Justin {Fiction}

All of these stories were written by me, Lori. Reading is good, but copying is bad. ;)

Justin is a criminal, stealing software from big companies and giving the disks his hacker buddies for a share of the profits. He's living the good life, up high in a cozy appartment... but his whole life changes when he meets Adelyn. She's everything he wants... and everything he wants to be. The only thing is that Justin can't tell her about his line of work. She'd never be able to forgive him.
Read: Paying the Consequences
Status: Prologue - Chapter 29 (Completed)

*Sequel to Paying the Consequences*
Justin and his siblings, Phil, Nicki and Kyle have all had rough childhoods. With ten years spanning from Phil to Kyle, they all have different perspectives on life. Justin and Kyle are very much alike, but with the seven year age differences, they don't seem to see eye to eye. Unlike Justin and and his younger brother, he and his older brother, Phil, are complete opposites. They can't stand the sight of each other much less hold a decent conversation. And with so many angry words flowing between the three brothers, Kyle and Phil don't have a clue what to say to each other. Can Nicki, Adelyn and Phil's girlfriend, Lalie, help them get along once and for all?
Read: Breaking the Ice
Status: Chapters 1-34 (Completed)

*Sequel to Paying the Consequences & Breaking the Ice*
Justin, Phil and Kyle have gotten past their differences... or at least they thought they had. Phil accidently accomplishes the one thing Justin has been working most of his life toward. And while Justin and Adelyn have big plans in the making, Kyle just can't seem to keep his hands off of Adelyn's little sister, Evie. Will Phil's insecurities, Kyle's never ending problems, and the fact that his little sister is dating the one person he hates more than anyone else keep Justin from the happiest day of his life?
Read: Keeping the Peace
Status: Chapters 1-23 *ch. 23 is new*

Justin Timberlake, an accidental aspiring photographer, has taken the wrong road as long as he can remember. When his mother forces him to take an offered scholarship to a high profile arts school, he has no options left. Besides the fact that he knows no one, his roommate is Mr. Perfect and the whole school treats him as though they were better than him, Justin is forced to accept his environment. Hayden Pierce, a pretty blond girl who lives across the hall from him, suddenly catches his eye. But can he make due in his new classes and convince her that he's what she needs at the same time?
Read: Metamorphosis
Status: Chapters 1-4

JC feels like the luckiest man alive when he hears the news he's been waiting for. However, something unexpected happens and his view of life changes. How can he help his friend, Justin, and fix everything else at the same time?
Read: Almost A Memory Now
Status: Chapters 1-19 (Completed)

Justin and Chris... best friends, right? That's what they thought... but what happens when a girl comes between them? Can their friendship survive?
Read: Identities
Status: Chapters 1-23

Faith's brother is getting married to a rich girl and her entire family spends the week before the wedding at the Pratt Mansion. Faith brings her best friend Justin, but he clashes with one of the Pratts. How can the possibly get through 7 whole days?
Read: I Get Carried Away
Status: Chapters 1-5

It's Christmastime and Justin's life is in shambles. When he suspects that the whole world is against him all he wishes was that he was never alive... but, what would the world be like without Justin Timberlake?
Read: Take Me Away
Status: Chapters 1-5

My Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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