Moving On... Chapter 12

"My head, what the hell happened?" Evan rubbed it and tried spitting the sand that was in his mouth from when he fell. He slowly got up and noticed everything was a bit blurry.

"That witch, when I get a hold of her," Evan was yelling at himself like a crazed man.

He half staggered to the car thinking he would just drive over to the cottage instead of walking but couldn't find his keys.

"Well, if they want to play hard,then let's go for it!"

He found his bearings after a few minutes and slowly made his way to Anna.

"Oh my Shelly! He didn't hurt you did he?" Anna was as white as a sheet after Shelly filled her in.

"No Anna, I'm not on his list to hurt, you are. He just wanted to scare me that's all. I do have his car keys but not sure how to get the car since he is laying there beside it."

Anna paced back and forth knowing they were both in danger.

Blake looked at his watch while sipping the brandy he had ordered.

"She's late, great looks like I have been stood up!"

He was really looking forward to his dinner and finding out more about Anna. He had felt chemistry between them and knew she had felt it too. But she had been hurt badly before and he did have to becareful not to scare her off.

"I'll give her a few more minutes, then I'll call."

What seemed like hours to Evan was only a few minutes and he had somehow managed to make it to the cottage. He rubbed his head feeling the huge knot that was forming. Looking at his hand he seen some blood too but he couldn't think of that now. He had to get to Anna and take her back to his house and make sure she knew that leaving him was the wrong thing to do.

"I do love you Anna and I know I have made huge mistakes but you can't leave me. Our baby needs us." Evan was talking to the front door and almost had forgotten that they lost the baby.

"I will make you mine again, I will do what I have to to make sure of that!"

He reached for the door handle and found that it was locked.

"Of course, Shelly made it here before me. I will have to silence her, then Anna and I can have our life back." He turned towards the back of the house trying to find a way in.

"Shelly, do you hear that or am I going crazy? I swear I just heard Evan's voice!" Anna didn't want to panic but was on the verge of just that.

"Calm down Anna, I will take care of it. Obviously his hard head can take alot!" Shelly wasn't sure how she was going to stop him but she had to, for the sake of her and her friend.

Chapter 13
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I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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