Moving On... Chapter 10

In between the houses, Anna caught glimpses of the ocean and felt right at home. She didn't realize how much she had missed it. Sure she lived in California but Evan detested the beach so they never went. She directed Blake down a curvy road with tall pine trees on either side. She rolled her window down and took a breath of fresh air. She was feeling better already. About a mile down the road was the cottage and it looked almost the way she had remembered. It was a little overgrown but nothing that Anna couldn't handle. She gingerly stepped out of the car and smiled at her surroundings.

"Wow, it's beautiful out here and you can hear the ocean. What a perfect spot!" Blake really wanted to take pictures but thought he should wait. Besides he loved seeing the smile on Anna's face.

"Yes, this is a perfect spot, perfect for resting and relaxing. Since you were so kind to drive me here, would you like a tour?" Anna didn't want Blake to go just yet.

"I would love one!"

She dug out her key and slowly opened the door. She was glad that her father's friend, Alvin, was the caretaker and halfway kept the place up. He had been in poor health recently but it wouldn't take long to shape it back up again.

"I'm impressed, it's small but very cozy. That fireplace really sets the room too." Blake roamed through the furnished cottage in awe.

"Yes after my father died, his friend, Alvin who lives nearby, kept an eye on the place for me. I need to go and tell him soon that I'm here."

"Well, I feel like I'm intruding and I do have some work to do. I noticed a hotel a couple of miles back with a restaurant in it. So here's the question. Anna Almond, would you like to have dinner with me tonight? No strings, I just hate eating alone and you can give me the low down around here." Blake hoped he didn't sound too eager.

Anna hesitated at first but thought why shouldn't she have dinner? "Sure Blake, I would love to. How about I meet you there? The walk would do me some good."

"Then it's a date," he said his eyes twinkling and left before Anna could respond.

After what seemed like an eternity, Shelly managed to untie the ropes that bound her hands. She pretended to still be tied up waiting for the perfect opportunity to get out. She could tell by the phone conversations Evan had that he knew exactly where to find Anna. He had given his help orders to go ahead and enter the cottage if he didn't get there within the hour. She peeked out the window and seen the huge pine trees and could feel that they were closer.

"Evan please, think about what your doing. Just let Anna be free and you can move on with your life!"

"Didn't I tell you an hour ago to be quiet?" He said it in a very monotone voice.

They turned down the very same curvy road Anna and Blake were on and Shelly knew once the car stopped she had to somehow stop Evan.

Anna took her small bag to her room and was happy to see the canopy bed was still there. She decided tomorrow she would tidy up then worry about how she was going to divorce Evan. She had a dinner to get ready for and hadn't felt this excited about anything for along time. She started for the bathroom for a quick shower and noticed the picture that sat on her bedside table of her and her father. It had been taken the last time they had been up here. A single tear slide down her cheek as she remembered and missed her father. She wandered how different her life could have been if he hadn't been taken from her. She couldn't think of that now and headed for the shower. Anna turned on the water as her front door lock was being picked open.

Chapter 11
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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