Moving On... Chapter 11

Evan's hired hand almost had Anna's lock picked. He stopped before opening the door and wondered exactly what he had gotten himself into. Sure, Evan Piedmont paid well but wasn't this going alittle too far? Evan had told him if he wasn't there to go ahead and go in and "secure" the house. Evan's idea of secure was to keep Anna quiet until he got there. He opened the door and could hear the water running.

"Damn it, I do have morals and I can't and won't do his dirty work any longer!" He shut the door and knew he had to leave fast and disappear. He had saved enough money he that he thought a nice tropical vacation, extended of course, was in order.

Anna stopped lathering herself with the raspberry body wash, thinking she heard someone coming in.

"Anna, quit! Evan doesn't know you're here!" She continued with her shower shrugging off the notion.

Quickly dressing in a khaki skirt and red shirt, she looked in the mirror and thought not too bad fora rush job. Her bruised cheek was doing well and she could move without hurting. She still had a huge empty feeling inside but she tried not to think about that. She would later, alone.

The car came to a stop just down the road from the cottage.

"Get out and do anything stupid you will regret it!" Evans voice was quiet but forceful. He drug Shelly out and didn't notice that her hands were free but did feel a hard object bluntly hit his head. He looked at Shelly before hitting the ground and seen the wrench in her hands. His world then went dark.

Anna opened the door to leave and noticed it was unlocked.

"That's odd, I know I locked it." She was making sure it was secure when she heard a familiar voice yelling her name.

"What the.....oh my God Shelly?"

"Anna, thank goodness your okay! I was sure Evan's goons had gotten to you. We have to get somewhere safe fast! I hit him but not sure if it cracked that hard head of his or not." Shelly was struggling to maintain an even breathing tone.

"Whoa, stop! What are you talking about?" Anna pulled away from the vice grip that Shelly had on her wrist, thinking at first that her best friend had lost her mind.

"We can't stop! Do you have a car?"

"No, I don't. Now tel me what is going on?" Anna was starting to get frightened. She had never seen Shelly like this before.

"Great, no car and your out here in the sticks. There's a mad man that could be on the loose! I swear this could make a great movie of the week." Shelly pulled Anna back into the cottage and locked the door while grabbing a chair to put up against it for more security.

She started to make sure all of the windows were locked when Anna said, "Madman? You don't mean Evan do you?"

"Oh girlfriend you just don't know the half of it!" Shelly proceeded to fill Anna in.

Chapter 12
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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