Metamorphosis... Chapter 2

Justin awoke suddenly, looking at the clock that Darren had so cautiously placed by his bed. Its huge red letters glared at him, reminding him that time was going slow in this hell his mother had put him in.

He rubbed his face, sitting up before running a hand through his hair and messing it up even more then it already was. His ears perked when he heard shouting coming from the hallway.

"This is completely unacceptable. This room is too small. When I asked for a room, I specifically said that it was to be a double. However, I would pay for both people, as to not have a roommate. This single room is not large enough to accommodate my things."

"This is all we have to offer you."

"How long is it before you are able to accommodate me with a larger room?" she wanted to know

Justin listened intently. The girl on the other side of the wall was some rich bitch.

"I knew I should have checked on my accommodations prior to checking in. Thanks to your schools stupidity and negligence to comply with my requests, the movers will have to take half of my things back to the house. I would have bought a condo across the street, however, this hell hole has a rule about living in these trashy dorms during freshmen year. I had scholarships to every major ballet school in this country, but I chose yours. You should find yourself lucky that a Pierce would choose your little school over Julliard. I don’t know why your program is more advanced, but it is. You should at least find it within yourselves to accommodate me."

"Ma'am, we have to accommodate many students, we cannot make an exception because you have money."

"My parents are willing to make healthy donations to your school. You would be more likely to get the money if you are willing to comply with my requests."

Justin was in his room doubling over in a fit of laughter. This girl was making a complete fool of herself.

"Very well," she said.

He heard the soft beeps of a cell phone being dialed.

"Mother..." she said in a whiney voice

Justin became curious. He went to the door turning the knob slowly, hoping that she would not notice him, opened it and took a peek. Her back side was quite nice. As she turned, her blonde hair flowed around her and her blue eyes shone bright. His breath caught in his throat. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

The sunlight from a nearby paneled window, made her hair shine. Her blue eyes met his in a stare until they drifted down to his tattered t-shirt and holey jeans.

“Hold on a second, Mother,” she said into the phone and then put her hand over mouthpiece. “What do you think you’re staring at?”

Justin couldn’t say anything. His vocal cords were suddenly frozen, and the air in his lungs had collapsed.

“Excuse me,” she said with a glare, and then walked down the hall and out of earshot before putting the phone back to her ear.

Justin shrank back inside his room and pulled the door shut until it clicked tight. She may be a wealthy bitch, but she was a gorgeous one at that.

Chapter 3
Justin Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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