Moving On... Chapter 13

Evan's head continued to throb but he was on a mission and ignored it. He was at the back of the cottage and knew it was just a matter of time before Shelly and Anna figured out where he was. He looked around for something to break a window since everything was locked. Spying a brick, he went to pick it up, his back to the door, when he felt someone tapping his shoulder.

"What the....who the hell are you?" Evan stammered.

Blake looked at this half crazed man with a brick in his hand and was glad he had decided to come over instead of calling. Obviously Anna was in some kind of danger.

"I was going to ask you the same question. Who are you and what are you doing?" Blake pointed to the brick and noticed the dried blood on his hands. Blake's heart almost stopped and hoped it wasn't Anna's.

"That's really none of your business now is it? Leave before I do something we will both regret!" Evan's eyes had a wild look to them and Blake knew there was no reasoning with him. He started for the hand with the brick but Evan was somehow quicker and Blake ended up on the ground. He heard the window break and Anna scream. He had to get up fast but that brick Evan had, made contact with Blake's head and he was fighting not to slip into unconsciousness.

Anna and Shelly heard the window break and Anna couldn't help but scream. Shelly dragged her to the door and decided their only chance was to make a run for it. If they could make it to Evan's car they would be homefree. After fumbling with the lock they felt the sun on their backs as they started out of the cottage. Only Evan had made it to the door also and grabbed Anna's hair, jerking her back to him. Shelly felt her friend's hand slip away and looked back.

"Don't come one step closer!" Evan shouted hat her as he held Anna by the throat.

"Shelly, do what he says," Anna almost couldn't breath but knew it was a losing battle fighting Evan. "Shut up you witch! I didn't say you could talk!" Evan hissed at Anna and slammed the door leaving Shelly standing outside. Only Evan didn't realize that Blake had made it in the house and was hiding in the hall, waiting.

Chapter 14
Hosted {Fiction}
I'll Never Stop {Fiction}
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