Metamorphosis... Chapter 4

Justin woke up the following morning to Darren singing in the shower. He rolled over throwing the pillow over his head.

Darren walked out of the bathroom and over to Justin. "It’s your turn," he said pulling the pillow from over top his head.

"Go the hell away," Justin mumbled. "I am in no mood to be up, I feel like complete shit this morning. I don't think they will mind if I miss one day of the 3-day orientation, "get to know you crap". I don't want to be there, and when they get to know me, they won’t want me to be there."

"Why do you act like you do?" Darren asked sitting on the edge of Justin's bed.

"Number one, get off of my bed. I don't know you or anything about you. But I don't swing in that direction."

"What are you talking about?" Darren thought. "Oh, sorry, I'm not either. I just thought something was wrong and that you might want to talk or something."

"If you shut the hell up, I will get up and go to this damn thing to make you happy, okay?" Justin said sitting up obviously irritated. His eyes were blood shot and hair a complete mess. He ruffled his hair some more going into the bathroom and slamming the door hard knocking something of Darren's shelf.

"Oh man," Darren said loud enough that Justin heard as he turned on the water. Justin then burst into a fit of laughter as he opened the shower door and stepping into stream of warm water. He let the water run over his body for a long time clearing the throbbing pain shooting through his head.

He only stepped out after the water was turning cold, and Darren was pounding on the door screaming, "We have to go…"

He grumbled wrapping a towel around him and stepping out dripping water all over the floor of the bathroom. He dried and changed into the clothes that were set out for him in the bathroom. He looked at them after a moment, "what the hell?" He walked out into the bedroom.

Darren didn't even give him time to talk. "I thought you would like to borrow something nice, since we are going to be meeting girls."

"You are not my mother. Hell, my mother doesn't even pick out my clothes and lay them out for me. And I don't need your charity. I like my clothes just fine." He looked at himself in the new clothing. He had to admit that he looked very nice in them, but it just wasn't him, or was it? "Fine, since we are in a hurry, I will wear them today only. Don't ever pull shit like that again."

"Okay, fine…" Darren said putting his hands up in defense. "I was only trying to help."

"Well don't, because I don't need your help or anyone else's for that matter." Justin said grabbing a hat and walking out the door.

Darren followed behind him as the halls filled with freshmen heading to orientation. They shuffled and stalled all the way, like a bad traffic jam near Grand Central. Justin thought it seemed creepily similar to a herd of cattle going to slaughter. He laughed out loud at the thought.

"What's so funny?" Darren asked, as he had finally seemed to catch up with Justin.

"None of your business," he said shortly trying to walk a little faster to lose Darren in the crowd. He finally succeeded.

"Hi," an older girl with brown hair said all too cheerfully. "Welcome to freshman orientation, can I have your name please?"

"Timberlake comma Justin," he said. She rifled through some papers and handed him his packet. She started to rattle off some activities and things they would be doing. He just walked off in the middle of her speech.

He pushed through a group of jocks and found a seat in the back. He sighed relief and leaned back putting the cap over his head in hopes of catching some more sleep. No such luck, because as he began to drift off too sleep the jocks all pushed past him in a loud roar taking the other backseats.

Not wanting to deal with them and their noise level, he got up and moved past them to the far left, "damn," he muttered. All of the backseats had been taken. He looked around and it had become crowded in the short time that he was asleep. The whole back and balcony sections were full. The middle was almost full only leaving the front open. He looked over groaning as he saw Darren waving to him. He didn't want to, but at least it would look like he had a friend. He shuffled through the aisle and down a few rows. He plopped down in the seat next to Darren. He didn't even say a word before he had that cap back over his face.

"You can't be like that here. They will single you out, and then you will get kicked out," Darren said. "They do not tolerate any laziness."

He just flipped him off face still under the cap.

"That is very rude and very inappropriate," Darren said.

Justin just laughed, "You’re too uptight. Shut up and leave me alone. You're going to have to learn that I never follow the rules ever. Kapishe?" he said in a mocking tone.

"I don't want my ass put on the line for you, because you aren't following the rules. If you sneak out, the roommate also gets in trouble. I don’t want to get in trouble because of you."

"You wont, okay?" Justin said. "I don't get caught, so therefore, you won’t get in trouble."

There was a tap on the microphone, "I would like to take this time to introduce myself," someone said.

"Nap time," Justin said going back to his sleeping position. "Wake me if anything good happens, and I promise to act like I don't know you so that you don't get into trouble," he said patting Darren on the back. He drifted to sleep and continued sleeping for the next 90 minutes missing every bit of information.

He was soon awoken by the voice from the hall yesterday.

"He’s drooling even, how disgusting?" she laughed.

He sat up looking at her. She was just too damn beautiful.

"Did you not hear the instructions that were given?" she said rolling her eyes and talking slowly.

He looked around everyone was gone almost except a small group of people surrounding him, "Fucking Darren, where the hell is he?" he mumbled to himself. He rubbed his eyes and turned his head to the left seeing Darren sitting with a pretty girl. "That explains it, so...." he said to the girl. "What were these instructions?" he couldn't help but stare at her.

"What are you staring at?" she snapped.

"Well, I uh…" he said running a hand through his hair.

"Well, I uh, what?" she laughed making fun of him. "It’s such a shame that school money cannot be spent on someone with class and an actual education. These days, any idiot and poor person can get into the finest schools." She showed no sign of emotion or caring that she had hurt his feelings.

Chapter 5 (coming soon!)
Justin Fiction
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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