Moving On... Chapter 1

Thumbing through the baby clothes, Anna Lang wasn't sure if she should look for boys or girls clothes. She was only three months along but both her and her husband, Evan, decided they wanted the sex of the baby to be a surprise. She rubbed her tummy and thanked God for this child. She had been married to Evan for five years and in the beginning it had been a wonderful marriage but that didn't last long. Evan came from a rich and powerful family, the Piedmont's, that owned half of California. Anna never understood growing up why they settled in Harris. Harris was a nice quiet town but very small. Not a usual place for a jet setting family. But the Piedmont's had made it their home for several year's and the town wasn't complaining since it attracted sightseers and thus brought some money in.

Anna did have a lot to be thankful for concerning Evan. He was right there after her father had died in that horrible car accident. An accident that still bothered Anna to this day. They soon married and Anna thought she was a princess until she discovered Evan's temper. It was all done in innocence she thought at the time. She had wanted to surprise Evan before their first wedding anniversary so she planned a second honeymoon - a cruise through the Hawaiian Islands. Anna always loved the ocean, it seemed to call to her.

Evan was thrilled with the cruise until he had seen the bathing suit Anna had bought to wear. It wasn't even anything revealing by any means but for some reason it triggered something inside of him that Anna would never forget. She clutched her face at the thought of it. Ever since then she had to be careful around him or that temper would surface and Anna would be the victim of it. He was always careful not to leave bruises for people to see and he told her that no one would believe her if she said anything, after all he is a Piedmont.

Anna had thought of leaving several times but somehow Evan always found out and she paid the price dearly. But now, founding out she was pregnant had almost saved her. Evan seemed like he was a changed man and even smiled more. It was almost like being newlyweds again but Anna was still careful.

"Anna there you are! I tried calling to see if you wanted to have lunch. Are you okay? You seem like your in another world!" It was Shelly, Anna's best friend growing up and her one confidant now.

"Hey Shel, yes I'm fine just thinking that's all. So which one should I get, the blue or the pink one?" Anna almost glowed as she held up the two tiny outfits.

"Well," Shelly patted Anna's tummy, "it doesn't matter does it, as long as the baby is healthy."

Shelly was always the one with perspect of and had a calming effect on Anna and in the last few years, Anna's lifeline. They were as close as two sisters could ever be.

"If your done looking at the baby stuff, let's go check out some new tennis outfits they just got in!" Shelly said pulling Anna along.

Shelly was an avid tennis player and could have been pro but had a knee injury right after High School graduation and gave up her dream. These days you can find her at the country club, owned by the Piedmont's, giving tennis lessons.

"You want another tennis outfit? Really Shel, your going to have to invest in another closet." Anna seen the look Shelly gave her but ignored it.

"Ok, ok I give up but I am starving and you and your babe need to eat so let's go to the new Mexican place."

"Yum Mexican, we are both in agreement there." Anna's eyes twinkled while her short legs tried to keep up with Shelly's long ones.

"Let's walk, the exercise will do us both good." Shelly said as her short auburn hair bounced as she walked.

"If you don't slow down I'm not going! We're not in a marathon," Anna was huffing trying to keep up. She had always been in shape but it seemed like Shelly was always in a hurry and this pregnancy drained some of her energy.

"Oh sorry momma to be, my stomach is talking. I promise I will go slower."

The smell of Mexican food filled the air so they knew they were close. Just then they were both startled by a small horn blow. They turned and their was Evan slowing down and pulling up alongside them in his trendy sports car. The car Anna had wanted but Evan told her she shouldn't be riding in such a thing.

"Oh great," Shelly mumbled and rolled her eyes. She detested Evan Piedmont for everything he had done to Anna. The main reason she stayed at the country club was to keep a closer eye on him. It didn't hurt that her boyfriend Todd worked there too.

"Be nice Shel!" Anna whispered to her friend.

"What are two beautiful ladies doing walking around?" Evan knew how to put it on thick when he wanted to.

"Us? We are going to check out the new Mexican place and besides baby has to eat." Anna patted her stomach and fluttered her eyes. She to knew how to work it when she had to.

"Ok then, just don't stay there all day. We have plans later," Evan gave her the look then drove off.

"Does he have to do that? Sneak up like that?" Shelly was annoyed.

"I was going to tell you this, but here lately it seems like he's watching my every move. But then again I could be wrong."

Shelly didn't doubt that Evan was watching Anna and had the strangest feeling that something awful was going to happen.

Chapter 2
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