer to Rich. She clutched the side of the pool, still hanging on tight to her best friend.

"Let me go!" he hissed.

"Pretty big words for such a little man..." Rich muttered as he picked at a piece of tile.

That set Justin off and he tore away from Faith's grasp and swam over to Rich.

Justin wasn't little... he wasn't big either. Rich just happened to be bigger.

"Justin! Stop!" Faith cried, going after him Just as he reached Rich, Rich jumped up and stepped away from the pool. Justin intended to crawl out after him, but Faith pulled him back into the water.

"What are you DOING!?" he cried once Rich had left the pool area.

"I didn't want you to get hurt..." she explained.

Justin's eyes widened in shock. "You don't think I could TAKE him?"

She grabbed his shoulders and pulled herself closer. "Justin, listen to me... In two days my brother will be getting married... to Rich's sister. Do you REALLY want to fight with him?"

Justin looked down at the water in shame. Now he wished he could take back his actions. "No... I guess not..." he mumbled.

"Good," she said as she pulled him in for a hug. "Now let's forget about that jerk and have some fun.

Rich watched from around the corner. He had listened in on their conversation and he grinned. He thought about how easily Justin had given in when Faith touched him and spoke to him softly. He watched as Faith pushed Justin's head under and he came up laughing as he began chasing her around the pool. 'This is gonna be easier than I thought...'

"You better watch it! 'Cause when I catch you there'll be NO mercy!" Justin warned as Faith grinned at him from the other side of the pool. "Absolutely NONE!"

She screamed as he took off after her and she swam to the left. Justin quickly switched courses when he noticed her change in direction.

It didn't take long before he had succeeded in grabbing her by the waist and holding on tight so she couldn't escape.

"Justin, you let me go this instant!" she exclaimed, but his grin just got larger as he leaned to whisper something in her ear.

"I said, no mercy... now... Take a deep a breath!"

Faith obeyed and he dunked her, quickly pulling her back up and wrapping his arm around her waist once again, this time facing her.

"This is the LAST time I go swimming with YOU!" she claimed, giving him a look of disapproval.

Justin laughed. "Well, did you think you could get away with dunking me?" he asked.

Faith thought about it. "No... not really..."

"You like being chased... don't you?"

"No! Now let me go!"

"Over my dead body!"

"You WILL be dead if you don't let go!"

"Oh, yeah? What're ya gonna do about it?"

Faith finally cracked a smile as she realized he was right. He had her good... REALLY good.

"I KNEW that you liked being chased!"

"I do NOT!"

Then it turned silent and they just stared at each other. Justin cleared his throat nervously and loosened his arms from her waist. She pushed them farther away and then took a few steps toward the deep end. "Finally..."

Justin leapt after her and grabbed her again. She giggled and pushed him away. "Stop it!"

"Admit it," he said in her ear. "You like it!"

"I will NOT admit it!"

He chuckled as she slipped away once again. She splashed his chest. "So, what do you wanna do now?"

Justin thought about it. "I don't know... what time is it?"

"I don't know... six... are you hungry?"

He patted his stomach. "Now that I think about it.."

Faith reached through the water and took his hand. "Come on," she said as she led him toward the steps. "Let's go eat."

Justin smiled he LOVED having Faith as his best friend.

They dried off and then walked through the huge halls and to the kitchen. Justin pulled himself up on the counter but Faith pulled him back down. "Don't sit there... you're all wet!"

He sighed, following her to the cupboard and watching her pull it open. "Where's all the food?" he wondered when all he saw was fancy looking crystal pieces.

"Where's the refrigerator...?"

Justin looked around. "I have no clue."

They finally found it... hidden in the wall for some strange reason that neither of them knew.

They made sandwiches and then brought back to Justin's room. They made themselves comfortable on the bed. Justin reached in his duffel bag and pulled out a video cassette. "Look what I brought..." he grinned, waving it in front of Faith's face.

She grabbed it and read the label. "Edward Scissors Hands!" she exclaimed, jumping up from the bed and popping it into the VCR. "You rock, Justin."

"I know... I know..." he said, not so modestly when she sat down beside him and grabbed a pickle from his plate. "Hey! That was mine!"


"You should have gotten your own pickles."

"You'll get over it, sweetie."

"Yeah..." He reached over and took a chip. "There. We're even."

"Good," she said as the opening credits began to play. "Wait! Stop the movie!"


"Because I want to change first."

"Me too."

Five minutes later, Faith returned to Justin's room in a small white T-shirt and khaki shorts. She plopped down next to him and pressed play on the remote.

When they had finished eating, Justin set their plates on the floor and leaned back against the pillows.

"You know what?" he asked halfway through the movie. "It's not any cooler in here than it was before... I think I'm going to sweat to death." He pulled off his shirt and threw it to the floor.

"You're right." Faith agreed as she moved to take her shirt off also.

"What are you DOING?" Justin cried as he leapt toward her and held the hem of her shirt down.

"What? So you can take your shirt off but I can't?" she wondered, pushing his hands away. "That's not fair."

"But... I... I don't have..." he stammered. "And you do..."

"It's not like I'm not wearing a bra. Besides, you've seen me before."

"When we were SIX! It was completely different!"


"Please don't make me explain..."

Faith lifted her shirt off and threw it next to his shirt on the floor.

"NO!" Justin screamed, shielding his eyes and moving away from her. "Put it back on!"

"God... grow up. You're nineteen, Justin."

"You're making me very uncomfortable here..."

"DEAL with it."

"Deal with it?"

"Yeah." She paused. "Come on... you can look at me."

"No! I can't..."

"Justin... look at me."

Justin didn't say anything. He just peeked through his fingers and groaned, falling face first on to the bed. "Stop it..." he mumbled.

"Stop what?" Faith reached over and rested her hand on his back.

"Quit touching me."

"You're such a baby..." she crawled on his back so that her whole body covered his.

Justin's eyes flew open when he felt her skin pressing against his. "Get off of me..." he said, rolling over. "I'm hot." Now she was straddling his waist and Justin giggled.

Faith frowned. "What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking... What if someone walked in and saw us? What would they think?"

Faith turned red and crawled off of him. "Sorry..."

"It's all right." He sat back up and they finished the movie.

Faith pressed eject and saw that the news was on. "Wow..." she said. "Why is it so HOT?"

"Haven't we been over this?"

"I think so... but it's hotter now."

"What do you wanna do?"

"I don't know... we can talk."

"About what?" Justin wondered.

"Anything. Remember that awful teacher we had in tenth grade?"

"Mr. Hubert?"

"Yeah! That was him! Wasn't he awful?"

Justin chuckled. "Remember how he made his Cs? Like... no curves. They were square!"

"Oh, yeah! That was weird! He was SO stupid."

"Remember how we used to sit together after school every day watching the Young and the Restless and doing our homework?"

"Yeah! Ha! I made you watch soaps!"

"I threw a party when you stopped watching Days of Our Lives."

"Did you?"

"Not literally... but still..."

Faith laughed, grabbing his arm. "God, you're sweating..."

"Can you blame me? I think Rich is trying to cook us!"

Faith laughed harder and soon they were both laughing so hard that they cried.

Justin took a deep breath and hit his pillow, resting his head back down. "Is it ten already?"

"Yep. Wow... we're wimps... I'm exhausted."

"Really. Let's go to bed." He paused, kicking things off the bed. In fact, he kicked everything off except the blankets... and Faith of course. "You're... um... staying... right?"

"If you want me to."

"If you want to."

"All right. I'll stay."

Justin smiled. "Where are you going?" he asked when she got up from the bed.

"Well, I'm not sleeping in these khakis..."

"What ARE you sleeping in?"

"Your boxers."


"Why not? I'm not going back to my room like THIS."

Justin watched in shock as she slipped off her khakis and pulled on a pair of his boxers. His favorite ones... the ones with the baby blue stripes. "Come back here," he said, patting the bed.

She came charging at the bed and almost landed on him.

"Watch it!"

"Sorry... do you want a kiss?"

"For what?"

"Because I'm sorry for almost landing on you."

"Okay," he agreed and she pressed her lips to his cheek. "I'm tired. Let's sleep." He got up and turned out the lights. "Shhh..." he whispered, laying next to her on top of the covers.



They both quickly fell asleep... until around midnight when Faith woke up freezing. She figured that the air must be up and running again. She glanced over at Justin and he looked cold too. She sat up and pulled the blankets out from under herself and Justin. Once they were both underneath the covers, she looked back at her best friend. Slowly, she inched closer to him and pressed her body against his. She heard Justin inhale as his arms went around her waist, pulling her closer. She couldn't tell if he was asleep or not... but it didn't matter, because sleep caught up with her before she had time to think about it.

Justin opened his eyes and became alarmed. He had never waken up before with something so soft and warm in his arms. That's when he realized the mass of brown hair in his face... he was holding Faith... whoa... why was he feeling so much skin? Were they NAKED? He panicked until he reached his hand down and felt his own shorts... good... Faith was wearing shorts too...

Everything from the night before slowly came back to him and he figured that the air must have come back on and they became cold, only to naturally crawl into each other's arms. But he DID have to admit... it felt awfully good to hold her like that... He closed his eyes and just enjoyed the moment, running his hand up and down Faith's arm.

'Wow...' Faith thought as she felt Justin's soft breath on her neck. 'This is nice just laying here...' She noticed fingers on her arm... moving up and down... up and...

She turned around and he jumped, surprised that he had been awake.

Justin gave her a guilty smile. He had been caught. "What?" he asked, his voice cracking.

Faith laughed and buried her face in the crook of his neck. "Nothing," she whispered against his skin.

Justin shivered, pulling her closer, trying to hide it. "What time is it? I can't see the clock from here."

"I can't see anything," she said, this time a little more audible.

Justin laughed and it was Faith's turn to shiver when she felt his body shake. This was getting out of control and they both knew it... that's what made it worse. They felt guilty for giving in... risking their friendship for skin. But it was soft and sweet skin that was too tempting to pass up.

That's when Justin's cell phone rang and they both breathed a sigh of relief... thankful that things hadn't gone too far.

Justin moved out of her arms and reached to the floor. He groped around for a while and finally came up with his phone. "Hello?" he said, putting it to his ear.

"Justin! We can't find Faith! She's not in her room!" came Eric's panicked voice.

"Calm down... she's right here."

"Thank, God," Eric sighed. He paused. "What's she doing in there?"

"She was sleeping."

"Oh... sorry, man. Well, breakfast will be ready in about twenty minutes."

"Thanks, Eric. Bye." He hung up the phone and turned back to Faith who was still snuggled under the covers. He was afraid to touch her, so he laid down in front of her and just stared. That's when he realized the danger. When they looked into each other's eyes... souls were exposed and hearts were explored. He couldn't let her see inside of him. But it was too late. She had seen.

Justin smiled and rolled over. Her. He rolled over HER.

"Ow! Get off of me!" she cried, pushing him to the bed and rolling on top of him. "What are you DOING?"

"Melting..." he confessed.


Justin nodded and grabbed her arms. "You DO that to me," he explained, pulling her closer.

"This is getting weird," she admitted, but didn't move.

"I know," he agreed. "What do we do next?"

"I don't know," she whispered so low that he could hardly hear.

He took a deep breath and pulled her even closer. He wanted to kiss her... REALLY bad. So bad that it hurt because his lips weren't pressed against hers. "What would you do if..."

"If what?"

He couldn't do it. What if she didn't feel the same way? He looked away from her eyes. "Never mind," he sighed. "We should probably get dressed and stuff. When Eric called, he said that breakfast would be ready soon."

Faith noticed that his eyes had suddenly clouded over in thought. She placed her head on his chest and returned his sigh. "I have to take a shower before we go down to the dining room."

"Yeah, me too."

She heard his voice echo through his chest and she smiled. She gave him a squeeze and then tried to roll away so she could go take her shower, but Justin still held her tight.


Chapter 2
I Get Carried Away
Justin {Fiction}
My Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
Email me: irishgirl982@yahoo.com